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Data Access Statement

Preparing your research for publication in peer-reviewed journals.

A data access statement informs readers where the underlying research materials associated with a paper are available, and how the research materials can be accessed. The statement is more effective when there is a persistent link to the dataset, where applicable and appropriate.  

If you are planning to publish in peer-reviewed journals or conference proceedings you may be required to link to the data in the publication. For instance, UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Open Access Policy requires all research articles to include a data access statement.  This means that even if the data can't be made openly available a statement still needs to be created.

How to create a data access statement

To create a robust data access statement you first must obtain a persistent identifier (e.g. DOI) from a data repository and use this as the link to the dataset, code or method. Some funders mandate specific repositories for datasets. For example, research funded by the ESRC normally is usually deposited in the UK Data Archive ReShare repository. Otherwise, it is up to the researcher to decide on a suitable repository. The Research Data Service has guidance on what to consider when choosing a repository and this would be ideally identified during data management planning. In addition to creating the DOI, the data repository will archive, preserve and where possible provide access to the data. 

Where does the statement go?

If the paper does not include a specific location of the statement place it in the acknowledgements.

Example Statements

Openly available

All data created during this research are openly available at

Ethical constraints

Due to ethical concerns, the supporting data cannot be made openly available. Further information about the data and condition of access are available (DOI or URL).

Non-digital data

Data supporting this publication consists of non-digital samples. They are stored at (department/Newcastle University) and can be made available on request if you can travel to (location of samples). 

Secondary analysis

The study reanalysed existing data that are publicly available from (name location) at (DOI or URL). Full details of how data were processed are available at (DOI or URL).  

No new data created

No new data were created during this study.