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Student Behaviour

The Student Behaviour Team are responsible for ensuring all students living in our accommodation behave appropriately.

To ensure the safety off all students, we expect you to behave appropriately and adhere to our rules whilst living with us. The Student Behaviour Team is responsible for responding to reports of unacceptable behaviour in university accommodation and will consider disciplinary actions when appropriate.

Below, you can find more information on what we consider to be unacceptable behaviour and the subsequent disciplinary procedures.

Anti-social behaviour

This includes:

  • Noise nuisance
  • Indoor ball games/cycling/road signs/shopping trolley etc
  • Abusive, aggressive, intimidating behaviour
  • Urinating/exposure
  • Other

Anti-social behaviour can result in a fine of up to £300.00. Please refer to our Student Disciplinary Policy for further information on the fine criteria and stages of disciplinary procedures.


This includes:

  • Smoking/vaping
  • Use of candles/incense sticks etc. inside of flat

Engaging in the above behaviour can result in a fine of up to £100.00. Please refer to our Student Disciplinary Policy for further information on the fine criteria and stages of disciplinary procedures.


This includes:

  • Accidental damage to your accommodation
  • Malicious damage to your accommodation

The above can result in up to a £100.00 fine and being required to pay for the full cost of the repair. Please refer to our Student Disciplinary Policy for further information on the fine criteria and stages of disciplinary procedures.

Fire alarm activations

This includes:

  • Fire alarm activations with a wedged door
  • Unattended cooking
  • Attended cooking
  • Aerosol/steam/hair dryer etc.

Engaging in the above behaviour and consequently setting off the fire alarm can result in a fine of up to £50.00. Please refer to our Student Disciplinary Policy for further information on the fine criteria and stages of disciplinary procedures.

Fire safety

This includes:

  • Failure to evacuate (fire drill)
  • Failure to evactuate (general)
  • Interfering or tampering with health and safety equipment
  • Covering /interfering with smoke head, heat detector (bedroom), stove guards, door screamers 
  • Covering /interfering with smoke head, heat detector (communal area) - student identified 
  • Covering /interfering with smoke head, heat detector (communal area) - student not identified 

Engaging in the above behaviour can result in a fine of up to £150.00. Please refer to our Student Disciplinary Policy for further information on the fine criteria and stages of disciplinary procedures.

Drugs/illegal substances

This includes:

  • Possession of illegal substances for personal use: including paraphernalia, psychoactive substances and illegal substances
  • Supplying and/or dealing

Engaging in the above behaviour can result in a fine of up to £100.00. Please refer to our Student Disciplinary Policy for further information on the fine criteria and stages of disciplinary procedures.


This includes:

  • Unauthorised access
  • Extreme mess reports
  • Non-attendance to meetings with Student Disciplinary Team
  • Several ongoing breaches

Engaging in the above behaviour can result in a fine of up to £50.00. Please refer to our Student Disciplinary Policy for further information on the fine criteria and stages of disciplinary procedures.