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Using Library resources off campus

The Library has thousands of online resources that can be accessed wherever you choose study. When you’re on campus, you’ll usually find yourself automatically logged into many of these resources as you’re connected to the University network, but if you’re working from home, at a public library or in your favourite coffee shop, you may find it more difficult to access resources directly from Google, or even come across some unexpected paywalls.  

When you’re off campus, you’ll need to make sure you’re signed in (authenticated) as a member of the University to access resources. If you are on the website of a journal or a database, the quickest way to check if you are logged in, is to look around the screen to see if you can spot the University logo or name. This is often at the top right or below the search boxes on the homepage of a database or journal/ e-book platform. 

Accessing resources off campus

For the quickest ways to access resources wherever you are studying, read the tips below or watch our Accessing Library Resources video. 

Use Library Search 

If you run a search in Library Search, you will be automatically prompted to log in to online resources with your University username and password, even when you are off campus. Even better, log in to your library account before searching, this authenticates you as a student and you can search and access all our resources without needing to log in repeatedly. 

Explore your Subject Guide 

Your Subject Guide brings together all the key resources for your discipline. Following the resource links in your Subject Guide will direct you quickly through Library Search so you can easily access what you need.

Access e-journals in BrowZine 

BrowZine is a tool for accessing and reading e-journal titles for your subject. As you set up a personal account using your University email address, Browzine will always recognise you as a member of the University and give you access to full-text articles. 

Try institutional login 

Some platforms and databases allow you to sign in via an institutional log in option.  Look to the top right of the screen for a link that says institutional log in, sign in via your University or it might mention something called Shibboleth. This will allow you to log in with your University username and password. 

Last updated 29 November 2024 09:00