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Breast Cancer Now

Policy Summary

Publications arising from Breast Cancer Now funded research must be deposited in Europe PMC no later than 12 months after publication. The charity now favours the green route to open access, which allows open access at no additional cost. However, where required open access fees can be paid using any underspend on existing grants.

Breast Cancer Now Gold open access

Previous arrangements that allowed open access charges to be paid from the university COAF grant ended in September 2016. Where required, the charity will allow grant holders to use any underspend on their grants towards payment of open access charges.

Breast Cancer Now Green open access

All grant holders must deposit their accepted manuscripts in Europe PMC as soon as possible, for public release no later than 12 months after publication.

Some journals will automatically deposit papers in Europe PMC where a Europe PMC funder is acknowledged. If this service is not available, grant holders should deposit their accepted manuscripts via Europe PMC plus.

Publisher terms and conditions for archiving in Europe PMC can be checked with Sherpa/Romeo. Please contact us to discuss any issues with meeting the open access requirements of Breast Cancer Now.


  1. Breast Cancer Now open access policy
  2. Europe PMC
  3. How to submit a manuscript to Europe PMC
  4. Europe PMC plus