Staff involved:
- Mr Jon Barnes
- Prof Barbara Brown
- Dr John Bythell
- Dr Alasdair Edwards
- Prof Nicholas Polunin
- Dr Selina Stead
- Dr Jeremy Thomason
- Prof Rob Upstill-Goddard

Pre- and post-hurricane images of the shallow backreef on
the south side of Buck Island showing the creation of a new
rubble berm during Hurricane Hugo (1989). Other areas showed
less drastic impacts.
Newcastle publications in tropical marine science
and coastal management 1996-2004
Marine Research in the Tropics
Current research themes
Staff from Newcastle have been active in research on tropical marine ecosystems
for over 25 years. From relatively modest beginnings this research has broadened out
over the years to encompass a wide cross-section of staff working at a range of scales,
from the molecular to the ocean basin. We have grouped current research by various teams
under a series of themes.
Global climate change and coral bleaching
Responses of coral reefs to natural and anthropogenic disturbance
Reef fisheries and Marine Protected Areas
Herbivory and coral/algal dynamics
Spatial marine ecology and remote sensing
Molecular ecology, evolution and systematics
Recent Publications
- Dunn SR, Thomason JC, Le Tissier MDA, Bythell JC (2004) Heat stress induces different forms of cell death
in sea anemones and their endosymbiotic algae depending on temperature and duration. Cell Death Differentiation
11 (11): 1213-1222
- Bythell JC, Pantos O, Richardson LL (2004) White plague and other 'white' diseases. pp. 351-366
In: Coral health and disease (Eds. Rosenberg E, Loya Y), Springer-Verlag, New York.
- Dulvy NK, Freckleton RP, Polunin NVC (2004) Coral reef cascades and the indirect effects of consumer
removal by exploitation. Ecology Letters 7: 410-416.
- Mumby PJ, Edwards AJ, Arias-González JE, Lindeman KC, Blackwell PG, Gall A, Gorczynska MI,
Harborne AR, Pescod CL, Renken H, Wabnitz CCC, Llewellyn G (2004) Mangroves enhance the
biomass of coral reef fish communities in the Caribbean. Nature 427: 533-536.
- Dulvy NK, Polunin NVC, Mill AC, Graham NAJ (2004) Size structural change in lightly exploited coral
reef fish communities: evidence for weak indirect effects. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
61: 466-475.
- Gill AC, Edwards AJ (2003) Pseudoplesiops wassi, new species of pseudoplesiopine
dottyback (Teleostei: Pseudochromidae: Pseudoplesiopinae) from the West Pacific.
Zootaxa 291: 1-7.
- Pantos O, Cooney RP, Le Tissier MDA, Barer MR, O'Donnell AG, Bythell JC (2003) The bacterial ecology of a plague-like
disease affecting the Caribbean coral Montastrea annularis. Environmental Microbiology 5 (5): 370-382.
- Dulvy NK, Sadovy Y, Reynolds JD (2003) Extinction vulnerability in marine populations.
Fish and Fisheries 4: 25-64.
- Edwards AJ, Gill AC, Abohweyere PO (2003) A revision of F.R. Irvine's Ghanaian marine fishes in the
collections of The Natural History Museum, London. Journal of Natural History 37 (18): 2213-2267.
- Brown BE, Downs CA, Dunne RP, Gibb SW (2002) Preliminary
evidence for tissue retraction as a factor in photoprotection of corals incapable of
xanthophyll cycling. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 277: 129-144.
- Mumby PJ, Edwards AJ (2002) Mapping marine environments with IKONOS imagery: enhanced spatial resolution can
deliver greater thematic accuracy. Remote Sensing of Environment 82: 248-257.
- Polunin NVC (2002) Marine protected areas, fish and fisheries. pp 293-318
In: PJB Hart & JD Reynolds, Handbook of Fish and Fisheries, Volume II,
Blackwell, Oxford.
- Dunn SR, Thomason JC, Le Tissier MDA, Bythell JC (2002) Detection of cell death activity during experimentally
induced bleaching of the symbiotic sea anemone Aiptasia sp. Proceedings of the 9th International Coral Reef
Symposium 2: 145-153.
- Polunin NVC, Pinnegar JK (2002) Trophic ecology and the structure of
marine food webs. pp 310-320 In: PJB Hart & JD Reynolds, Handbook of
Fish and Fisheries, Volume I, Blackwell, Oxford.
- Bythell JC, Barer MR, Cooney RP, Guest JR, O'Donnell AG, Pantos O, Le Tissier MDA (2002) Histopathological methods
for the investigation of microbial communities associated with disease lesions in reef corals.
Letters in Applied Microbiology, 34: 359-364.
- Gill AC, Edwards AJ (2002) Two new species of the
Indo-Pacific fish genus Pseudoplesiops (Perciformes: Pseudochromidae:
Pseudoplesiopinae). Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, London (Zoology), 68 (1): 19-26.
- Dulvy NK, Mitchell RE, Watson D, Sweeting C, Polunin NVC (2002) Spatial
scale-dependent top-down control of mesoinvertebrates along a Fijian
fishing gradient. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
278: 1-29.
- Dunn SR, Bythell JC, Le Tissier MDA, Burnett WJ, Thomason JC (2002) Programmed cell death and cell necrosis
activity during hyperthermic stress-induced bleaching of the symbiotic sea anemone Aiptasia sp.
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 272: 29-53.
- McClanahan T, Polunin N, Done T (2002) Ecological states and the
resilience of coral reefs. Conservation Ecology 6 (2): 18.
- Cooney RP, Le Tissier MDA, Barer MR, O'Donnell AG, Bythell JC (2002) Characterisation of the bacterial consortium
associated with black band disease in coral using molecular microbiological techniques. Environmental
Microbiology 4 (7): 401-413.
- Rogers C, Gladfelter W, Hubbard D, Gladfelter E, Bythell J, Dunsmore R, Loomis C, Devine B, Hillis-Starr Z,
Phillips B (2002) Acropora in the U.S. Virgin Islands: A Wake or an Awakening? A Status Report Prepared for
the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration. Proceedings of the Caribbean Acropora Workshop,
US Department of Commerce, Miami, Florida, pp. 99-122.