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Open Research Awards

Recognising colleagues and students who have helped to make research more open.

The Newcastle University Open Research Awards recognise staff and students who have used open practices to make research more accessible, transparent or reproducible, and demonstrate an understanding of the aims of open research.

The awards are open to all students and colleagues working in any research-related role, at any stage, within any area of the University. Prizes are awarded as vouchers to the winner of the Open Research Award (£500), second place (£250) and third place (£150). Additional prizes may be awarded at the discretion of the panel. We also encourage nominations for prizes of £50 each to recognise those who have helped to make research more open, but do not wish to submit a full case study.

These awards were made possible thanks to Newcastle University’s Enhancing Research Culture Project Fund in support of our Research Culture Action Plan

The winners of Open Research Awards are listed below. We plan to run awards will again in 2025 and details of how to enter will be added here in due course.

Open Research Award Winners 

Open Research Awards 2024


Second prize

Third prize (joint)



  • Pradeep Dheerendra for open-sourcing code and data supporting the work of the auditory cognition research group. 
  • Alison Hutchinson for the development of an open-source database of wildlife crime legislation.
  • Janet Kerwin for editing the Human Developmental Biology Resource Atlas.
  • Heather McKenna for outstanding support with open access publication.
  • Sadegh Nadimi foradvancing particle characterisation through open hardware, software and data.


Open Research Awards 2023


Second prize

Third prize (joint)



  • Daniel Hinds. Executive Support Administrator, SAgE Professional Services.
  • Bethany Hunter. Research Technician, FMS Professional Services.

Open Research Awards 2022


Second prize

Third prize
