Research Group: Materials, Concepts & Reaction Engineering
Our world is facing major technical challenges. We deliver innovative solutions.
We combine expertise in chemistry, materials science, and chemical engineering to find solutions for emerging global technological challenges. We develop new materials and innovative reaction engineering concepts by designing new membranes, chemical looping materials and catalysts.
Our team, which comprises academics, research fellows, postdoctoral research associates, and PhD students applies new materials, transformative concepts, and creative reaction engineering to:
- carbon dioxide separation
- hydrogen production
- ammonia synthesis
- methane conversion

Reaction engineering research
We focus on designing new ion-conducting materials. We then characterise them, and their interaction with the gas phase, to develop novel concepts in membrane separations, chemical looping cycles and heterogeneous catalysis.
For example, ion-conducting membranes undergo gas-solid reactions. These reactions complement the transport of charger carriers within the membrane, leading to gas permeation. Similar fundamental processes are critical in the function of a chemical looping cycle and particular catalysts.
We then exploit our fundamental understanding of materials for new reaction engineering concepts in lab-scale reactors. We explore processes including carbon dioxide capture, hydrogen production, ammonia synthesis, methane conversion, and automotive emissions control.
Cutting edge
We are at the cutting-edge of reaction engineering as we aim to cover the full value chain – materials, characterisation, processes, modelling and reactor engineering – so that we can bring fundamental discovery science to real-world application.
Many high-impact journals have accepted our papers for publication, and we are developing pilot-scale processes based upon our lab-scale investigations.
We currently receive funding from:
- the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) under the Programme Grant, Standard Grant and Centres for Doctoral Training schemes
- the Royal Academy of Engineering under the Chairs in Emerging Technologies scheme and the Research Fellowship scheme
We have also received support from UK and European institutions and industrial partners.
We study oxygen-ion and electron conducting solids infiltrated with molten salts. This combination of materials allows us to develop new highly-selective gas separation membranes. In Energy and Environmental Science, we demonstrated that this emerging class of membrane, the supported molten-salt membrane, has outstanding performance.
We also exploit ion-conducting properties in chemical looping processes. In Nature Chemistry, we described an entirely new approach to chemical looping, based on the properties of a non-stoichiometric perovskite.
We also study catalysts prepared by exsolution, where a metal is exsolved from a perovskite. Co-electrolysis and catalytic applications use these materials. They have enhanced activity, stability, and coking resistance.
We investigate the structure and stability of supported molten-salt membranes. For example, we use X-ray micro-CT with collaborators to study the development of membrane structure in three dimensions. We also perform wettability measurements. These help us develop self-healing membranes.
We study our chemical looping materials during operation. We have spent significant time at beamlines to carry out detailed in-situ characterisation. We have also used X-ray micro-CT to track the structural evolution of a single chemical looping particle.
For exsolved materials, we use many in-situ characterisation techniques. These include synchrotron X-ray diffraction and environmental transmission electron microscopy (TEM). We apply these characterisation techniques in fundamental studies and for application.
We design and operate lab-scale membrane reactors for high-temperature ceramic membranes. We couple these with our significant capabilities for gas analysis, using methods such as mass spectrometry and infrared spectroscopy.
Our integral reactor is a unique lab-scale reactor. It allows us to test new chemical looping materials whilst accessing the bed with, for example, diffraction techniques. Coupled with our thermogravimetric analyser (TGA) and pilot-scale looping reactor, we can test these materials over hundreds of cycles.
We also design lab-scale reactors to test catalysts for automotive exhaust catalysis, chemical looping combined with catalysis, and electrolysis.
Selected publications
- Metcalfe IS, Mutch GA, Papaioannou EI, Tsochataridou S, Neagu D, Brett DJL, Iacoviello F, Miller TS, Shearing PR, Hunt PA. Separation and concentration of CO2 from air using a humidity-driven molten-carbonate membrane. Nature Energy 2024
- Phan HH, Bell JG, Mutch GA, McCue AJ, Phan AN, Thomas KM. Spectroelectrochemical study of carbon structural and functionality characteristics on vanadium redox reactions for flow batteries. Materials Advances 2024
- Martin AM, Saini S, Neagu D, Hu W, Metcalfe IS, Kousi K. Tailoring the A and B site of Fe-based perovskites for high selectivity in the reverse water-gas shift reaction. Journal of CO2 Utilization 2024, 83, 102784.
- Haq AU, Fanelli F, Bekris L, Martin AM, Lee S, Khalid H, Savaniu CD, Kousi K, Metcalfe IS, Irvine JTS, Maguire P, Papaioannou EI, Mariotti D. Dielectric barrier plasma discharge exsolution of nanoparticles at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. Advanced Science 2024, 2402235.
- Qu L, Papaioannou EI. Development of mixed ionic and electronic conducting materials for gas separation membranes: A critical review. Chemical Engineering Journal 2024, 496, 153791.
- Leishman C, Garcia-Vazquez M, Bekris L, Ruiz DTA, Doustdar O, Rezaei SZ, Herreros JM, Tsolakis A, Papaioannou EI, Li K, Garcia-Garcia FR. Non-PGM hollow fibre-based after-treatment for emission control under real diesel engine exhaust gas conditions. Materials Today Sustainability 2024, 27, 100870.
- Saczek J, Yao X, Zivkovic V, Mamlouk M, Wang S, Pramana SS. Utilization of bubbles and oil for microplastic capture from water. Engineering 2024
- Saczek J, Murphy K, Zivkovic V, Putranto A, Pramana SS. Impact of coating particles on liquid marble lifetime: reactor engineering approach to evaporation. Soft Matter 2024, 20, 5822-5835.
- Mousley P, Nicklin C, Pramana SS, van den Bosch C, Ryan MP, Skinner SJ. Temperature effect on surface structure of single crystal SrLaAlO4(001). APL Materials 2024, 11, 111122.
- Caroline SC, Das B, Pramana SS, Batabyal SK. Nickel sulfide-nickel sulfoselenide nanosheets as a potential electrode material for high performance supercapacitor with extended shelf life. Journal of Energy Storage 2024, 68, 107812.
- Cali E, Saini S, Kerherve G, Skinner WS, Metcalfe IS, Payne DJ, Kousi K. Enhanced stability of iridium nanocatalysts via exsolution for the CO2 reforming of methane. ACS Applied Nanomaterials 2023
- Pereira RJL, Metcalfe IS, Hu W. High-throughput screening of suitable nitrogen carriers for chemical looping ammonia synthesis. Applications in Energy and Combustion Science 2023, 16, 100226.
- Leishman C, Mazzone S, Sun Y, Bekris L, Papaioannou EI, Li K, Garcia-Garcia FR. Manganese-based catalysts supported on carbon xerogels for the selective catalytic reduction of NOx using a hollow fibre-based reactor. Catalysis Today 2023, 423, 114019.
- Neagu D, Irvine JTS, Wang J, Yildiz B, Opitz AK, Fleig J, Wang Y, Liu J, Shen L, Ciucci F, Rosen BA, Xiao Y, Xie K, Yang G, Shao Z, Zhang Y, Reinke J, Schmauss TA, Barnett SA, Maring R, Kyriakou V, Mustaq U, Tsampas MN, Kim Y, O’Hayre R, Carrillo AJ, Ruh T, Lindenthal L, Schrenk F, Rameshan C, Papaioannou EI, Kousi K, Metcalfe IS, Xu X, Liu G. Roadmap on exsolution for energy applications. JPhys Energy 2023, 5, 031501.
- Wang M, Papaioannou EI, Metcalfe IS, Naden A, Savaniu CD, Irvine JTS. The exsolution of Cu particles from doped barium cerate via barium cuprate intermediate phases. Advanced Functional Materials 2023, 33, 2302102
- Qu L, Papaioannou EI. Study of CO2 permeation in Zn2+-modified Al2O3-carbonate membrane. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 2023, 106, 6244-6254.
- Erans M, Sanz-Perez ES, Hanak DP, Clulow Z, Reiner DM, Mutch GA. Direct air capture: process technology, techno-economic and socio-political challenges. Energy & Environmental Science 2022, 15, 1360-1405.
- Khalid H, ul Haq A, Alessi B, Wu J, Savaniu CD, Kousi K, Metcalfe IS, Parker SC, Irvine JTS, Maguire P, Papaioannou EI, Mariotti D. Rapid plasma exsolution from an A-site deficient perovskite oxide at room temperature. Advanced Energy Materials 2022, 12, 2201131.
- Pereira RJL, Hu W, Metcalfe IS. Impact of gas-solid reaction thermodynamics on the performance of a chemical looping ammonia synthesis process. Energy & Fuels 2022, 36, 9757-9767.
- Mazzone S, Goklany T, Zhang G, Tan J, Papaioannou EI, Garcia-Garcia FR. Ruthenium-based catalysts supported on carbon xerogels for hydrogen production via ammonia decomposition. Applied Catalysis A: General 2022, 632, 118484.
- Mutch GA. Electrochemical separation processes for future societal challenges. Cell Reports Physical Science 2022, 3, 100844.
- Zhao Z, Yao X, Zhao W, Shi B, Sridhar S, Pu Y, Pramana S, Wang D, Wang S. Highly transparent liquid marble in liquid (HT-LMIL) as 3D miniaturized reactor for real-time bio-/chemical assays. Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 443, 136417.
- Garcia-Garcia FR, Metcalfe IS. Chemical looping dry reforming of methane using mixed oxides of iron and cerium: Operation window. Catalysis Communications 2021, 160, 106356.
- de Leeuwe C, Hu W, Evans J, von Stosch M, Metcalfe IS. Production of high purity H2 through chemical-looping water-gas shift at reforming temperatures – The importance of non-stoichiometric oxygen carriers. Chemical Engineering Journal 2021, 423, 130174.
- Irvine J, Rupp JLM, Liu G, Xu X, Haile S, Qian X, Snyder A, Freer R, Ekren D, Skinner S, Celikbilek O, Chen S, Tao S, Shin TH, O’Hayre R, Huang J, Duan C, Papac M, Li S, Celorrio V, Russell A, Hayden B, Nolan H, Huang X, Wang G, Metcalfe I, Neagu D, Martin SG. Roadmap on inorganic perovskites for energy applications. Journal of Physics: Energy 2021, 3, 031502.
- Grima L, Mutch GA, Oliete PB, Bucheli W, Merino RI, Papaioannou EI, Bailey JJ, Kok MD, Brett DJL, Shearing PR, Metcalfe IS, Sanjuan ML. High CO2 permeability in supported molten-salt membranes with highly dense and aligned pores produced by directional solidification. Journal of Membrane Science 2021, 630, 119057.
- Kousi K, Tang C, Metcalfe IS, Neagu D. Emergence and future of exsolved materials. Small 2021, 17, 2006479.
- Ward S, Isaacs MA, Gupta G, Mamlouk M, Pramana SS, Boosting the oxygen evolution activity in non-stoichiometric praseodymium ferrite-based perovskites by A site substitution for alkaline electrolyser anodes. Sustainable Energy & Fuels 2021, 5, 154-165.
- Tang C, Kousi K, Neagu D, Metcalfe IS. Trends and prospects of bimetallic exsolution. Chemistry – A European Journal 2021, 27, 6666-6675.
- Zhang G, Neagu D, King PJ, Ramadan S, O’Neill A, Metcalfe IS. The effects of sulphur poisoning on the microstructure, composition and oxygen transport properties of perovskite membranes coated with nanoscale alumina layers. Journal of Membrane Science 2021, 618, 118736.
- de Leeuwe C, Hu W, Neagu D, Papaioannou EI, Pramana S, Ray B, Evans JSO, Metcalfe IS. Revisiting the thermal and chemical expansion and stability of La0.6Sr0.4FeO3-δ. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2021, 293, 121838.
- Kazakli M, Mutch GA, Triantafyllou G, Gil AG, Li T, Wang B, Bailey JJ, Brett DJL, Shearing PR, Li K, Metcalfe IS. Controlling molten carbonate distribution in dual-phase molten salt-ceramic membranes to increase carbon dioxide permeation rates. Journal of Membrane Science 2021, 617, 118640
- Kousi K, Neagu D, Bekris L, Cali E, Kerherve G, Papaioannou EI, Payne DJ, Metcalfe IS. Low temperature methane conversion with perovskite-supported exo/endo-particles. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2020, 8, 12406-12417.
- Kousi K, Neagu D, Metcalfe IS. Combining exsolution and infiltration for redox, low temperature CH4 conversion to syngas. Catalysts 2020, 10(5), 468.
- Tsochataridou S, Mutch GA, Neagu DN, Papaioannou EI, Sanjuan ML, Ray B, Merino RI, Orera VM, Metcalfe IS. Measuring Membrane Permeation Rates through the Optical Visualization of a Single Pore. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020, 12(14), 16436-16441.
- Cali E, Kerherve G, Naufal F, Kousi K, Neagu D, Papaioannou EI, Thomas MP, Guiton BS, Metcalfe IS, Irvine JTS, Payne DJ. Exsolution of catalytically active iridium nanoparticles from strontium titanate. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020, 12(33), 37444-37453.
- McNeil LA, Mutch GA, Iacoviello F, Bailey JJ, Triantafyllou G, Neagu D, Miller TS, Papaioannou EI, Hu W, Brett DJL, Shearing PR, Metcalfe IS. Dendritic silver self-assembly in molten-carbonate membranes for efficient carbon dioxide capture. Energy & Environmental Science 2020, 13, 1766-1775.
- Li C, Pramana SS, Bayliss RD, Grey CP, Blanc F, Skinner SJ. Evolution of Structure in the Incommensurate Modulated LaNb1-xWxO4+x/2 (x = 0.04-0.16) Oxide Ion Conductors. Chemistry of Materials 2020, 32(6), 2292-2303.
- Mahadi AH, Ye L, Fairclough SM, Qu J, Wu S, Chen W, Papaioannou EI, Ray B, Pennycook TJ, Haigh SJ, Young NP, Tedsree K, Metcalfe IS, Edman Tsang SC. Beyond surface redox and oxygen mobility at pd-polar ceria (100) interface: Underlying principle for strong metal-support interactions in green catalysis. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2020, 270
- Kazakli M, Mutch GA, Qu L, Triantafyllou G, Metcalfe IS. Autonomous and intrinsic self-healing Al2O3 membrane employing highly-wetting and CO2-selective molten salts. Journal of Membrane Science 2020, 600.
- Neagu D, Papaioannou EI, Tjaden B, Lu X, Mak C-M, Gaultois MW, Ray B, Shearing P, Metcalfe IS. Tracking the evolution of a single composite particle during redox cycling for application in H2 production. Scientific Reports 2020, 10(5266).
- Kousi K, Neagu D, Bekris L, Papaioannou EI, Metcalfe IS. Endogenous Nanoparticles Strain Perovskite Host Lattice Providing Oxygen Capacity and Driving Oxygen Exchange and CH4 Conversion to Syngas. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 2020, 59(6), 2510-2519.
- Kyriakou V, Neagu D, Zafeiropoulos G, Sharma RK, Tang C, Kousi K, Metcalfe IS, Van De Sanden MCM, Tsampas MN. Symmetrical exsolution of Rh nanoparticles in solid oxide cells for efficient syngas production from greenhouse gases. ACS Catalysis 2019, 10(2), 1278-1288.
- Neagu D, Kyriakou V, Roiban I-L, Aouine M, Tang C, Caravaca A, Kousi K, Schreur-Piet I, Metcalfe IS, Vernoux P, Van De Sanden MCM, Tsampas MN. In Situ Observation of Nanoparticle Exsolution from Perovskite Oxides: From Atomic Scale Mechanistic Insight to Nanostructure Tailoring. ACS Nano 2019, 13(11), 12996-13005.
- Otto S, Kousi K, Neagu D, Bekris L, Janek J, Metcalfe I. Exsolved Nickel Nanoparticles Acting as Oxygen Storage Reservoirs and Active Sites for Redox CH4 Conversion. Applied Energy Materials 2019, 10(2), 7288-7298.
- Tang C, Kousi K, Neagu D, Portoles J, Papaioannou EI, Metcalfe IS. Towards efficient use of noble metals via exsolution exemplified for CO oxidation. Nanoscale 2019, 11(36), 16935-16944.
- Jiang S, Cox HJ, Papaioannou EI, Tang C, Liu H, Murdoch BJ, Gibson EK, Metcalfe IS, Evans JSO, Beaumont SK. Shape-persistent porous organic cage supported palladium nanoparticles as heterogeneous catalytic materials. Nanoscale 2019, 11(31), 14929-14936.
- Kyriakou V, Neagu D, Papaioannou EI, Metcalfe IS, van de Sanden MCM, Tsampas MN. Co-electrolysis of H2O and CO2 on exsolved Ni nanoparticles for efficient syngas generation at controllable H2/CO ratios. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2019, 258, 117950.
- Mutch GA, Qu L, Triantafyllou G, Xing W, Fontaine M-L, Metcalfe IS. Supported molten-salt membranes for carbon dioxide permeation. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2019, 7(21), 12951-12973.
- Metcalfe IS, Ray B, Dejoie C, Hu W, de Leeuwe C, Deuso C, Garcia-Garcia FR, Mak C, Papaioannou EI, Thompson CR, Evans JSO. Overcoming chemical equilibrium limitations by creating a thermodynamically-reversible chemical reactor. Nature Chemistry 2019, 11:638-643. Video explaining hydrogen memory reactor process.
- Huang J, Liu W, Hu W, Metcalfe I, Yang Y, Liu B. Phase interactions in Ni-Cu-Al2O3 mixed oxide oxygen carriers for chemical looping applications. Applied Energy 2019, 236, 635-647.
- Papaioannou EI, Neagu D, Ramli WKW, Irvine JTS, Metcalfe IS. Sulfur-Tolerant, Exsolved Fe–Ni Alloy Nanoparticles for CO Oxidation. Topics in Catalysis 2019, 62, 1149-1156.
- Mutch GA, Shulda S, McCue AJ, Menart MJ, Ciobanu CV, Ngo C, Anderson JA, Richards RM, Vega-Maza D. Carbon capture by metal oxides: unleashing the potential of the (111) facet. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2018, 140, 4736-4742.
- Bui M, Adjiman CS, Bardow A, Anthony EJ, Boston A, Brown B, Fennell PS, Fuss S, Galindo A, Hackett LA, Hallett JP, Herzog HJ, Jackson G, Kemper J, Krevor S, Maitland GC, Matuszewski M, Metcalfe IS, Petit C, Puxty G, Reimer J, Reiner DM, Rubin ES, Scott SA, Shah N, Smit B, Trusler JPM, Webley P, Wilcox J, MacDowell N. Carbon capture and storage (CCS): The way forward. Energy and Environmental Science 2018, 11(5), 1062-1176.
- Cavallaro A, Pramana SS, Ruiz-Trejo E, Sherrell PC, Ware E, Kilner JA, Skinner SJ. Amorphous-cathode-route towards low temperature SOFC. Sustainable Energy & Fuels 2018, 2, 862-875.
- Pramana SS, Cavallaro A, Li C, Handoko AD, Chan KW, Walker RJ, Regoutz A, Herrin JS, Yeo BS, Payne DJ, Kilner JA, Ryan MP, Skinner SJ. Crystal structure and surface characteristics of Sr-doped GdBaCo2O6-δ double perovskites: oxygen evolution reaction and conductivity. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018, 13, 5335-5345.
- Marek E, Hu W, Gaultois M, Grey CP, Scott SA. The use of strontium ferrite in chemical looping systems. Applied Energy 2018, 223, 369-382.
- Gorke RH, Hu W, Dunstan MT, Dennis JS, Scott SA. Exploration of the material property space for chemical looping air separation applied to carbon capture and storage. Applied Energy 2018, 212, 478-488.
Broader impact
Fellowships and funding
We have been awarded a number of research fellowships. Currently this includes:
- Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Emerging Technologies (Metcalfe)
- Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship (Mutch)
- Newcastle University Academic Track Fellowship (Mutch)
We have an extensive track record of securing funding from EPSRC and ERC. Current support includes:
- EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Process Industries: Net Zero (Mutch)
- EPSRC Standard Grant: Design, Program, Evolve: Engineering efficient electrochemical devices for a net-zero world (Metcalfe, Mutch)
- EPSRC Programme Grant: Synthesis of high selectivity membranes (SynHiSel) (Metcalfe, Mutch)
Reports and outreach
We have co-authored Royal Society policy briefings on Large-scale electricity storage, The potential and limitations of using carbon dioxide and Options for producing low-carbon hydrogen at scale.
We regularly engage with the public. This engagement has included a Royal Society of Chemistry International Year of the Periodic Table lecture and an art exhibition on industrial change.
We provide expert commentary to the global press, including The Guardian and the Science Media Centre.
We are also on Twitter - follow us here.
We contribute to our wider community. We are members or fellows of:
- Royal Academy of Engineering
- Institution of Chemical Engineers
- Royal Society of Chemistry
- Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) CCUS Early Career Professionals Forum
- UK Carbon Capture & Storage Research Centre
- Newcastle University Centre for Energy
- School of Engineering Athena SWAN Working Group
- Newcastle University INSIGHTS Public Lectures Committee
PhD and research fellowship opportunities
Funding at Newcastle University
Newcastle University provides funding for postgraduate studies. The Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Engineering runs a wide range of schemes and programmes of Doctoral training. There are many more opportunities online.
The University provides an academic track fellowship scheme. NUAcT is open to both internal and external applicants, from all over the world.
Supporting your application for fellowship
We are always interested in supporting fellowship applications for strong candidates. You can find fellowship funding from external institutions such as:
- Royal Academy of Engineering
- Royal Commission of 1851
If you want to join us from a non-UK country, a variety of institutions offer funding, such as:
- Newton International Fellowship
- Marie Sklodowska-Curie European Fellowship
- Marshall Scholarships
Collaboration and partnership
Our network
Our network includes a number of universities:
- Durham University
- University of Cambridge
- UCL: University College London
- Imperial College London
- University of Manchester
- University of St Andrews
- University of Edinburgh
- University of Bath
- University of Strathclyde
- Twente University
- University of Aveiro
- University of Zaragoza
We also work with:
- ISIS Neutron and Muon Source
- ESRF: European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
- Henry Royce Institute
- ISIS Beamlines
Job vacancies
We often have new vacancies within our team. Check out Newcastle University vacancies for current opportunities.
Contact us
Get in touch with our Head of Group, Prof Ian Metcalfe, or any of our staff to discuss how we can collaborate in our education or research activities.