Computer Science History: 1990s
The 1990s saw the separation between the academic and service functions of the School of Computing.
Academic split (1991)
In 1991, University Senate accepted a proposed separation of the Computing Laboratory. It split the academic and service functions.
The first of the two sections became the University Computing Service, directed by Elizabeth Barraclough.
The second was the Department of Computing Science. Professor Whitfield stepped down as Head of Department in 1992. He was succeeded by Professor Anderson.
Information Systems degree
By the early 1990s there was an emerging need for graduates with a clear understanding of current technologies. They needed the ability to apply these in novel ways in important applications areas.
To cater for this demand the department introduced a new undergraduate programme in Information Systems, with possible components from Business, Accounting and Management. This programme was popular for several years and sometimes attracted more students than the Computing Science degree. It has since been discontinued.
The 25th annual Newcastle International Seminar on the Teaching of Computing Science took place in 1992. It was celebrated with presentations from eight of its most distinguished former speakers. Six of the speakers were holders of the ACM Turing Award.
40th anniversary (1997)
The Laboratory celebrated its 40th anniversary in 1997. It held a half-day seminar at which Professor Page was the keynote speaker (further details of the seminar can be found here).
Other speakers reported on various aspects of its past achievements. Professor Anderson stepped down as Head of Department in 1997, becoming Dean of the Faculty of Science. Dr John Lloyd succeeded him as Head.