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Incoming Exchange and Study Abroad Students - Semester Two

Semester Two induction information for students joining us from other universities on exchange or study abroad programmes

Your Semester Two induction programme runs from Monday 20 Janaury 2025.

To help you transition smoothly into university life, we've designed this bespoke schedule for your course. It contains a mix of informative sessions and networking opportunities.

Some activities are specific to your course, while others will introduce you to opportunities and events across the wider University.

You'll find a list of your activities below. Click on an activity title to show the activity description.

Please note that:

  • all activities may be subject to change. Check back regularly for the most up-to-date information.
  • your activities may be a mix of in-person and online sessions. If applicable, links to online sessions will be provided in the activity description. 
  • some acitivities may require sign-up in order to attend. If applicable, sign-up links will be provided in the activity description.
  • most sessions are compulsory, but some are optional - this will be specified in the activity description.

Monday 20th January

11:00 - School Welcome Session

Time: 11:00 to 12:00

Venue: Online

Attendance: Compulsory

Sign-up required: No

Meet your School Exchange Coordinators Gill Holden and Dr Matt Walker and the Placement and Study Abroad Team (Aaron, Anna and Ellen) who will welcome you to the programme and explain how your studies will work.

Click here to join the session on Zoom

Wednesday 22 January

11:00 - Business School Module Information Session - NUBS 1.01 PC Cluster

Time: 11:00 to 12:30

Venue: Newcaste University Business School, NUBS 1.01 PC

Attendance: Compulsory

Sign-up required: No

We will explain how the timetable works and will be on hand to answer questions about Business School modules and review your module choices. 

This is an interactive sessionPlease make sure you have your university IT user name and password. 

Thursday 23 January

14:00 - Business School Module Information Session - NUBS 1.01 PC Cluster

Time: 14:00 to 15:30

Venue: Newcaste University Business School, NUBS 1.01 PC

Attendance: No, only attend if required

Sign-up required: No

We will explain how the timetable works and will be on hand to answer questions about Business School modules and review your module choices. 

This is an interactive sessionPlease make sure you have your university IT user name and password. 

Friday 24 January

10:00 -  HASS Module Fair - Herschel Learning Lab

Time: 10:00 to 11:30

Venue: Herschel Building, HERB.1 Learning Lab and PC Cluster 

Attendance: Optional

Sign-up required: No

This drop-in session is aimed at anyone who is interested in taking a module outside of the Business School.