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Advanced Booking

Find out how to reserve your room.

Update 10 June 2024 - all bedrooms available for Advanced Booking have now been released. 

Important information:

Our last batch of rooms for Advanced Booking have now been released. Advanced Booking will remain open until 30 June to enable you to reserve a room, subject to availability. 

We encourage you to consider all the available accommodation options and to reserve a room via Advanced Booking. This way, you can secure a place now and have peace of mind knowing where you will live. You'll be able to plan your budget, decide what to pack, and research the surrounding area.

If you'd prefer to submit an application to be processed following A-Level results, you can do so. Please remember that you will be applying for the rooms that were not available via Advanced Booking:

LocationRooms available via 'submit an application'*
Bryson Court 111 
Byron Central 88 
Kensington Terrace 27 (excluding studios) 
Manor Bank 148 
Marris House 56 
Newgate Court 60 
Park Terrace 69 
Park View 379 (excluding studios) 
Rosedale Court 100 
The View 51 
Turner Court 78 
Verde 40 
Wellington St Plaza 193 
Windsor Terrace 73 

*this is an approximation of room availability, and is subject to change. 

What is advanced booking?

Our advanced booking option allows applicants to reserve their room at the point of applying. This option is exclusively for full-year undergraduate students who have an unconditional or conditional firm offer and meet the conditions of the new student guarantee. If you are a postgraduate applicant, you'll need to submit an application instead.

We want to assure prospective students that there is no rush to make Newcastle their firm choice university. We will release rooms in batches from the opening of the application portal until mid-June. We do not release all the popular residences or room types at once, we include these in the weekly batches. Therefore, there is no accommodation advantage to making Newcastle your firm choice early in the process. This approach allows students to make informed decisions at their own pace, ensuring a fair and equitable housing allocation process for all.

It’s important to keep in mind that it’s not possible to change your room once you’ve reserved it, even if a room you prefer becomes available later. You should carefully consider your choice before making a reservation.

You don’t sign a contract at the point of reserving a room. This will be available in August, after A-Level results are announced and your place at Newcastle has been confirmed. If you do not obtain your place at Newcastle, or decline our offer, there is no contractual obligation. Your reservation will be automatically cancelled.

If you've reserved a room but find yourself returning to Newcastle through clearing due to a change of course, your initial reservation will be cancelled. However, you will be invited to reapply for accommodation, and further details about this process will be communicated to you.

For eligible students, there's no obligation to reserve a room at the time of applying. As we do not release all the rooms for advanced booking, you have the flexibility to submit an application, which will be processed at a later stage. This approach ensures that all students, whether they opt for advanced booking or not, have a fair chance to secure accommodation that aligns with their preferences.


How to reserve a room

To reserve your room, follow the steps below:

Step 1 – register and log in

To register, you’ll need your UCAS or university reference number. Make sure you use an email address that you check regularly. Avoid using a school or agent's email address as you may miss important emails.

To login, use the nine-digit number you received after registering. Click "Create Application" to start.

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Step 2 - start your application

We'll ask for some information ‘About You’ such as your address and details of a trusted person. You'll then select how you are applying. Only students that are applying as a single student are able use advanced booking. You can choose whether you’d prefer to live in a single or mixed-gender flat. This will determine which accommodation is able to view at the next stage.

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Step 3 – choose your accommodation

You'll then see the accommodation available to reserve. You can use the filters and comparison tools to help you decide which accommodation is best for you. Remember, we'll release rooms on a regular basis, so availability is continually changing.

If you prefer not to reserve a room, click X to submit an application instead.

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Step 4 - reserve your room

Once you select ‘book now’, a confirmation pop up message will appear asking you to confirm that you'd like to reserve that room. Think carefully as you cannot change your mind once you have reserved a room. If you are happy, you can proceed.

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Step 5 - room reserved

Your room is now reserved. You can review your booking from the 'Review Booking' screen.

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Frequently Asked Questions