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Creative Writing Postgraduate Research Students

View profiles of our current Creative Writing postgraduate researchers.

Current students

Alison Reid

Doctoral Student in Creative Writing - Alison’s thesis is entitled 'The Atlantic Ocean and the Law of the Sea: A Creative-Critical Consideration of Form in Place, Environmental and Ocean Writing since 1982'.

Amelia Loulli

Doctoral Student in Creative Writing - Amelia’s thesis is entitled ‘The Breath Score: On Poetry and the Performance of Form’.

Anita Pati

Doctoral Student in Creative Writing - Anita’s thesis is entitled 'Ryot: Famine as a Source of Diasporic Unrest: How the Great Odisha Famine 1866 Translates through Colonial Violences into the Diasporic Body'.

Aparna Sivasankar

Doctoral Student in Creative Writing - Aparna’s thesis is entitled 'Fantasies for the Anthropocene: The Human and Nonhuman in Contemporary Fantasy Fiction from the Global South'.

Ben Page

Doctoral Student in Creative Writing - Ben’s thesis comprises of a novel entitled ‘Wolf Eats Wolf’ and a critical essay ‘Temporarily Dissolved’.

Emily Chapman

Doctoral Student in Creative Writing - Emily’s thesis is entitled 'High Fell (collection of short stories) + A Female Rebelliousness: Doubles & Doppelgängers in the Short Stories of Women'.

Gary Evans

Doctoral Student in Creative Writing - Gary is working on a six-part television drama entitled 'Sunder:land: (Crime Drama) + ‘The Past is Never Something Merely to be Discarded’: Habitus, Memory, and Homecomings in Working-Class Writing'.

Gillian Fielder

Doctoral Student in Creative Writing - Gillian’s thesis is entitled 'Saint Cuthbert and the Anthropocene: A New Opus Geminatum for the 21st Century'

Hannah Wilkin

Doctoral Student in Creative Writing - Hannah’s thesis is entitled 'Writing what you (don’t) know: Negotiating Distance and Experience'.

Jasmine Jade Plumpton

Doctoral Student in Creative Writing - Jasmine’s thesis is entitled 'Understanding the ‘New Lens’ of Habitus Dislocation Through Creative Practice (a critical study) + On the Point of Vanishing (a sequence of poems and images)

Javeria Kausar

Doctoral Student in Creative Writing - Javeria’s thesis is entitled 'Hypervigilant Second Person; Rethinking Islamophobia in Contemporary Fiction in English'.

John Lish

Doctoral Student in Creative Writing - John’s thesis is entitled ‘‘Upon this dreary coast’: Fiction, Romantic Biography, and Byron’s Residence at Seaham Hall’.

Kalle Ylitalo-James

Doctoral Student in Creative Writing - Kalle’s thesis is entitled 'Moustache Men: Masculinities, Role models and Crime in Recession Finland'.

Malika Booker

Doctoral Student in Creative Writing - Malika’s thesis is entitled ‘An Alternative History of Stones (poetry collection) + What We Women Inherit: New Caribbean Imaginings of the Biblical Female Narrative'.

Manujya Ghosh

Doctoral Student in Creative Writing - Manujya’s thesis is entitled 'The End of the World and Other Mundane Things: The Affect of Climate and Apocalypse Warnings'.

Martin Heslop

Doctoral Student in Creative Writing - Martin’s thesis is entitled ‘Transcribing Environmental Sound: The Acoustics of Post-industrial Space’.

Mary-Jane Holmes

Doctoral Student in Creative Writing - Mary-Jane’s thesis is entitled 'The Poet’s Version: Strategies of Resistance in Translation and the Un-silencing of the Female Voice'.

Michael Brown

MPhil Student in Creative Writing - Michael’s thesis is entitled ‘The Provisional Lyric: A Study of Uncertainty in Lyric Poetry'.

Pyae War

Doctoral Student in Creative Writing - Pyae’s thesis is entitled 'Contemporary Asian Re-imaginings of Jane Austen’s Persuasion through Britain’s Myanmar Diaspora and Beyond'.

Stephanie Lyttle

Doctoral Student in Creative Writing - Stephanie’s thesis is entitled ‘‘Strange Magic’: A Critical and Creative Exploration of How Bisexuality is Constructed in Young Adult Fantasy Literature’.

Stephen Kendall

Doctoral Student in Creative Writing - Stephen’s thesis is based on 'Seventeen Towers and Seven Gates (a collection of poems) + Digging in Gallowgate (a critical study)'.