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Digitisation Service

Special Collections offers a digitisation service for our rare book and archive holdings wherever possible.

How to order your digital copies

Make a note of the title and reference code of your book or archive collection, together with any specific page numbers, and then complete a digitisation request form.

Digitisation request form

We aim to complete all copy requests within one week of the confirmation of your order (please note your order will only be confirmed once payment has been received).

Occasionally, legal restrictions or the fragility of an item will prevent us from offering this service. We will advise you further in this situation.

Please note: If you want to check the detail of an item remotely, we also offer a Virtual Reading Room Service, where you view material remotely without charge. 

Virtual reading room service

Make a note of the title and reference code of your book or archive collection, together with any specific page numbers, and then complete a digitisation request form.

Pricing and Costs

Digitisation (scanning/photography)

First digital image: £16.00 (£13.33 + VAT. This includes admin, handling, and digitisation set-up charges). Then £3.00 (£2.50 + VAT) for subsequent images.

Separate charges apply to requests for images from the Gertrude Bell Archive.

Photography in the reading room

When consulting material, users are permitted to photograph material themselves free of charge. This is subject to completing the copyright declaration forms which can be provided by staff on your visit.


The Library has no additional charges for commercial and non-commercial reuse. However, you must:

  • seek copyright permission from the creator or designated third party where copyright exemptions do not apply.
  • acknowledge the University Library appropriately.

For specific guidance on copyright and acknowledgements, please see Copyright, Acknowledgement and Re-use.

Gertrude Bell Archive

The following processing fees apply to requests for images from the Gertrude Bell Archive:


£20 (including UK VAT) per photograph.

Non-photographic items

 £10 (including UK VAT) per page.

Many of the Images in the Gertrude Bell Archive are published under a Creative Commons Licence allowing both commercial and non-commercial reuse.

The Library has no additional charges for commercial and non-commercial reuse.

Where images from the Gertrude Bell Archive are reused the following attribution should be used: [insert full item reference], Bell (Gertrude) Archive, Newcastle University Library

Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015

The Library is required to comply with the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015.  This regulates how information it creates or holds is made available for re-use.

If you have any queries about this public task statement, or wish to lodge a complaint about a decision made in relation to the Regulations, please Tell Us What You Think by sending your feedback.