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Get ready to study

Here at Newcastle University, we’re really looking forward to welcoming our new students in September. In the meantime, you can prepare for studying by building up the understanding and skills you’ll need to succeed. 

Start by exploring our Get Ready to Study collection. Newcastle University students have created these resources to help you develop the skills you’ll need as you adapt to studying at degree level. 

You’ll find useful tips and advice on all the core skills for new students, including reading, taking notes, and managing your time. Just as importantly, you’ll discover ways to maintain healthy study habits and look after your wellbeing. 

If you’re an international student, Newcastle University may be quite different to your previous study experiences. Explore our Understanding Academic Culture collection to watch international students talk about what studying at Newcastle is like and how they have adapted to it. 

Coming to university is a great adventure, but sometimes it can be challenging, too. Thanks to our students, now you can find out what they wish someone had told them before they started their degrees. We hope their insights will help to answer some of your questions about studying at Newcastle University and help you to hit the ground running in September. 

Last updated on 29 August 2024 at 09:00