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Meet the property team:

We provide a professional, in-house service covering all aspects of estate management from acquiring land for development to disposing of surplus buildings.

What we do

We can assist you with most queries regarding the ownership of University land and buildings. In addition we can also help you formalise space sharing agreements with third parties, help you identify additional space on campus and negotiate property agreements to secure operations space off-campus.

  • Manage an estate valued in excess of £1bn
  • Lease commercial properties
  • Provide space for spin-out and spin-in companies
  • Maintain the University's ownership records
  • Undertake property valuations (capital, insurance, rental, rating & asset)
  • Provide estate performance data
  • Acquire land and buildings for University use
  • Negotiate wayleaves and easements
  • Dispose of surplus land and property

Our role is to optimise the use of University assets by maximising income, bring vacant land and buildings back into use and ensure all property transactions represent best value.