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News about wellbeing from the Press Office and more.

What's new

Supporting survivors of sexual violence in healthcare

Current Newcastle University medical student Elizabeth Evens, and alumni Dr Aysha Haddington-Ahmed and Dr Freya Dodgins, are working to introduce comprehensive, compassionate education about sexual violence for medical students

Student Minds Mental Health Charter

Sally Ingram, Director of Student and Colleague Health and Wellbeing, highlights the vital efforts of students and colleagues in aligning our university-wide approach to student mental health with the Student Minds Mental Health Charter Framework.

Talk Money Week 2024

Talk Money Week is a great opportunity to remind you of the financial support you can access from the University and Students’ Union.

Wellbeing news from the Press Office

Scientists unveil world-leading technology to speed up drug discovery

A new 3D bio-printer that produces human-like tissue holds the potential to revolutionise the discovery of new drugs for cancer, heart disease and arthritis.

National Battery Training and Skills Academy officially opened

A new skills programme for the regional battery industry has been officially launched.

Newcastle Pro-Vice-Chancellor chosen as CBI North East Chair

Professor Jane Robinson, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Engagement and Place at Newcastle University, has been appointed Chair of CBI’s North East Council.