Our University, at its heart, is international in its outlook. Leaving the EU will not change our deep commitment to our global approach.
Welcoming students and staff from across the world
Whatever Brexit arrangements are finally agreed, we are committed to ensuring our University continues to be a welcoming and vibrant place for everyone.
Fees and funding
If you begin your degree during or before the academic year 2019-2020, you will still be eligible for home student fees and financial support. This won't change throughout your degree.
Study Abroad: Erasmus+
Erasmus+ is a European Union-funded programme, which encourages students in higher education to spend part of their studies in another European country. The current programme ends on 31 December 2020.
- Read more about the impact of Brexit on the Erasmus+ programme.
See our Staff website for the latest information about:
- staff loans and financial support for Permanent Residence and Settled and Pre-Settled Status
- research and other higher education issues
We know that a global, diverse community is part of who we are as an institution.
Contact us
- HR:
- Research:
- Student mobility (Study Abroad):
- Contingency planning:
- Communications: