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Computing and Mathematics Education

  • Offered for Year: 2025/26
  • Module Leader(s): Dr Marie Devlin
  • Owning School: School of Computing
  • Teaching Location: Newcastle City Campus


Your programme is made up of credits, the total differs on programme to programme.

Semester 1 Credit Value: 10
Semester 2 Credit Value: 10
ECTS Credits: 10.0


To equip participants with pedagogical background knowledge and practical skills for teaching Computing and Mathematics in their future career.

Outline Of Syllabus

  • Every day relevance of Computing and Mathematics skills, the need for literacy and skills shortages in the UK
  • Barriers to STEM education – designing for inclusivity, understand, respect and value diversity
  • Learning theories to support curriculum design (Constructivism, Constructionism, social development theory, constructive alignment, models and taxonomies, self-directed and group learning.)
  • Contemporary teaching and learning methods in Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Problem-Based Learning, Project-based learning, Active Learning, Scenario-based learning, simulations etc., Scaffolding, student-centered learning, experiential learning Inquiry
    based teaching and learning, instructional strategies for teaching (Primary, Secondary, University)
  • National curricula, standards, frameworks, accreditation criteria and how to develop curricula from these.
  • The role of problem solving and design in STEM Education
  • Designing teaching and learning activities
  • Planning and implementing a module, programme of study or learning event.
  • Mathematical thinking – importance, connections
  • Computational thinking – foundational concepts, connections
  • Mental Modelling – visual and graphical representation, drawing and modelling, prototyping and artefact development.
  • Assessment – design, procedures, tools and techniques, feedback, formative, summative, ipsative (of learning, for learning, as learning, peer assessment and group work), competencies, skills, knowledge and practical application of ideas
  • Assessment culture.
  • Learning Analytics, Learning Evaluation
  • Supporting student learning

Learning Outcomes

Intended Knowledge Outcomes

  • Knowledge of learning and skill development processes in key concepts in Mathematics or Computer Science
  • Evaluate and critique teaching and learning theories and methods
  • Understand and critically evaluate current curricula for Maths and Computer Science teaching – primary, secondary, university
  • Lesson planning processes and delivery methods
  • A range of pedagogical strategies to enhance student learning and engagement
  • How to design assessment and learning activities
  • How to evaluate teaching practices
  • How to create inclusive learning environments
  • How to give constructive feedback and support student learning

Intended Skill Outcomes

  • Be able to design a learning event, module or programme syllabus from curricula and standards
  • Be able to employ a range of pedagogical strategies, techniques and tools to use in teaching practice
  • Use a range of technologies in teaching practice
  • Be able to design assessment for individual or group learning
  • Critically evaluate and reflect on your own teaching practice

Teaching Methods

Teaching Activities

CategoryActivityNumberLengthStudent HoursComment
Scheduled Learning And Teaching Activities Lecture 24 1:00 24:00 Background material on theories, techniques, curricula, standards etc
Scheduled Learning And Teaching Activities Practical 24 2:00 48:00 Designing curricula, assessments, lessons – technology, tools and techniques – practical sessions
Scheduled Learning And Teaching Activities Small group teaching 8 2:00 16:00 Group teaching practice sessions
Structured Guided Learning Academic skills activities 12 1:00 12:00 Literature searching, critique, academic writing, designing assessment
Guided Independent Study Online Discussion 4 1:00 4:00 Explore relevant literature, discuss and debate ideas and theories
Guided Independent Study Assessment preparation and completion 2 15:00 30:00 Coursework write up (sem 1 & 2)
Structured Guided Learning Structured research and reading activities 8 3:00 24:00 Preparation for teaching practice – exercises for preparing for small group teaching
Guided Independent Study Independent study 22 1:00 22:00 Lecture follow up
Guided Independent Study Independent study 44 1:00 44:00 Background Reading
Totals       224  

Teaching Rationale And Relationship

Theory and techniques are presented in lectures. Supervised lab design sessions take place in a PC lab providing hands on experience of design and use of technologies to support teaching and learning. Workshops take place in a seminar space to give students practical experience of applying techniques and discussion with their classmates. Small group teaching sessions allow students to practice their teaching in a safe space and allow for constructive feedback so they can evaluate their own practice and progress.

Assessment Methods

Other Assessments

ComponentSemesterWhen setPercentageComment
Design/Creative project 1 1 M 50 Assessed Coursework covering Semester 1 taught material. 2000 words
Essay 1 2 M 50 Assessed Coursework covering Semester 1 taught material. 2000 words

Formative Assessments

ComponentSemesterWhen setComment
Problem solving exercises 1 1 M Exercises for giving written and verbal feedback to classmates on their teaching practice
Problem solving exercises 2 2 M Exercises for giving written and verbal feedback to classmates on their teaching practice
