Eighteenth-Century and Romantic
The School’s substantial Eighteenth-Century and Romantic group researches, supervises, and engages with the public in distinctive ways across many areas.
About our research group
We have strengths in prose, drama, and poetry, with particular expertise in book history, children's books, performance, political economy, popular print culture, reception studies, and scholarly editing. We place strong emphasis on archival research and the literature of Scotland, Ireland, continental Europe, America, and England.
We are home to several major projects, including the AHRC-funded Eighteenth-Century Political Participation and Electoral Culture.
Our postgraduates and early career academics develop skills through placements and research collaborations with internationally-renowned partners such as the British School at Rome, Keats-Shelley House and The Wordsworth Trust.
We co-run the North East Forum in Eighteenth-Century and Romantic Studies, an inclusive network supporting postgraduates and early career researchers in our region.
Our research into translation and correspondence networks contributes to Animating Text Newcastle University, a collaboration between Humanities scholars and the Digital Institute.
We are part of the School’s Middle Modern Research Group which is for postgraduates and postdoctoral researchers working in the period 1700-1900.