Staff Profile
Current roles and responsibilities
- 2023-present: Post-doctoral Research Associate in the CNNP lab, School of Computing, Newcastle University.
- 2024-present: Associate Fellow, Faculty of Medical Sciences Graduate School, Newcastle University.
Past roles and responsibilities
- 2018-2023: Leverhulme Doctoral Scholar in Behaviour Informatics, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Newcastle University.
- 2018-2023: Postgraduate Demonstrator, School of Psychology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Newcastle University.
- 2016-2018: Research Assistant, Institute of Neuroscience, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Newcastle University.
- PhD in Neuropsychology of mood disorders, Newcastle University, 2023.
- MSc Cognitive Neuropsychology (research), cum laude, Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam, 2016.
- MA(Hons) Psychology (with Honours of the First Class), University of Glasgow, 2012.
Funding and awards
- 2024: International Society for Bipolar Disorders Samuel Gershon Junior Investigator Award winner.
- 2023: EPSRC AI in Health grant awarded to Dr Yujiang Wang, '[Fractal AI] Leveraging universal fractal geometry to develop new AI for neuroimaging', named investigator, Newcastle University (£600k).
- 2023: Career Development Post-Submission Bursary awardee, Newcastle University Doctoral College (£4,417).
- 2021: Newcastle University JobsOC Summer Internship Scheme co-awardee, PI: Dr Peter Gallagher (£3,550).
- 2021: Faculty of Medical Sciences Graduate School Travel Funding awardee, Newcastle University (conference registration).
- 2016: Erasmus+ Internship grant awardee for research internship at Durham University (€2,700).
- 2014: VU Fellowship Programme scholarship awardee for MSc at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (€10,000).
Research environment activities
- 2023-present: junior editorial board member, Bipolar Disorders: The Journal.
- 2020-present: peer reviewer for several journals (e.g., Psychiatry Research, JINS, JCEN; see Web of Science profile).
- 2016-present: member of NU Women, Newcastle University.
- 2016-2018: member of the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion committee, Institute of Neuroscience, Newcastle University.
- 2023: presented at 'North-East Women in Engineering and Computing' event, Newcastle University.
Non-research roles
- 2012-2014: Graduate/HR assistant, Corporate Training and Development Unit, Dumfries & Galloway Council, Scotland. Led a team to co-ordinate corporate development programmes.
- Voluntary roles: Girls Network mentor (2018-2020), PACC Durham classroom assistant and exam invigilator (2016); Alzheimer Scotland (2010-2011); ChildLine counsellor (2010-2011).
Areas of expertise
Cognitive neuropsychology, computational neuropsychology, neuroimaging, brain-behaviour research
Current research
The majority of my work focuses on developing methods in cognitive neuropsychology, with an aim to investigate cognitive functions and their neural correlates in clinical disorders. I leverage normative modelling approaches and novel measures of cortical morphology to measure brain structure and detect deviations from the healthy trajectory. I use multivariate computational approaches to explore complex associations between cognitive dysfunction and brain abnormalities in disease.
Research Interests
- Human cognition and neurocognitive impairment in disease
- Brain-behaviour associations
- Cognitive and neuropsychological assessment
- Cortical morphology in health and disease
- Mood disorders and psychiatric disorders
- Ageing and dementia
- Neurodevelopmental disorders and neurodivergence
- Computational modelling of cognitive data
- Multivariate analysis
- Normative modelling
- MRI pre-processing (e.g. FreeSurfer)
- Programming in R (some Matlab and unix)
- High performance computing systems and parallel processing
- Systematic review and meta-analysis
- Psychophysiological measurements, e.g., eye-tracking and skin conductance
- Cognitive testing and neuropsychological assessment
Current teaching and supervision
I supervise PhD students in the School of Computing and review PhD projects as an Associate Fellow panel member in the Faculty of Medical Sciences. I also recruit and supervise placement students in the CNNP lab, e.g., Psychology Undergraduate placement year research interns.
Previous teaching and supervision
2018-2023: Postgraduate Demonstrator, School of Psychology, Newcastle University. Modules included:
- PSY2022 Methods in Psychology 2A
- PSY2009 Methods in Psychology 2B
- PSY2004 Individual Differences
- PSY1012 Introduction to Psychology
2016-2022: I co-supervised several Undergraduate and Masters project students in the Faculty of Medical Sciences (Institute of Neuroscience 2016-2018, Translational and Clinical Research Institute 2018-2022).
- Horsley J, Wang Y, Simpson C, Janiukstyte V, Leiberg K, Little B, de Tisi J, Duncan J, Taylor PN. Status epilepticus and thinning of the entorhinal cortex. Epilepsy and Behavior 2024, 160, 110016.
- Little B, Flowers C, Blamire AM, Thelwall PE, Taylor JP, Gallagher P, Cousins DA, Wang Y. Multivariate brain-cognition associations in euthymic bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disorders 2024, 26(6), 604-616.
- Little B. Future approaches to investigating cognitive functioning in bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disorders 2023, 25(2), 158-159.
- Leiberg K, de Tisi J, Duncan JS, Little B, Taylor PN, Vos SB, Winston GP, Mota B, Wang Y. Effects of anterior temporal lobe resection on cortical morphology. Cortex 2023, 166, 233-242.
- Wang Y, Leiberg K, Ludwig T, Little B, Necus JH, Winston G, Vos SB, Tisi JD, Duncan JS, Taylor PN, Mota B. Independent components of human brain morphology. NeuroImage 2021, 226, 117546.
- Little B, Alshabrawy O, Stow D, Ferrier IN, McNaney R, Jackson DG, Ladha K, Ladha C, Ploetz T, Bacardit J, Olivier P, Gallagher P, OBrien JT. Deep learning-based automated speech detection as a marker of social functioning in late-life depression. Psychological Medicine 2021, 51(9), 1441-1450.
- Little B, Gallagher P, Zimmerer V, Varley R, Douglas M, Spencer H, Çokal D, Deamer F, Turkington D, Ferrier IN, Hinzen W, Watson S. Language in schizophrenia and aphasia: the relationship with non-verbal cognition and thought disorder. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry 2019, 24(6), 389-405.
- Munneke J, Hoppenbrouwers SS, Little B, Kooiman K, vanderBurg E, Theeuwes J. Comparing the response modulation hypothesis and the integrated emotions system theory: The role of top-down attention in psychopathy. Personality and Individual Differences 2018, 122, 134–139.
- Hoppenbrouwers SS, Munneke J, Kooiman KA, Little B, Neumann CS, Theeuwes J. Fearful Faces do Not Lead to Faster Attentional Deployment in Individuals with Elevated Psychopathic Traits. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment 2017, 39(4), 596-604.
Book Chapter
- Centifanti LCM, Risser S, Little B. Peer Processes and Child Psychopathology. In: Centifanti, L.C. & Williams, D, ed. The Wiley Handbook of Developmental Psychopathology. New York, United States: John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2017, pp.311–334.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Little B, Cousins D, Wang Y, Gallagher P. The Effect of Core Cognitive Dysfunction on Memory in People with Mood Disorders. In: Annual Mid-Year Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society. 2022, Barcelona, Spain: INS.
- Little B, Anwyll M, Norsworthy L, Corbett L, Schultz-Froggatt M, Cousins D, Wang Y, Gallagher P. Processing speed and sustained attention in mood disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis. In: The 24th Annual Conference of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders. 2022, (virtual): John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Little B, Gallagher P, Cousins D, Wang Y. Investigating brain-cognition associations in Bipolar Disorder using Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA). In: Organization for Human Brain Mapping Annual Meeting. 2022, Glasgow, UK: OHBM.
Edited Book
- Dadis F, Little B, ed. Aging and Dementia. Neuropsychology, Motor Skills, and Pain. VU University Press, 2015.
- Little B, Anwyll M, Norsworthy L, Corbett L, Schultz-Froggatt M, Gallagher P. Processing speed and sustained attention in bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Bipolar Disorders 2024, 26(2), 109-128.
- Ciafone J, Little B, Thomas AJ, Gallagher P. The Neuropsychological Profile of Mild Cognitive Impairment in Lewy Body Dementias. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 2020, 26(2), 210-225.