What Happens Next?
Find out when you’ll hear from us and how we'll process your application.
Information regarding applying for accommodation and pricing is relevant for the 2024/25 academic year and will be subject to change for 2025/26 entrants. Updated details will follow this spring.
What happens next?
When we'll process your application and offer you accommodation, depends on how and when you applied. Select your applicant type in the left-hand panel to find out when you'll hear from us.
We process all applications in line with our Allocations Policy. We make every effort to accommodate you according to your preferences but in some instances, we may need to offer you an alternative. Don’t worry, you’ll have a great experience wherever you live.
For specialist allocation information including information for under-18s, LGBTQA+, care experienced or estranged students, please refer to our Allocations Policy.
The information and dates below should be used as a guide only. Occasionally, we may need to change things due to unforeseen circumstances. If this happens, and we need to make a change, we'll let you know as soon as possible. Please make sure you monitor your emails and read any updates that we send.
If you're an undergraduate student who met the terms of the guarantee, you'll hear from us from A-Level Results Day onwards. How we process you will depend on which application option you chose.
Advanced booking
If you reserved your room using the advanced booking option, you already know your room type and residence. You'll find out your exact flat and room number in your contract. You'll get your contract after 15 August 2024 and once you've confirmed your place at the University. We'll send you an email letting you know your contract is ready. You'll then have two days to accept your contract online.
If you've reserved a room but returned to Newcastle through clearing due to a change of course, your initial reservation will be cancelled. You can see how we'll process your application in the 'Clearing and Insurance' section below.

Submit an application
If you chose to submit an application, we'll process your application from 16 August 2024. Once your place at Newcastle is confirmed, you'll be assigned a random number by our system. We use this number to determine which order to process applications in. We'll try to match you to accommodation that you have chosen but this is not always possible.
Once we have assigned you a room, we'll send you an email to let you know. You'll have three days to action the offer of accommodation we've made you.

For postgraduate students, we begin processing guaranteed applications from 1 July 2024. We'll continue processing applications until our accommodation reaches full capacity. Your application will be given a random number which determines the order of allocation. We'll try to match you to accommodation that you have chosen but this is not always possible.
Once we have processed your application, you will receive an email with your provisional room allocation. However, your contract won't be available to sign until August.
If you are not guaranteed accommodation (for example, because you are a PGR student or your place was confirmed after the guarantee deadline), you can see how we'll process you in the 'non-guaranteed' section below.

Couple and Family
We do not guarantee couple or family accommodation. We operate on a first-come, first-served basis. We'll start processing applications for this type of accommodation from 13 May 2024 onwards. Your application will only be processed once you've gone unconditional firm. We'll keep processing applications until the accommodation reaches full capacity. In the event that our accommodation is fully booked, we'll promptly notify all unsuccessful applicants. This will give them the opportunity to seek alternative accommodation arrangements.

Clearing and Insurance
We'll begin processing insurance and clearing applications after we've finished processing students covered by our new student guarantee. We expect this to happen from 27 August 2024, although it may start earlier.
You will be assigned a random number, which will determine the order of allocation. We'll try to match you to accommodation that you have chosen but this is not always possible.
Once we have assigned you a room, we'll send you an email to let you know. You'll have three days to action the offer of accommodation we've made you.

If you aren't covered by our accommodation guarantee, we'll begin to process your application from 30 August 2024 onwards, or as soon as possible after we have processed all of our guaranteed applicants.
We'll still aim to offer you accommodation, but if this is not possible, we'll tell you as soon as possible. We'll collate availability from accommodation providers in Newcastle and we'll share this with you too.