Cite Data
Ensure attribution for any data you reuse and your own datasets.
Citing data you reuse
Make sure dataset creators receive appropriate credit for their work, just as you would for other research outputs.
The DataCite initiative is creating standards in this field. Where available, include any unique identifier, e.g. DOI, for the data. Where a DOI or citation isn’t provided, apply best efforts by including authors, year, data title, version, publisher and identifier.
The Digital Curation Centre have created guidance on citing physical data.
Citing your own data
Whether you have primary or a modified version of secondary data, you should include a link to this data within research outputs. This is often called a data access statement and many funders and journals require this.
Undertaking this activity will add datasets to the repositories outlined and allow reuse where possible. Ultimately this is for the benefit of everyone as it speeds up research and increases the efficiency of collected data.