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Success as Business School renews sponsorship of Thinking Digital conference for 2024

Newcastle University Business School was thrilled to sponsor the Thinking Digital Bursary Programme again this year.

19 June 2024

The sponsorship allowed 25 tickets for the to be allocated to individuals who wouldn’t normally have the opportunity to attend, with 10 spaces held  for Business School students. Successful applicants were given a free ticket for the event.

About Thinking Digital

The Thinking Digital Conference is an annual event aimed at those with an interest in technology where they can discover new ideas and learn about the future of tech. As well as exploring fascinating topics, the event provides networking opportunities, pre-conference workshops and a chance to meet the speakers.

Rebecca Casey, Co-Director of Student Recruitment at the School said: “Thinking Digital offers a unique platform for tech leaders, entrepreneurs, policymakers, and academics to gather, be inspired by engaging speakers, and ignite new ideas, collaborations, and ventures. For instance, we connected a business with a potential funder, which could significantly boost their product development. Additionally, we advanced a research impact project focused on digital transformation for social good.”

This year, the event took place in May at The Glasshouse International Centre for Music (formerly Sage Gateshead). The excellent line up of speakers included Hazel Savage, a musical technologist; Mark Schenk, an origami-inspired engineer; and Dr Jackie Bell, a theoretical physicist and trainee astronaut.

Student experiences

Darya Dyakun, an Undergraduate Erasmus Exchange Student at Newcastle University Business School, attended the Conference and said: “I was amazed by the scale of the event and the range of guests. It was fascinating to make new acquaintances and share backgrounds with each other.

"There were numerous speakers who contributed their expertise in tech, business, and social areas. I took away valuable lessons and tips for both university coursework and personal career development. Afterwards, I was convinced of the necessity to keep yourself up to date with relevant directions and innovative concepts.”

Darya Dyakun at the Thinking Digital Conference 2024, held at The Glasshouse in Newcastle. She is standing on an escalator, smiling, with the Northern Rock Foundation Hall sign visible in the background. The conference venue is modern and busy with attendees

Steven Tan, MSc Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainability student at Newcastle University Business School, also attended the event and added: “The Thinking Digital Conference has motivated me to embrace the opportunities and challenges that I may encounter in my career and life. I'm excited to apply these learnings in my work and collaborate with like-minded professionals who share a passion for innovation and growth.”

Alumni reflections

Alumni from the School were also able to attend. Tejal Jain, a 2023 Marketing and Management BSc graduate, said: “This was my first time attending the Thinking Digital Conference and I loved the experience. I had the opportunity to network with several people and made valuable connections that could benefit me professionally and personally in the future.

"A huge thank you to the Business School for the bursary that made this possible for me.”

The Thinking Digital team are now planning their next event, building on the success of this year, and bringing together more experts and enthusiasts in this field.

Tejal Jain at the Thinking Digital Conference 2024, standing next to a banner with an Albert Einstein quote: