Staff Profile
Dr Clara Crivellaro
Reader in Digital Social Justice
- Personal Website:
I am Reader (Associate Professor) in digital social justice at the School of Computing’s Open Lab, with expertise in Human-Computer Interaction, Digital Civics, Human-Centre Design, Participatory Design, and co-creation.
Prior to my current role, I was Senior Research Fellow in Digital Local Democracy and held a post-doc position at Open Lab working on the EPSRC-funded MyPlace project. I obtained my PhD in Computing at Newcastle University. I obtained my PhD in Human-Computer Interaction at Newcastle University. My PhD explored the design of participatory socio-technical processes to support social activism in the everyday politics of place.
Before joining academia, I worked as a Socially Engaged Art practitioner on various initiatives and projects in the creative and cultural sector in the UK and Europe. I have an MA of Arts in Curatorial practice and a BA (hons) in Arts & Design.
My research explores how the careful design of new and emergent technologies and socio-technical processes can help support democratic practices and advance equity and social justice in digital societies. Key research areas include, designing for social activism and social justice through co-production of digital services and digital social innovations; data-driven innovations to help explore systemic issues and shape policy; embedding social justice and public values in the design of socio-technical systems. I am also interested in the design of novel tools and processes to support Responsible Research and Innovation in Computing and civic-driven research commissioning processes.
I am currently Co-Investigator on the EPSRC Centre for Digital Citizens – Next Stage Digital Economy Centre, where I contribute research on co-creation and algorithmic social justice.
I am Co-Investigator on the EPRSC Hydrogen Integration for Accelerated Energy Transitions (HI-ACT), where I contribute novel civic engagements with energy futures for just transitions.
I was the Principal Investigator and Director of Not-Equal, the EPSRC Network+ on Social Justice through the Digital Economy (2018-2022), which fostered 18 cross-disciplinarity and cross-sectoral collaborations exploring Algorithmic Social Justice, equity in digital security and fairness in sharing economies. I was co-investigator on the co-investigator of the EPSRC Digital Economy Research Center(DERC, 2015-2022); and the H2020 Generative European Urban Commons, gE.CO (2019-2022), which developed socio-technical toolkits to support communing processes.
I am a co-founding member of OLAthens, a cooperative that supports solidarity movements’ social innovations in Greece.
My publications have received ACM best paper awards and honourable mentions for research likely to shape the future of computing. For full list of publications see my Google Scholar profile here.
Research Awards
- EPSRC Hub on Hydrogen Integration for Accelerated Energy Transition (HI-ACT). 2023-2028. (Co-I) (EP/X038823/1) (£10.7M)
- Centre for Digital Citizens - Next Stage Digital Economy Centre. (Co-I) 10/2020-09/2025. EPSRC. EP/T022582/1. (£3,797,252)
- Social Justice through the Digital Economy Network . (PI) 07/2018-06/2021. EPSRC. EP/R044929/1. (£1,006,664).
- gECO: Generative European Commons Living Labs. (Co-I) 02/2019 – 01/2022. H2020. (€995 810).
- ESRC Nine DTP Studentship in Artificial Intelligence and Health. (Co-I with Prof Simon Forrest, Durham University). 01/2019-01/2022
- EPSRC Digital Economy Research Centre (Co-I). 11/2018 – 10/2020. EPSRC. EP/M023001/. (£4,051,357).
PhD supervision
- Peter Glick – Newcastle University, Designing digital tools to support the management of Personal Health Budgets
- Bobbie Bailey – Newcastle University, Digital materialisation of Urban Imaginaries (2022)
- Mohaan Biswas – Newcastle University, Trade Unions in the digital era (2022)
- Ashleigh Alderson – Newcastle University, AI and Health information seeking online (2022)
- Agata Jalosinska – Newcastle University, Data and Environment, (2022)
- Sebastian Prost - Newcastle University, Infrastructuring food democracy (2021)
- Jennifer Manuel - Newcastle University, Re-Designing Planning Policy Processes and Embedding Technology: The Case of Neighbourhood Planning (2021)
- Stuart Nicholson - Newcastle University, Designing sustainable community interfaces (2021)
- Alexander Wilson – Newcastle University (2020), Technology-enabled planning participation (complete)
- Daniel William Lambton-Howard – Newcastle University (2020), Designing Large-Scale Engagements on WhatsApp (complete)
I have experience teaching a range of HCI module primarily at Master level and giving invited seminars and lectures about my research.
- CSC8601 — Systems and Societies, MSc HCI, School of Computing, Newcastle University, 2020-2021, (Module leader)
- CSC8601 -- Introduction to Digital Civics, Mres in Digital Civics, School of Computing, Newcastle University, 2017-9, (Lecturer)
- CSC8608 – IxD, Mres in Digital Civics, School of Computing, Newcastle University, 2017-9, (Lecturer)
- CSC8607 – Research Methods, Mres in Digital Civics, School of Computing, Newcastle University, 2018-9, (Lecturer)
- Vlachokyriakos V, Crivellaro C, Kouki H, Giovanopoulos C, Olivier P. Research with a Solidarity Clinic: Design Implications for CSCW Healthcare Service Design. Computer Supported Cooperative Work 2021, 30, 757-783.
- Crivellaro C, Coles-Kemp L, Dix A, Light A. Not-equal: Democratizing research in digital innovation for social justice. Interactions 2019, 26(2), 70-73.
- Crivellaro C, Anderson R, Lambton-Howard D, Nappey T, Olivier P, Vlachokyriakos V, Wilson A, Wright P. Infrastructuring public service transformation: Creating collaborative spaces between communities and institutions through HCI research. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 2019, 26(3), 15.
- Prost S, Vlachokyriakos V, Midgley J, Heron G, Meziant K, Crivellaro C. Infrastructuring Food Democracy: The Formation of a Local Food Hub in the Context of Socio-Economic Deprivation. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2019, 3(CSCW), 57.
Book Chapter
- Peacock S, Puussaar A, Crivellaro C. Sensing our Streets: Involving Children in Making People-centred Smart Cities. In: Cara Courage, Tom Borrup, Maria Rosario Jackson, Kylie Legge, Anita Mckeown, Louise Platt, Jason Schupbach, ed. The Routledge Handbook of Placemaking. London: Routledge, 2021, pp.130-140.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Watson C, Crivellaro C, Parnaby AW, Kharrufa A. Hostile Systems: A Taxonomy of Harms Articulated by Citizens Living with Socio-Economic Deprivation. In: CHI '24: Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2024, Honolulu, HI, USA: ACM.
- Prost S, Ntouros V, Wood G, Collingham H, Taylor N, Crivellaro C, Rogers J, Vines J. Walking and Talking: Place-based Data Collection and Mapping for Participatory Design with Communities. In: DIS '23: Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference. 2023, Pittsburgh, USA: ACM.
- Glick P, Crivellaro C. MyCareBudget: Co-creating a Healthcare Digital Commons with and for Disabled Citizens and their Unpaid Carers. In: 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '23). 2023, Hamburg, Germany: ACM.
- Glick P, Clarke RE, Crivellaro C. Exploring Experiences of Self-Directed Care Budgets: Design Implications for Socio-Technical Interventions. In: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '22). 2022, New Orleans, USA: ACM.
- Dix A, Crivellaro C, Steeds M, Mitchell J. Doctoral Consortium Learning Together. In: 35th International BCS Human-Computer Interaction Conference (HCI 2022). 2022, Keele, Staffordshire: BCS Learning and Development Ltd.
- Nicholson S, Crivellaro C, Clear AK, Jackson D, Comber R, Vlachokyriakos V, Olivier P. Sustaining a networked community resource: Findings from a longitudinal situated display deployment. In: CHI '21: Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2021, Yokohama, Japan: ACM.
- Johnson IG, Crivellaro C. Opening research commissioning to civic participation: creating a community panel to review the social impact of HCI research proposals. In: CHI '21: Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2021, Yokohama, Japan: ACM.
- Prost P, Pavlovskaya I, Meziant K, Vlachokyriakos V, Crivellaro C. Contact Zones: Designing for More-than-Human Food Relations. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2021, 5(CSCW1), 47.
- Bellini R, Strohmayer A, Olivier P, Crivellaro C. Mapping the Margins: Navigating the Ecologies of Domestic Violence Service Provision. In: Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '19). 2019, Glasgow, UK: ACM.
- Peacock S, Anderson R, Crivellaro C. Streets for People: Engaging Children in Placemaking Through a Socio-technical Process. In: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings. 2018, Montreal, Canada: Association for Computing Machinery.
- Maskell T, Crivellaro C, Anderson R, Nappey T, Araujo-Soares V, Montague K. Spokespeople: Exploring Routes to Action through Citizen-Generated Data. In: Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '18). 2018, Montreal, Canada: ACM.
- Vlachokyriakos V, Crivellaro C, Wright P, Olivier P. Infrastructuring the Solidarity Economy: Unpacking Strategies and Tactics in Designing Social Innovation. In: Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '18). 2018, Montreal, Canada: ACM.
- Prost S, Crivellaro C, Haddon A, Comber R. Food democracy in the making: Designing with local food networks. In: Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '18). 2018, Montreal, Canada: ACM.
- Vlachokyriakos V, Crivellaro C, Wright P, Karamagioli E, Staiou E-R, Gouscos D, Thorpe R, Kruger A, Schoning J, Jones M, Lawson S, Olivier P. HCI, solidarity movements and the solidarity economy. In: CHI'17 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings. 2017, Denver, Colorado: Association for Computing Machinery.
- Richardson D, Crivellaro C, Kharrufa A, Montague K, Olivier P. Exploring Public Places as Infrastructures for Civic M-Learning. In: 8th International Conference on Communities and Technologies. 2017, Troyes, France: Association for Computing Machinery.
- Bartindale T, Schofield G, Crivellaro C, Wright P. TryFilm: Situated Support for Interactive Media Productions. In: The 19th ACM Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (CSCW 2016). 2016, San Francisco, USA: ACM.
- Crivellaro C, Taylor A, Vlachokyriakos V, Comber R, Nissen B, Wright P. Re-Making Places: HCI, 'Community Building' and Change. In: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2016. 2016, San Jose, CA, USA: ACM Press.
- Talhouk R, Ahmed SI, Wulf V, Crivallero C, Vlachokyriakos V, Olivier P. Refugees and HCI SIG: The Role of HCI in Responding to the Refugee Crisis. In: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2016. 2016, Santa Clara, CA, USA: ACM.
- Clarke R, Crivellaro C, Di Mascio D, Wright P. Re-configuring Participatory Media for Citizen Elders in Urban Planning. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Media Architecture Biennale. 2016, Sydney, Australia: ACM New York.
- Vlachokyriakos V, Crivellaro C, LeDantec C, Gordon E, Wright P, Olivier P. Digital Civics: Citizen empowerment with and through technology. In: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2016. 2016, Santa Clara, California, USA: Association for Computing Machinery.
- Green D, Crivellaro C, Tidey J. Interactive Design Documentary As A Method For Civic Engagement. In: TVX 2015 - ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for TV and Online Video. 2015, Brussels, Belgium: Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.
- Vlachokyriakos V, Comber R, Crivellaro C, Taylor N, Kuznetsov S, Kavanaugh A, Le Dantec C, Kim BJ. Designing Alternative Systems for Local Communities. In: CHI EA '15: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2015, Seoul, Republic of Korea: ACM.
- Crivellaro C, Comber R, Dade-Robertson M, Bowen S, Wright P, Olivier P. Contesting the City: Enacting the political through digitally supported urban walks. In: CHI '15: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2015, Seoul, South Korea: ACM.
- Green D, Bowen S, Newell C, Schofield G, Bartindale T, Crivellaro C, Sheik A, Wright P, Olivier P. Beyond Participatory Production: Digitally Supporting Grassroots Documentary. In: Proceedings of the 33rd annual SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI 2015. 2015, Seoul, South Korea: ACM Press.
- Wood G, Vines J, Balaam M, Taylor N, Smith T, Crivellaro C, Mensah J, Limon H, Challis J, Anderson L, Clarke A, Wright PC. The Department Of Hidden Stories: Playful Digital Storytelling for Children in a Public Library. In: 32nd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2014, Toronto, Ontario, Canada: ACM.
- Clarke R, Briggs J, Light A, Heitlinger S, Crivellaro C. Socially engaged arts practice in HCI. In: CHI '14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '14). 2014, Toronto, Ontario, Canada: ACM.
- Crivellaro C, Comber R, Bowers J, Wright PC, Olivier P. A pool of dreams: facebook, politics and the emergence of a social movement. In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '14). 2014, Toronto, Canada: ACM Press.
Online Publication
- Peacock S, Armouch S, Crivellaro C, Vlachokyriakos V. Making Community: Lessons learned from researching digital technologies. Newcastle upon Tyne: Open Lab, Newcastle University, 2022. Available at: