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A unique identifier to link researchers to their research outputs across systems and platforms.

Important update March 2025

A recent request has gone out to all researchers asking them to take specific actions in relation to their ORCiDs, thank you to those who have completed it. If you have not completed all of the actions below then please use the guidance provided to do so. For any questions please contact

1. Link your ORCiD to your MyImpact profile: This will enhance the visibility of your publications and ensure accurate attribution. Link your ORCiD to your MyImpact profile by following these short video instructions here. There is the option to click on read transcript or closed captions (cc) 

2. Accept the affiliation request from Newcastle University on your ORCiD account: This confirms your employment details and links your work to the University. Log in to your ORCiD account and accept the affiliation request from Newcastle University by following the short video instructions here. There is the option to click on read transcript or closed captions (cc).

3. Set up/review your profile in Scopus: Ensure your author profile is correctly configured and your ORCiD is linked. We have created a how-to guide to help you with Scopus, including a 10 minute video, which you can find here. There is the option to click on read transcript or closed captions (cc).

Further guidance is available in the ORCiD Requests FAQs.

What is an ORCID iD?

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) provide a unique digital identifier to unambiguously link researchers to their grants, publications and datasets. Research funders, publishers and the university actively support the use of ORCiD iDs in research systems to assert these connections and allow the exchange of data.

Why register for an ORCID iD?

  • ensures accurate attribution for your publications
  • improves the discoverability of your research
  • reduces administration when reporting on your research
  • required by an increasing number of funders and publishers
  • your ORCID iD belongs to you and stays with you if you move institution or change name
  • over 5 million researchers already have an ORCID iD
  • free and simple to register

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Get your ORCID iD

Registering for an ORCID iD is simple and takes less than a minute. You can register for an ORCID iD via MyImpact, which will automatically connect the two systems (providing you are logged in to MyImpact.) Once you have done this your ORCID iD will also be shown on your publications in ePrints.

 Linking MyImpact to ORCID

Alternatively, you can Register on the ORCID website directly and select which systems to link your account to.

Where to use your ORCID iD

You can use your ORCID iD when submitting publications to many publishers (for example, Wiley, Springer NatureIEEE and the American Chemica Society), when making grant applications to funders such as the Wellcome Trust and NIHR, when reporting on these grants in ResearchFish and in university research systems including MyImpact, ePrints and data.ncl

By authorising these research systems to manage you ORCID profile it can be automatically updated with details of your new grants, publications and datasets.

Please note MyImpact is not currently able to import publications from ORCID.

Who are ORCID?

ORCID is a not-for-profit organisation that is supported through membership fees from research organisations, publishers, funders and professional associations.