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Newcastle University Student Fund

Help make a life-changing impact on students at Newcastle University.

Will you support students throughout their time at university?

Everyone deserves equal access to education and a positive student experience. Unfortunately, not everyone has this opportunity - the chance to learn, build friendships and communities, develop skills and confidence, and make the most of their university life.

These challenges do not only affect academic outcomes but extracurricular and social activities as these are the first things that students must give up. Students often struggle to feel part of a community and are denied a rich and memorable student experience.  

  • 58% of students say their loans no longer cover their living costs.
  • Private rental costs in Newcastle have increased by 7%
  • Basic student outgoings such as rent, energy bills and grocery costs, have increased by 17%
  • 77% of students say the ongoing cost-of-living crisis has affected the income of someone in their support network.

Will you join the Newcastle University family and support students when they need it most?

Our pledge

To support students struggling with these rising costs, the Newcastle University Development Trust has pledged £50,000 to match donations made to the Newcastle University Student Fund. All donations made before 16 September 2024 will be doubled, meaning that for every £1 donated, £2 will go towards helping a student in need.

Donate to the Newcastle University Student Fund today 

With your help, this generation of Newcastle students can face the financial struggles caused by the rising cost of living, succeed in their studies and make a difference around the world.

And you can make double the difference, with match-funding available from the Newcastle University Development Trust - so for every £1 you donate, £2 will go to a student in need.

  • £75 will support a student's mental health and wellbeing by covering the cost of joining a Students' Union society.
  • £100 will cover the cost of attending an assessment centre so that a final-year student can plan for their future.
  • £250 will provide an emergency hardship bursary to a talented student struggling to make ends meet.
  • £500 will buy a laptop and vital course materials for a first-year student to get their learning on the right track.

Samuel's story

"Thanks to the financial support I’ve received it has allowed me to fully take part in university life. I’ve taken part in extracurricular activities, including the board games club, esports, powerlifting and American Football. This has allowed me to meet a lot more people and build a community. So, I’d like to say a very big thank you to those who support me because you've really improved my life and university experience vastly."

Samuel, Computer Sciences student

Student Samuel Attipoe

The difference our alumni and supporters make

Our alumni and supporters have already made a life-changing impact to students. Your generous donations have helped us to:

  • Open a 'Student Pantry' in the Students' Union which is free to access, offering cooking basics, toiletries and sanitary products for students who need them. 
  • Offer discounted hot and healthy meals at outlets on campus to fuel a day of lectures and learning - 1,300 students a month have benefitted from our £1 meals this term!
  • Subsidise travel costs to internships and placements, helping students to take the first step in their careers.
  • Provide participation bursaries for students to join Student Union clubs, societies and sports.
  • Increase the number of free e-books and resources available at our libraries, so students don't have to spend as much to support their learning.
  • And much, much more.

This is having a profound impact on all students. Students with caring responsibilities, international students or students from poorer backgrounds, all face the choice between working longer hours or dropping out completely.

Chloe, NUS Vice-President Higher Education

Receiving financial support put me at ease, it meant I could focus solely on my studies and embrace all the other aspects of university life. Thank you to the people who donated. I can't even put into words how amazing it's been having this support.

Hiruni, Undergraduate Psychology student

The support I've received means I've been able to live and eat. The student loan I was receiving only covered my rent. Every penny you give helps students like me. I think it's brilliant what our alumni donors are doing - so thank you!

Ella, Undergraduate Physics student

Are you a student struggling with the rising cost of living?

Your University and Students’ Union are here to help you.

NUSU have set up an online cost of living hub where you can find out the latest information about support available to you.

The Student Advice Centre have pulled together some Frequently Asked Questions regarding the cost of living, including guidance on any government support you may be entitled to.

If you’re feeling anxious or stressed about your financial situation, there is mental health and wellbeing support available to you.