When you’re studying at university, it’s common to feel like you’ve got a lot on your plate and can’t seem to balance your time. Don’t worry, there are ways to tackle this.

It sounds like you’re aware of the importance of work-life balance, but you’re not quite there yet. When you’re studying at university, it’s common to feel like you could manage your time better. Don’t worry, there are ways to tackle this.

It’s great that you feel you’re effectively managing your time and have established a positive work-life balance.

To keep yourself on track, check out our study timetable. If you’d like further support maintaining your work-life balance, visit the Student Health and Wellbeing website.

When you’re studying at university, you may feel like you don’t have an ideal balance between your studies and your personal time. Don’t worry, there are ways to find that balance.

When you’re studying at university, you may feel like you should be constantly working and this can result in having less time to relax. Don’t worry, there are ways to tackle this feeling.