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Non/Human Law

The Non/Human Law Research Group based in Newcastle Law School focuses on a variety of issues pertaining to human and nonhuman inequalities.

The Non/Human Law Research Group based in Newcastle Law School focuses on a variety of issues pertaining to human and nonhuman inequalities. In terms of the nonhuman, the group is specifically interested in how nonhuman entities, such as nonhuman animals, the environment, machines and technology, but also other nonhuman subjects such as the state and the corporation, are represented in law. However, being mindful of how a focus on the nonhuman must always also centre human inequalities, the group also focuses on how multiple vectors of oppression, such as gender, race, coloniality, class and ableism, play out in the law.

The group does not have a focus on one specific area of law. Rather, we are interested in having conversations across fields of law. Members therefore work on, for example, international law, legal theory, tort law, environmental law, human rights and beyond. The group is open to all staff and Postgraduate Research Students.

To join our mailing list, please email Dr Emily Jones at

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