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Advanced Model-Based Engineering and Reasoning

We build abstract models of computing systems to help us design better systems.

What we do

We build abstract models of computing systems, so that we can design better systems. These models allow us to thoroughly test designs and explore alternatives.

The Advanced Model-Based Engineering and Reasoning (AMBER) group contributes to research in:

  • Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Modelling Algorithms and Theory


Our work helps contain risk.

We equip engineers with methods and tools to explore, verify and refine the properties of complex systems. We do this through models with well-founded semantics.

Through this model-based engineering, we can permit detection of optimal and defective designs long before committing to implementations on real hardware.

What we’re working on

We’re applying model-based methods to develop and manage some of the most demanding computing systems. These include:

  • systems rich in concurrency
  • systems that combine computing (cyber), physical and human elements
  • biological systems
  • 'systems of systems', composed of independent, autonomous systems

Advancements through collaboration

We maintain extensive international academic collaborations, several on a strategic basis, which lead to joint publications and projects.

AMBER’s focus on the “pipeline” from foundations to industry practice has been vindicated through several advances.

The future of AMBER

Over the next 5 years, our plan is to develop AMBERs international profile in formal model-based methods for asynchronous and cyber-physical systems.

Applications in development

We’re actively developing methodologies and tools for:

  • supporting criminal investigations based on causality
  • model-based engineering in infrastructure and the built environment

Our research focus

  • Stochastic and hybrid systems modelling and verification: We’re dedicated to making a meaningful impact through foundational work in stochastic and hybrid systems modelling and verification. Our focus is on developing cutting-edge tools and methodologies that not only advance the field but also attract and retain experts in these areas.
  • Asynchronous circuits: We're focussing on developing novel technologies for the design of asynchronous circuits.
  • Engineering digital twins for Cyber-Physical Systems: We’re creating well-founded tool chains that enable the engineering of digital twins for Cyber-Physical Systems. These digital twins serve as virtual replicas, facilitating better understanding, analysis, and optimisation of complex systems.