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MENA (Middle East and North Africa) Research Group

We host one of the largest concentrations of MENA scholars in social sciences in the UK.

About us

Our research, which is methodologically diverse, spans the wider fields of geography, politics and sociology, and covers a broad geographical span of the region.

Throughout the academic year, we run monthly activities that include:

  • a regular reading group to discuss new and cutting-edge research on the Middle East and North Africa;
  • seminars and workshops involving internal and external speakers;
  • ‘work-in-progress' and ‘just-out’ seminars to help colleagues at different stages of the publication process engage in fun and fruitful networking activities, and to promote their work;
  • student-oriented seminars and engagement events; and
  • collaborative outreach with MENA-related academic networks across the North East.

Our areas of expertise

We have a number of globally recognised areas of expertise, including:

  • political regimes
  • citizenship and refugee studies
  • social movements and resistance studies
  • politics of mobility and migration
  • political economy and development
  • war, conflict and forced displacement
  • security, space and violence
  • policing and crime
  • culture, religious and affective politics
  • media, language and discourse
  • urban life
  • environmental politics and nature
  • gender and race

Who we are

Read more about our group members and their research interests:

The group is co-convened by Dr Una McGahern and Dr Mohamed El Shewy

We are interested in connecting with other researchers and organisations with an interest in research on the Middle East and North Africa region.

Please contact us for further information and to learn how you can participate.