UKRN Newcastle
A network to promote openness, transparency and reproducibility in our research
A UKRN Local Network
Newcastle is a member of the UK Reproducibility Network. The UKRN is a national peer-led consortium which strives for the UK to be world leading in rigorous research. One of the pathways to promote best practice in Open Research is for each member institution to form their own local network.
UKRN Newcastle is our local network. It provides a forum to discuss issues of openness, transparency and reproducibility in the research we do and how we can create a culture of open research at the university.
Why institutions join the UKRN: insights from researchers - video recorded at the UKRN local network retreat held at Newcastle University in June 2024.

Local Network Leads
The network is now facilitated by our local network leads Clement Lee and Nicola Howe, who act as a link between the university and the wider UKRN community by engaging in UKRN activities and representing the views of the network in feedback to UKRN. They also help run our ReproducibiliTea journal club and organise events and drop-in sessions to support colleagues with open research practices. Administrative support for network activities is provided by former local network co-lead Steve Boneham.
Join UKRN Newcastle
The network is open to anyone and you can join us on Teams and on our mailing list. We use these channels to share relevant information and events relating to open research and wider research culture.
UKRN Newcastle on Teams UKRN Newcastle mailing list