Resources and Study Support
Specialist resources for your subject and tailored support for your study success.
We are here to support your studies with specialist resources for your subject and tailored services to help you develop and improve your academic skills.
Resources and subject guides
Your subject guide provides access to books, journals, databases and other resources tailored to your discipline. Our resource guides highlight the different types of information useful across subject areas.
To find your subject guide, select from the dropdown box below, or browse by faculty.
One-to-one support
We are here to help you understand university-level learning and assessment and help you fulfil your potential in your degree course and beyond, with individual support when you need it.
The librarians from the Liaison Team can help you develop your skills in finding, evaluating, managing, and referencing information. We are experts in helping you develop skills to use the Library and information sources effectively, and can advise on improving your information search plan. You can contact us via Library Help or book a one-to-one appointment to meet us in person or online.
The Academic Skills Team can help you with a broad range of academic and research skills, academic writing and preparing for assessment. A one-to-one appointment with the Academic Skills Team allows you to discuss issues related to your studies and learning, from research planning and time management to revision, drafting and editing your writing. We are experts in helping you develop the academic skills you will need for your programme.
The Library Teams
Your Skills programme
Your Skills is an open programme that offers a holistic range of workshops on all aspects of academic and study skills. From assignment planning to feedback, searching for information to referencing, we have sessions running throughout the year, with in-person and synchronous online options, allowing you to develop your skills in a way that suits you.
Click on the title of an event to sign up or visit the events calendar to see all the events running this month. You can also subscribe to the events calendar so you don’t miss out.