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Assessment and Feedback

These resources provide information on deadlines, exams, marking criteria and how to access official documents including transcripts.

Undergraduate assessment deadlines 2024-25

The deadlines for your 2024-25 Modules will be clearly stated in your module guides and in the Canvas courses. Once teaching begins we will also post a list of deadlines on this webpage.


S‌ubmission deadline

 SELLL Semester 2 Assessment Deadlines 2024-25

The due dates for each School of English Literature, Language & Linguistics semester 2 modules are listed in the document above. Please note that these deadlines are correct as of the 4th March 2025, and may be subject to change. Students should always refer to their Module Guide and Canvas Module pages. All UG SELLL modules will be submitted electronically via Canvas. It is always best to check the Module Guide or speak to your Module Leader if you are unsure of how and where to submit your work

Submitting assignments

Below you will find submission instructions for Canvas.

All submitted work will be checked for Plagiarism. Plagiarism is the use of any source, published or unpublished, without full and specific acknowledgement. It is a form of cheating, which can be quite easily detected and can result in failure of modules or in disciplinary action. Further information can be found on the Student Progress Website

It is your responsibility to check you have submitted the correct file.

If you mistakenly submit an assessment for another module, your work will not be marked and will result in a mark of 0.

Please note that Canvas allows multiple versions of a file to be submitted. The last file submitted before the 3pm deadline will be marked. If you make an error and a different submission should be marked, you must let us know by emailing clearly stating your 9-digit student ID number and the module code, if you make an error, within 24 hours of the submission deadline.

If you submit after 3PM, you will be submitting to the late/PEC submission box for the assignment.

SELLL guidance is to check carefully which file you have uploaded.

What happens if I submit my work late?

The normal expectation is that students will hand their work in on time. For SELLL modules, you can submit work as soon as the details of your assignment are released in Canvas. Any summative assessment submitted after the deadline will be marked as late, unless a PEC has been granted, but if the work is not submitted by the agreed extension deadline, it will be recorded as late and the penalties for late submission will be applied from that point.

For semester 2 of 2020-21 academic year onwards, the following policy for late submission penalties will apply.

Assignments handed in after the submission deadline will be subject to penalty, with a 5% deduction of the final agreed mark for each calendar day that the work is submitted late. The same deduction will be applied each day for up to seven days, or until the mark reaches the pass mark (40 for undergraduate modules, 50 for integrated masters and PGT modules, and the relevant pass grade for non-modular programmes).


There are two circumstances in which late work will always receive a zero:

  • if your piece of work is marked on a non-discriminatory marking scale (ie pass/fail or merit/pass/fail)
  • if you are submitting work for a re-sit assessment

There may be pieces of coursework for which no late work is allowed. You will receive prior notification in these instances.

If you have a valid reason for submitting your work late (e.g. illness), you should submit a PEC form. Wherever possible PEC forms should be submitted in advance of your deadline, though in rare circumstances retrospective PECs will be considered.


Most examinations are scheduled at the end of Semester. If you do not pass at the first attempt, you may be required to take an additional resit examination at the end of August.

You have the right to one resit attempt for any module you have failed. You must ensure you are available during all term time periods and examination periods.

Marks and feedback

Your work will be marked using the below Assessment Criteria and in line with the UG Moderation and Scaling Policy 22-23

The below specialised Assessment Criteria are also available.

During the year your marks will be visible on the Student Portal after 20 working days, if you submitted a hard copy of your work you can collect your feedback from the School Office, if your work was marked electronically you can read your feedback on Canvas. For work submitted at the end of the second semester, your marks will be visible on the Student Portal after the meeting of the Board of Examiners.

At the start of each semester you should have a 'Feed Forward' meeting with your personal tutor to discuss your Student Feed Forward Form and your feedback from the previous semester. 

The following document is available to assist students in viewing their assignment feedback:

Official documents

The following documents are available via the Student Portal free of charge:

  • Certification of Registration
  • Transcripts
  • Council Tax Certificate

The following documents are available via the Webstore:

  • Statement of Qualification 
  • Proof of Degrees and replacement Certificates 

Future Employment Documents:

  • Verification of Study - please see Verification of Study details.
  • Character References - please contact your personal tutor or the Head of School if your personal tutor no longer works within the University

Further details on official document can be found on the student progress website.