Staying Safe
When you're on campus, you'll be as safe as possible. If you need support, there are a number of options available.
Emergency and crisis support
Urgent and emergency care - ☎ 999
Papyrus Hopeline247 - ☎ 0800 068 4141
Wellbeing support
Our resources page offers support and advice
Request wellbeing supportSafeZone
We're supported by SafeZone, a free app available to our students and colleagues. If you need help while you're on campus (including Singapore and Malaysia) and undergraduate student accommodation, it'll connect you directly to our security team.
When you raise an alarm, the app will alert our on-campus security team of your situation and location. The team can co-ordinate the help you need quickly to ensure your safety.
SafeZone only shares your location when you ask for help or check in on campus. Its privacy feature means it doesn’t track you at other times.
University Security Team
Our University Security team is available 24/7 for emergencies on campus. This includes support if you're worried about your own physical or mental health or a fellow student's.
Call security on 0191 208 6817.
Find our Security Office
They are located within the Barras Building, behind Northern Stage and King's Gate.
Our what3words address is: ///intent.evenly.agreed
Campus police officer
The Neighbourhood Beat Manager for Newcastle University is PC 2458 Gary White. You can contact him directly if you need help:
Phone: 0191 208 6817
Contact 999 for emergencies or the Northumbria Police switchboard 101 for non-emergencies.
You can also use our student drop-in sessions, which are available at the following times (term time only):
- Student Union - Level 0 in the Student Advice Centre, Monday, 12:00-14:00
We hold these sessions to allow students the opportunity to speak with a police officer in a safe environment and ask questions or share any concerns. The police officer can also offer practical advice and guidance on crime prevention and personal safety.

Safe taxi
During term time if you are stranded with no money to get home, but have your student card with you, you can use our Safe Taxi scheme.
Call Budget Taxis on 0191 298 5050 and quote reference NEW02.
You'll need to give your name and student number to book your taxi, but the driver will not need to keep your student card.
You can use our Safe Taxi scheme at any time of the day, and it covers the cost of up to an £8 fare. The Students' Union will get back to you for a check-in and to arrange the payment.
In an emergency situation when a taxi is not appropriate, call the Police via 101 (non-emergency) or 999 (emergency).
Emergencies on campus
If you are worried about your own safety or the safety of a fellow student, call University Security on 0191 208 6817 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).