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Submit an Application

Find out how to submit a traditional application

Information regarding applying for accommodation and pricing is relevant for the 2024/25 academic year and will be subject to change for 2025/26 entrants. Updated details will follow this spring.

Important information: 

The guarantee date for accommodation has now passed. You can still apply for accommodation, but you will not be covered by the New Student Guarantee.

We'll still aim to offer you accommodation, but if this is not possible, we'll tell you as soon as we can. You can find out when we'll process your application on our What Happens Next page.

What is an application?

This option allows you to express an interest in up to three accommodation options. We'll then review your application and try to match you to an available room. Whilst we try our best to offer you accommodation that you have chosen, this isn’t guaranteed.

This option is open to all applicants who have a firm offer to study at Newcastle University. It's the only way postgraduates, couples, and families can apply for accommodation. Plus, it's the route you'll take if you're an undergraduate student that's decided not to use the Advanced Booking option.

Applicants using this method are still covered under our new student guarantee so long as you meet the eligibility criteria.

When you'll find out what room we have assigned you will depend on your application type. You can find a timeline of when we make offers on our What Happens Next? page. 

Please note, once you submit an application it won’t be possible to cancel your application in order to change to Advanced Booking.


How to submit an application

To submit an application, follow the steps below:

Step 1 – register and log in

To register, you’ll need your UCAS or university reference number. Make sure you use an email address that you check regularly. Avoid using a school or agent's email address as you may miss important emails.

To login, use the nine-digit number you received after registering. Click "Create Application" to start.

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Step 2 - start your application

We'll ask for some information ‘About You’ such as your address and details of a trusted person. Next, you'll choose how you're applying: as a single applicant, a couple, or a family. You'll also inform us of any medical needs that we need to consider, and whether you prefer single or mixed gender accommodation.


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Step 3 – choose your accommodation

You'll then see the accommodation available to choose. If you are applying after the guarantee date, you may notice that some accommodation is 'sold out'. You can use the filters and comparison tools to help you decide which accommodation is best for you.

Pick your top accommodation choices and add them to your basket. The page will display how many selections you need to make.

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Step 4 - provide some additional info

We'll then ask you for some additional information. You'll tell us how we should process your application if there is no availability in your chosen accommodation. You do this by ranking four price brackets that you'd like us to search in to find you an alternative room. Depending on your application type, we may also ask you for your arrival and departure dates.

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Step 5 - submit

When you’ve completed your application, click submit. If you change your mind about your preferences later, just log in to your accommodation portal to update your application. You’re able to do this up until 30 June.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What's the difference between advanced booking and submitting an application?

Advanced booking is exclusively available to full-year, single undergraduate applicants. It offers eligible students the opportunity to reserve a room immediately.

In contrast, submitting an application is available to all applicants. It follows the traditional application route where you select your preferred accommodation, then we assign a room for you.

Will there still be accommodation available if I choose to submit an application?

Rest assured, we will offer all guaranteed students a room, regardless of their application method.

If you're an undergraduate student and have chosen to submit an application instead of using advanced booking, we've reserved a percentage of each accommodation for applicants like you.