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Equality Analysis

Equality Analysis is a systematic analysis of a policy, strategy, service, system, project, plans or any activity that involves people.

Predictive tool for determining equality

Before implementing any changes, we use a predictive tool to evaluate:

  • the potential future impact of a new policy/procedure
  • changes in the way we deliver our services
  • introduction of a new service or closure of a service

Asking the right questions

Equality analysis determines the extent of any differential or adverse impact on under-represented groups. In other words, it should ask questions such as whether any group is being:

  • discriminated against
  • placed at a disadvantage as a result of the policy or function

Considering alternatives to adverse impact

If there is an adverse impact, alternative policies can help to:

  • promote equality of opportunity
  • eliminate discrimination
  • promote good relations among diverse groups

We also use alternative policies as a tool to support continuous improvement across the University.


Equality analysis has to be undertaken for creation of any of the following:

  • business plan
  • policy
  • strategy
  • regulations
  • procedures
  • framework
  • guidance/guidelines
  • code of practice
  • introducing/reviewing a change in services
  • estates management (including infrastructure, cleaning, accommodation, catering)

Template and guidance

You need to fill out the form based on our guidance.


We should make decisions based on evidence such as HESA benchmarking or survey data. Applicants can access existing data sets or request additional data, where available. 

Staff networks can also be consulted with regarding the proposed change. Consultation should be proportionate to the scale of the activity.


Sign-off should be at the appropriate level for the activity. For example, the School Executive Board approves a new school policy. The Head of School would then sign this policy off.

Faculty guidelines would go forward to Faculty Executive Board. The Faculty's Pro-Vice-Chancellor would then sign these off. Within Professional Services, the level of approval will depend on the scope of the activity.

A completed equality analysis should be provided as an appendix, or a reasonable justification explaining why it is not required.

Following approval, you should email a signed copy of the equality analysis and the document to: