Personal Extenuating Circumstances
The most important thing you can do is tell the School about any problems you are having.
Requesting a PEC
If you are having difficulties with completing your assignments or handing your work in on time because of personal extenuating circumstances, the most important thing you can do is tell the School about any problems you're having. To do this you should complete a Personal Extenuating Circumstances (PEC) Form, available on the Student Portal. This is so appropriate adjustments can be considered. You can also request Board of Examiners (BoE) Consideration, which is different to an extension. To find out more about BoE Consideration, read our handy FAQs here.
Your application will be considered in strictest confidence. It’s important you provide full details and independent evidence.
For UG PEC enquiries for the School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics email For PG PEC enquiries, please email If you belong to another School, please email your School Office.
Student Support Plans
If you need extra help to support your studies, you should contact Student Health and Wellbeing to discuss setting up a Student Support Plan (SSP). Alternatively, you can speak to your Personal or Senior Tutor, who can help you with this process.
When the SSP has been drawn up, it will be sent to the School Office who will circulate the relevant information to your Module Leaders, Personal Tutor, Senior Tutor and Degree Programme Director. Your SSP is sent out for the beginning of each semester.
If you need to contact a member of the SELLL Professional Services Team for any help with this process, please email for undergraduate queries, and for postgraduate.