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Services and Imaging Modalities


Using our cutting-edge equipment, we are able to provide a full service for our customers, including:

  • Advice on experimental planning
  • Image acquisition
  • Data analysis

"Thanks to the team at the Newcastle Preclinical In Vivo Imaging Facility we can now add microCT to our repertoire of tools for post-mortem forensic investigation. The images that this technique produce can provide easily understood documentation of important findings that can be used to help us assist the police with their enquiries."

Tracy Sorkin & Nigel Cooper, NHS Forensic Sciences, Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Training and Equipment Access

We are keen for individuals to access much of our equipment themselves, and can provide the training necessary to gain the required levels of competence and confidence for this to happen. The level of training required varies between each imaging modality and the type of work being performed.

A general introduction to the facility and its equipment is also provided to anyone requiring access, and covers all relevant safety and access procedures.

Equipment availability and booking can be accessed using our online booking calendar.