BSc (Hons) Oral and Dental Health Sciences
Being a Peer Mentor has helped me develop leadership, teamworking and organisation skills. These not only allow me to interact better with my mentees but are skills which will help me in the future within my career and everyday life.
Being a Peer Mentor
Moving to university, especially during covid, was a huge change. Moving away from home, becoming independent and doing things for yourself and on your own can become very overwhelming. I decided to become a Peer Mentor to help alleviate some of the anxiety around coming to university and to be an approachable friendly face. I wanted to help people by sharing my own experiences and answering any questions, no matter how small or silly they seemed.
As a Peer Mentor I mainly answered questions because I have experienced what my mentees are going through. I held in-person sessions, which were not only useful for answering questions, but also for getting to know each other. I also sent my mentees tips on study resources such as apps, textbooks and websites that I had found very helpful during my first year.
A mentee can expect from their Peer Mentor someone who has experienced the transition to university and wants to help other students with theirs. They will be willing to answer any questions, help with any problems and mainly just alleviate some anxiety around the unknown experience of moving away from home, starting a new course and becoming more independent.

Benefits of being a Peer Mentor
Being a Peer Mentor has helped me develop leadership, teamworking and organisation skills. These not only allow me to interact better with my mentees but are skills which will help me in the future within my career and everyday life.
I was nominated and won FMS Peer Mentor of the Year which came as a big surprise! I was amazed at how highly my mentees spoke of me and that all the little things I did made such a difference to them. I honestly didn’t expect to be nominated or to win as I was only providing the help and guidance I would’ve liked in my first year.
Volunteering as a Peer Mentor doesn’t take much time or effort; however, it can make such a huge difference to a new student. You already have all the knowledge needed for the role as you have lived through the experience. It is extremely worthwhile and overall, it is a great experience.