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Publisher Agreements

Agreements to reduce the costs of open access publishing.

Publisher open access agreements

Our publisher or transformative agreements allow Newcastle University staff and students who act as corresponding authors to publish their research articles as open access without additional charges or receive a discount on the publishing costs. Please be aware that the eligibility criteria for these agreements vary and that the agreements the university participates in are subject to change.

Eligibilty for agreements is generally based on the corresponding author's affiliation. Please consider who is most appropriate to act as corresponding author in relation to the agreements and authorship guidelines.

Some agreements limit the number of papers that may be made open access. Where this applies papers with corresponding authors who are an honorary member of staff, visitor, or otherwise affiliated with linked organisations (eg NHS trusts) will only be approved if specific funding is acknowledged (from UKRI, Wellcome Trust, Blood Cancer UK, British Heart Foundation (BHF), Cancer Research UK (CRUK), Parkinson's UK or Versus Arthritis). Where this restriction applies this is noted in the agreement details below.

If you have any questions about your eligiblity for these agreements or how they work in practice, please contact the open access team.

Sherpa Services is an online tool that consolidates information about publishers, journals, funders and repositories, which may offer guidance when choosing where to publish open access. Journal checker tool can also provide information about which publishing options are supported by your funder's OA policy. Note that the information of these pages should be used as guidance, but check here for the most up to date information and how to use the agreements.

The information listed on this page is correct as of March 2024 unless otherwise noted.

Licence choice

Where the publisher agreement offers authors a choice of licence we recommend you choose CC BY to maximise the potential for reuse. UKRI, Wellcome, CRUK and BHF funded authors must select the CC BY licence to comply with their funders' policies on open access. Please ensure you check funder policies for the latest requirements.

American Chemical Society (ACS)

Our publishing agreement with the American Chemical Society (ACS) provides open access at no additional charge for Newcastle University corresponding authors of research articles in all ACS journals, including ACS Omega and all ACS subscription journals.

Type of journal: ACS subscription journals and fully open access journals.

Type of publication: All research articles.

Instructions for corresponding authors

  • Submit your manuscript using your Newcastle University email address and select Newcastle University as your institution in Paragon Plus. This will allow ACS to identify you as eligible for the agreement.
  • On acceptance ACS will send you an email asking you to complete the Journal Publishing Agreement (JPA).
  • When doing so you should be informed that their systems have identified that we have an agreement with ACS.
  • Select the option “Yes I wish to publish open access as per the agreement” and complete the JPA signing process.
  • Your open access funding request is automatically sent to us for review.
  • Once we have approved your request you will receive a confirmation email and your article will be published as open access. 

Information from the publisher: How to Publish Open Access Under a Read + Publish Agreement



American Institute of Physics (AIP)

Our publishing agreement with the American Institute of Physics (AIP) allows corresponding authors affiliated with Newcastle University to publish research articles as open access in AIP's hybrid subscription journals at no cost.

Type of journals covered: Subscription journals offering optional open access (Author Select) only. AIP fully open access journals are not included.

Restrictions: The agreement is subject to an annual cap on the number of papers that can be approved. Therefore honorary or visiting members of staff are only eligible to use this agreement where the paper acknowledges funding from UKRI, Wellcome Trust, Blood Cancer UK, British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK, Parkinson's UK or Versus Arthritis. 

Should the article cap be reached authors can publish as subscription and provide open access via the green route or pay a discounted rate for open access. 

Instructions for corresponding authors

  • Use your university email and address during the submission process
  • You’ll be asked to select your institutional affiliation by clicking on the 'Validate Instutition' button, as part of the submission process. After selecting 'Newcastle University' the page should indicate that we have an agreement with AIP.
  • Select the option "Open Access as part of an institutional agreementAIP open access submission form

Information from the publisher: AIP Read & Publish Author Guidelines

American Physical Society (APS)

The publishing agreement with the American Physical Society (APS) allows Newcastle University corresponding authors to publish open access in the APS hybrid journals at no cost.

Type of journals covered: All 9 Physical Review hybrid (subscription) journals only.

Type of publications: All original research and reviews, including, but not limited to articles, letters, reviews, perspectives and tutorials.

Instructions for corresponding authors

  • Use your Newcastle University affiliation, or email address and ORCiD when you submit.
  • On acceptance APS will notify the author that their work can be published under an open CC-BY license without additional charges.

Information from the publisher: Institutional Open Access and Transformative Agreements

American Physiological Society (APS)

Our publishing agreement with the American Physiological Society (APS) provides unlimited open access publishing for Newcastle University corresponding authors in all 12 of their subscription journals. It also offers a free one-year membership of the American Physiological Society (for new members only).

Type of journals covered: subscription (hybrid) only.

Instructions for corresponding authors

  • Use your Newcastle University affiliation, or email address and ORCiD when you submit.
  • Select Newcastle University from the dropdown field. This allows the publisher to identify your paper as being eligible for the agreement.
  • Choose the open access option "I wish to publish OA as part of an institutional agreement".
  • On acceptance APS will notify the author that their work can be published under an open CC-BY license without additional charges.

Information from the publisher: APS Read, Publish and Join for Authors

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

Our transformative agreement with the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) provides unlimited open access publishing for corresponding authors affiliated with Newcastle University in ACM journals and conference proceedings.

Type of journals covered: ACM journals and conference proceedings in the ACM Open Program

Instructions for corresponding authors

  • Use your Newcastle University affiliation and email address when you submit. This allows the publisher to identify your paper as being eligible for the agreement.
  • Completes the eRights form (your affiliation will confirm you are from an institution participating in ACM Open and you will be presented with the default CC BY 4.0 licence).
  • After confirming the licence click the Proceed button allowing ACM to publish the work.
  • Complete the additional information requested and add funder details if applicable.
  • Click Submit.

 Information from the publisher: ACM OPEN (ACM’s Transformative Model for Open Access Publication)


Our publishing agreement with Bioscientifica provides Newcastle University affiliated corresponding authors with open access at no extra cost when publishing in one of their five subscription journals (Journal of Endocrinology, Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, Endocrine-Related Cancer, European Journal of Endocrinology and Reproduction).

Type of journals covered: Subscription journals only. Fully open access journals are not included in this agreement.

Instructions for corresponding authors 

  • You must use your official Newcastle University email addres to qualify for free open-access publishing through this agreement.

Information from the publisher: Free open-access publishing - Are you eligible?




See Springer Nature

For fully open access journals across the Springer Nature portfolio (BMC, SpringerOpen, Palgrave and Nature Portfolios), Newcastle University corresponding authors are eligible for a 15% discount on the article processing charge (APC). The remainder of the APC will need to be paid, please ensure you have funds available for this. See the list of journals included in the 'Publishing in a fully open access journal' section.


Our publishing agreement with BMJ offers open access at no additional cost to corresponding authors affiliated with Newcastle University publishing funded primary research articles (not reviews, commentaries or rapid communications) in 34 hybrid (subscription) journals and 23 fully open access Gold journals. Articles reporting research funded by the Wellcome Trust, a UK Research Council, British Heart Foundation, Blood Cancer UK, Cancer Research UK, Parkinson’s UK or Versus Arthritis are eligible for this agreement.

Type of journals covered: BMJ subscription journals and fully open access journals.

Type of publication: Refer to list 'Download Eligible Article Types'

Restrictions: Articles must acknowledge funding from UKRI, Wellcome Trust, British Heart Foundation, Blood Cancer UK, Cancer Research UK, Parkinson’s UK or Versus Arthritis.

Instructions for corresponding authors

  • During submission confirm your affiliation with Newcastle University. Verification of this will be easier if you use your email address
  • Specify the relevant funder(s) for your article (see eligible funders above)
  • Select the CC BY licence (as required by all funders of eligible articles)

BMJ will refer articles to us for approval and once we have done so your article will be published open access.

Information from the publisher: BMJ open access agreements for the United Kingdom


British Psychological Society

Associate, Graduate, Full and Chartered members of the British Psychological Society (BPS) who are corresponding authors of articles published in BPS journals can make these open access at no extra cost.

Instructions for corresponding authors

To take advantage of this offer authors should select "British Psychological Society" as the funder when prompted on the Wiley submission system.

Information from the publisher: Resources and benefits: Article Publication


Cambridge University Press

Corresponding authors affiliated with Newcastle University can publish open access at no extra cost in fully open access and subscription journals through the Cambridge University Press (CUP) Read & Publish Agreement. This agreement covers research articles and review articles accepted for publication between 01 Jan 2021 and 31 Dec 2024 in eligible Cambridge University Press journals.

Type of journal: Subscription and fully open access.

Type of publication: Original research articles, reviews, rapid communications, brief reports and case reports.

Instructions for corresponding authors

  • Confirm that the journal publishing your paper is included in the agreement
    • Use the CUP tool to find out which journals are eligible (enter United Kingdom/Newcastle University and click: 'View your publisher agreement', then scroll down).
  • When submitting your paper select your affiliation, ideally using your institutional email address and ORCiD.
  • On acceptance complete the author publishing agreement to request open access (select 'Gold Open Access') and select a Creative Commons licence. We recommend you select CC BY to maximise the visibility and impact of your research, and also as a funder requirement.
  • CUP will refer your paper to us and you will be notified when we have approved it for open access publication.

Information from the publisher: CUP Read and Publish agreement

Company of Biologists

Our publishing agreement with The Company of Biologists allows Newcastle University corresponding authors to publish research articles open access without paying an article processing charge in their subscription journals (Development, Journal of Cell Science and Journal of Experimental Biology) and fully open access journals (Disease Models & Mechanisms and Biology Open).

Types of journal: Subscription journals (Development, Journal of Cell Science and Journal of Experimental Biology) and fully open access journals (Disease Models & Mechanisms and Biology Open).

Instructions for corresponding authors


De Gruyter

The agreement with De Gruyter allows Newcastle University corresponding authors to publish open access at no cost in any of De Gruyter's hybrid, subscribe to open and gold open access titles. 

Type of publication: Research artices, review articles, rapid communications and case reports.

Eligible articles between: 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024

Instructions for corresponding authors

  • On submission, use your Newcastle University affiliation and email address (
  • De Gruyter will identify if there is an open access agreement and if you are eligible.
  • If an article is eligible and article processing charges (APCs) are covered by your institution, your article will be published open access under a CC BY 4.0 licence at no cost for you.

The Elsevier-UK Institutions Agreement provides unlimited open access publishing for corresponding authors affiliated with Newcastle University when publishing in Elsevier subscription journals, including Cell Press and Lancet titles. For most fully open access titles authors will receive a discount.

Type of journal: For subscription journals the full APC will be covered. For most fully open access journals the agreement provides a 15% discount, but the remainder will need to be paid. Please ensure you have funds available for this.

Type of publication: Research articles, reviews, short communications, etc. See the list of eligible article types included in the agreement. Note, only full length articles are eligible for Lancet titles.

Additional costs: A limited number of society-owned journals charge mandatory editorial page fees in addition to APCs. These charges are charged separately, directly to the author. Additional chargeable fees are at the author’s discretion, for example the choice to pay colour charges for articles in print.

Instructions for corresponding authors

  • Confirm that the journal publishing your paper is included in the agreement (see participating journals for subscription titles and contact for fully open access titles).
  • When submitting your paper select your affiliation and ideally use your institutional email address and ORCiD.
  • On acceptance eligible corresponding authors will receive an email containing a link to the 'post-acceptance author journey'.
  • When completing the 'Rights and Access information form' for the publishing options, select Newcastle University from the 'Organization name' and add any funder details. This should show that an institutional discount will cover the APC. Please complete this form within 3-5 business days.
  • We will receive a request to validate your eligibility and you will be informed if the APC will be covered by the agreement.

Information from the publisher: Elsevier-UK Institutions Agreement


Newcastle University affiliated corresponding authors can receive a 10% discount on the standard open access article processing charge (APC). You will need funds to pay the remainder of the charges.




Geological Society of London (Lyell Collection)

Our publishing agreement with the Geological Society of London allows corresponding authors affiliated with Newcastle University to publish articles open access at no additional charge in all of the journals in the Lyell Collection.

Instructions for corresponding authors

  • The publisher uses the affiliation of the corresponding author of the article to determine eligibility for the agreement. 
  • Corresponding authors should use their institutional email address ( and select Newcastle University as the institution name on their user profile in Editorial Manager.
  • Authors should also use Newcastle University as the qualifying institution name when providing their details during submission.




Option 1: Publishing via a Gold Open Access journal

Authors can publish open access in any of IEEE's fully open access journals under a CC BY licence by paying an article processing charge (APC). If you acknowledge funding from UKRI, Wellcome Trust, British Heart Foundation or CRUK, you can apply for funds to pay the APC from the open access block grants.

Option 2: Publishing via a subscription based journal or conference

Authors can apply a CC BY license to the author accepted manuscript (AAM) for their articles under a Green Open Access option. See the University Research Publications and Copyright policy. Under this option:

  • The author may post their AAM to their institutional repository. The AAM should include the following text in the funding acknowledgment section of the manuscript and any cover note accompanying the submission:
    “For the purpose of open access, the author(s) has applied a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license to any Accepted Manuscript version arising.”
  • No embargo is required for the author’s right to post AAM where the funder or institution requires immediate posting.
  • Valid for all articles from authors in IEEE journals, magazines, and conference papers. 
IOP Publishing

The IOP Publishing (IOPP) read and publish agreement allows corresponding authors affiliated with Newcastle University to publish research articles and reviews (letters, papers, reviews and special issue articles) as open access in IOPP subscription and open access journals at no cost.

Type of journals covered: Subscription journals and fully open access journals. For specific journal titles please refer to IOPP's list of eligible journals - titles in List A, B, C and D are covered by our agreement. 

Type of publications: All primary research articles, including research papers, special issue articles, letters and review articles. For Reports on Progress in Physics, only primary research articles are included.

Instructions for corresponding authors

  • On submission, state your Newcastle University affiliation in the article submission form and in the article itself.
  • You will be notified that IOPP has identified your article as eligible for open access during peer-review or shortly after acceptance.
  • IOPP will ask you to agree to the CC BY licence so your article can be published open access.
  • Your paper will be published open access at no cost to you and you can share it as you wish.

Information from the publisher: IOPP guide to submitting under a Transformative Agreement and FAQs for authors

IWA Publishing

The IWA Publishing agreement allows all corresponding authors from Newcastle University to publish open access in the Society’s 10 subscription and 5 open access journals at no cost.

Instructions for corresponding authors

  • Eligible authors should submit their manuscript using their university e-mail address and including their full institutional affiliation.
  • Further details on how to ensure your publication is made open access for free are available on the IWA Institutional Waivers site.
John Benjamins

The publishing agreement with John Benjamins allows open access publishing for Newcastle University affiliated corresponding authors for any articles in any John Benjamins journal.

Eligible articles: Articles submitted between 1 January 2024 and 31 December 2024 (if accepted for publication, and regardless of when published).

Information from the publisherJohn Benjamins open access information.


Newcastle University participates in the MDPI Institutional Open Access Program, granting a 20% discount on the standard open access article processing charge (APC). You will need funds to pay the remainder of the charges.

Authors are prompted in the last step of submission to determine if they are eligible for discounts under the open access program. The discount will be applied automatically where authors use their Newcastle University email address, it is not reliant on the corresponding author being affiliated with Newcastle University.

Microbiology Society

The Microbiology Society Publish and Read agreement allows any article published in society journals, where the corresponding author is from Newcastle University, to be made open access at no additional cost.

Instructions for corresponding authors

  • Corresponding authors will be identified from their email address used in the submission process. Therefore please ensure you provide correct affiliation information and use your university email address for submisison.
  • Where a corresponding author’s email domain matches that provided for a Publish and Read institution, the author will be asked to select a CC BY licence and the article will be published open access without further charge.
  • Corresponding authors can also check their fee-free eligibility and then indicate the Publish and Read route for open access during submission.
Oxford University Press (Oxford Academic)

The publishing agreement with Oxford University Press (OUP) provides Newcastle University affiliated corresponding authors with open access publishing for no additional cost for research and review articles in participating journals. You will need to arrange payment separately for any other charges that apply to your article, such as page or colour charges.

Type of journal: Subscription and fully open access. Check journals included in the agreement (please contact us to discuss this).

Type of article: Research articles, review articles, brief reports and case reports. Article-commentary types are not considered eligible. See document types for definitions.

Instructions for corresponding authors

  • On submission use your Newcastle University affiliation and email address to allow OUP to identify your paper as eligible for the agreement. Where you have more than one affiliation, ensure that Newcastle University is listed first.
  • On acceptance OUP will send you an email containing a link to SciPris. SciPris will check your institutional affiliation and article type to determine eligibility for the agreement.
    • Click 'Select a license'.
    • Click 'Continue with open access agreement'.
    • Sign in or create a SciPris account.
    • Select a license (your funder may require CC BY) and click 'I accept'.
  • Send the request for review.
  • The open access team will be notified of your request and eligible publications will be approved.

Information from the publisher: Read & Publish Agreement Author guide

Portland Press

Our publishing agreement with Portland Press provides unlimited open access publishing for corresponding authors affiliated with Newcastle University in all seven Portland Press journals.

Type of journals covered: five hybrid plus two full-OA journals.

Instructions for corresponding authors

  • Use your Newcastle University affiliation and email address when you submit.
  • During the submission process authors are asked to validate their affiliation by clicking on "Validate Institution". Select "Newcastle University" then Save.
  • Once accepted, Portland Press will refer your paper to us and you will be notified when we have approved it for open access publication.

 Information from the publisher: Read and Publish with the Biochemical Society and Portland Press journals | Portland Press


Royal Society

Our publishing agreement with the Royal Society provides open access at no additional charge for corresponding authors affiliated with Newcastle University in all of their journals.

Instructions for corresponding authors

Corresponding authors must use their email address when submitting a paper for publication in order for it to be identified as eligible for the agreement.

  • Visit the website of your chosen journal and click "Submit".
  • Log-in to your account. Ensure you have picked your institution in the address section of your account.
  • Upload your manuscript, related files and complete the required fields.
  • Once your article has been accepted, you will be provided with a link to the Copyright Clearance Center Rightslink open access payment page.
  • If eligible, the charges will be referred to our agreement and there will be no fee to pay.

Information from the publisher: Read & Publish for authors


Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

Our publishing agreement with the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) provides open access at no additional cost to Newcastle University affiliated corresponding authors when publishing research articles in any of their subscription journals. Please note that the agreement does not cover submission fees, page charges or colour charges and these must be paid by the author directly.

Type of journal: RSC subscription journals only. For RSC open access journals the agreement provides a 15% discount, but the remaining charges will need to be paid. Please ensure you have sufficient funds available if required.

Type of publication: All peer reviewed article types (full papers, communications, and reviews). Editorials and Corrections are not covered.

Restrictions: This agreement is subject to an annual cap on the number of articles that can be approved. Honorary or visiting members of staff are therefore only eligible to use this agreement where the paper acknowledges funding from UKRI, Wellcome Trust, Blood Cancer UK, British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK, Parkinson's UK or Versus Arthritis.

Instructions for corresponding authors

  • Double-check that you are listed as the corresponding author in both the RSC submission system and in your manuscript.
  • Use your Newcastle University email address to submit your manuscript (this helps the RSC identify you as eligible).
  • State your institute affiliation and email address in your manuscript and make sure this remains the same, even after submission.
  • Do not sign the standard licence to publish; upon acceptance of your manuscript, you will be able to choose and sign the CC BY or CC BY-NC open access licence (we recommend CC BY to maximise visibility and as required by many funders).

Information from the publisherRead & Publish scheme



The JISC agreement with Sage allows all Newcastle University affiliated corresponding authors to publish gold open access in most Sage, IMechE and Royal Society of Medicine subscription journals. The agreement covers original research articles, reviews, brief communications, short reports and case reports.

Type of journal: Subscription journals only. Fully open access journals participating in the agreement offer a 20% discount on the article processing charge, but the remainder will need to be paid. Please ensure you have funds available for this.

Type of publication: Original research articles, reviews, brief communications, short reports and case reports.

Instructions for corresponding authors

  • When you submit your paper ensure you are listed as corresponding author and use your Newcastle University affiliation and e-mail address. This will enable Sage to identify your paper as eligible.
  • On acceptance the open access team will be asked to approve your eligibility to publish open access through the agreement.
  • Once approved Sage will email you ask you to "Select your publishing route".
    • Check the pricing details. Subscription/hybrid articles are free, fully open access articles will show the discount.
    • Choose the open access option "Yes, make my article open access".
  • If you have declared a funder that requires a specific licence (e.g. CC BY) you should only be offered that licence.
Springer Nature

Springer (subscription)

The Springer open access agreement for the UK allows corresponding authors from Newcastle University to publish open access in eligible Springer subscription journals at no extra cost. See the list of journals included in the 'Publishing open access in a Springer portfolio journal' section.

Type of publication: The agreement covers original research papers, reviews papers, brief communications and continuing education papers.

Nature (subscription)

The Nature open access agreement for the UK allows corresponding authors from Newcastle University to publish open access in eligible Nature subscription journals at no extra cost. See the list of journals included in the 'Publishing open access in a Nature Portfolio journal' section.

Type of publication: The agreement covers research articles, which may also be referred to as: original paper, analysis, article, letter, brief communication, registered report, resource, technical report. 

Restrictions: The agreement is subject to an annual cap on the number of articles that can be approved. Honorary or visiting members of staff are therefore only eligible to use this agreement where the paper acknowledges funding from UKRI, Wellcome Trust, Blood Cancer UK, British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK, Parkinson's UK or Versus Arthritis.

If an honorary or visiting member of staff, or if the article cap is reached, authors can publish as subscription and provide open access via the green route. Authors should include a rights retention statement (RRS) in their acknowledgements and will be asked to sign an alternative licence. See the Research Publications & Copyright Policy for details of the RRS.

Fully open access journals

For fully open access journals across the Springer Nature portfolio (BMC, SpringerOpen, Palgrave and Nature Portfolios), Newcastle University corresponding authors are eligible for a 15% discount on the article processing charge (APC). The remainder of the APC will need to be paid, please ensure you have funds available for this. See the list of journals included in the 'Publishing in a fully open access journal' section.


Instructions for corresponding authors

  • On submission, use your Newcastle University affiliation and e-mail address to help verify your eligibility.
    • Note, if there is more than one corresponding author, ensure that the first is affiliated with Newcastle University to be eligible for this agreement.
  • When your paper is accepted, Springer will send you a link to the publishing agreement.
  • For subscription titles, this will indicate that your article can be made open access at no cost.
  • For fully OA journals, you will be prompted to confirm your affiliation.
    • The institutional discount will be automatically applied to the APC, provided you are publishing in an eligible article type, in an eligible journal.
    • Update the billing details with the appropriate information.
  • Agree to the open access terms, including the CC BY licence. 
  • Once verified, your paper will become open access on publication.

Additional information: Upon request eligible authors may have their colour charges waived.


Taylor and Francis

Our open access agreement with Taylor and Francis (T&F) allows corresponding authors to publish eligible articles as open access at no additional cost in their subscription, fully open access, F1000 Research and Routledge Open Research journals.

Type of journal: Taylor and Francis subscription journals offering Open Select, fully open access journals, F1000 Research and Routledge Open Research (contact to confirm titles if in any doubt). 

Type of publication: Original research article or review (or other original research article type). Other types of paper, such as Editorials, Announcements, and Book Reviews, are not covered by this agreement. For F1000Research and Routledge Open Research the following are covered: including but not limited to Research Articles, Method Articles, Antibody Validation Articles, Reviews, Systematic Reviews, Clinical Practice Articles, Case Reports, Opinion Articles.

Restrictions: The agreement is subject to an annual cap on the number of articles that can be approved. Honorary or visiting members of staff are therefore only eligible to use this agreement where the paper acknowledges funding from UKRI, Wellcome Trust, Blood Cancer UK, British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK, Parkinson's UK or Versus Arthritis. 

Please be aware that if the article limit is reached then open access publishing through the agreement will be paused until the beginning of the following year.

Instructions for corresponding authors

  • Use your Newcastle University affiliation and email address when you submit your paper so that it is identified as eligible for the agreement.
  • After acceptance T&F will notify you that your paper may be eligible for the agreement and will ask the open access team to confirm this.
  • When we approve your article for open access they will contact you again to confirm this and ask you to choose a license for your article. We recommend you select CC BY (Creative Commons Attribution) to maximise the visibility and impact of your research. If your research was funded a CC BY may be required and T&F will direct you to sign this licence.
  • Where applicable, T&F will deposit the article on acceptance in PubMed Central.

Additional information: Sharing versions of journal articles



The Wiley Open access agreement for Jisc institutions allows full staff or students affiliated with Newcastle University who act as the 'responsible corresponding author' to publish articles as open access at no extra cost. It covers primary research and review articles in most of Wiley's subscription and fully open access journals. Please note that other article types e.g. letters, editorials etc. are excluded.

Type of journal: Subscription and fully open access journals.

Type of publication: Primary research, review articles, short communications and case studies. Please note that other article types e.g. letters, editorials etc. are excluded.

Restrictions: This agreement is subject to an annual cap on the number of fully open access journal articles that can be approved. Honorary or visiting members of staff are therefore only eligible to use this agreement where the paper acknowledges funding from UKRI, Wellcome Trust, Blood Cancer UK, British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK, Parkinson's UK or Versus Arthritis.

The open access team will approve all requests received subject to confirmation of eligibility and sufficient funds remaining in the combined national contribution that supports the agreement.

Additional charges: From April 2023, Wiley have eliminated print and colour charges from all fully gold and any new gold open access journals, including those journals transitioning from a hybrid model, when an APC is being paid. This waiver is applied when the article is accepted for publication. A number of hybrid/subscription journals still carry these charges. Authors should check the author guidelines for individual journals to familiarize themselves with the page and colour charges policy before submitting a manuscript.

Instructions for corresponding authors

Wiley define the responsible corresponding author as the author who manages the manuscript and correspondence during the publication process - from submission through publication. This author has the authority to act on behalf of all the co-authors and will also be the contact for inquiries after publication.

A. Publishing in a hybrid / subscription journal

  • After acceptance log in to Wiley Author Services, find your article, click "Manage Article" then "Select Open Access".
  • If prompted provide details of any funder(s). This ensures you are directed to select the required licence where a choice is available.
  • Choose Newcastle University as your affiliation. Using your university e-mail address will help us verify your eligibility.
  • Confirm "Yes, make my article open access".
  • We will be notified of your request and once approved you will receive a confirmation email.

B. Publishing in a fully open access journal

  • Select Newcastle University as your institution when you submit.
  • During submission, select "The Corresponding Author's institution/funder has an agreement with Wiley" and follow instructions to enter their account code.
  • We will be notified of your request and once approved you will receive a confirmation email.

Information from the publisher: Wiley Open access agreement for Jisc institutions and the Author Compliance Tool


Institutional memberships

We participate in a range of initiatives in support open access publishing, including Open Book Publishers and Open Library of Humanities.