Staff Profile
Professor Daniel Archambault
Professor of Data Science/Visualisation
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I am a Professor of Visualisation/Data Science at Newcastle University. My area of research helps visualisation and visual analytics systems scale to the age of data science. From this perspective, I investigate important research problems in data science and AI, graph drawing, social and complex network analysis, and HCI often in interdisciplinary settings. I investigate all parts of the data-to-human pipeline from the visualisation algorithms to display abstract data to the perceptual evaluation of such interfaces with humans, primarily focusing on visual analytics for machine learning and network visualisation.
- Rottmann P, Rodgers P, Yan X, Archambault D, Wang B, Haunert J-H. Generating Euler Diagrams Through Combinatorial Optimization. Computer Graphics Forum 2024, 43(3), e15089.
- Vago B, Archambault D, Arleo A. DynTrix: A Hybrid Representation for Dynamic Graphs. Computer Graphics Forum 2024, 43(3), e15076.
- Wallinger M, Archambault D, Auber D, Nollenburg M, Peltonen J. Faster Edge-Path Bundling through Graph Spanners. Computer Graphics Forum 2023, 42(6), e14789.
- Dykes J, Abdul-Rahman A, Archambault D, Bach B, Borgo R, Chen M, Enright J, Fang H, Firat EE, Freeman E, Gonen T, Harris C, Jianu R, John NW, Khan S, Lahiff A, Laramee RS, Matthews L, Mohr S, Nguyen PH, Rahat AAM, Reeve R, Ritsos PD, Roberts JC, Slingsby A, Swallow B, Torsney-Weir T, Turkay C, Turner R, Vidal FP, Wang Q, Wood J, Xu K. Visualization for epidemiological modelling: challenges, solutions, reflections and recommendations. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 2022, 380(2233), 20210299.
- Sondag M, Turkay C, Xu K, Matthews L, Mohr S, Archambault D. Visual Analytics of Contact Tracing Policy Simulations During an Emergency Response. Computer Graphics Forum 2022, 41(3), 29-41.
- Sadler S, Greene D, Archambault D. Towards explainable community finding. Applied Network Science 2022, 7, 81.
- Chen M, Abdul-Rahman A, Archambault D, Dykes J, Ritsos PD, Slingsby A, Torsney-Weir T, Turkay C, Bach B, Borgo R, Brett A, Fang H, Jianu R, Khan S, Laramee RS, Matthews L, Nguyen PH, Reeve R, Roberts JC, Vidal FP, Wang Q, Wood J, Xu K. RAMPVIS: Answering the challenges of building visualisation capabilities for large-scale emergency responses. Epidemics 2022, 39, 100569.
- Arleo A, Miksch S, Archambault D. Event-based Dynamic Graph Drawing without the Agonizing Pain. Computer Graphics Forum 2022, 41(6), 226-244.
- Wallinger M, Archambault D, Auber D, Nöllenburg M, Peltonen J. Edge-Path Bundling: A Less Ambiguous Edge Bundling Approach. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 2022, 28(1), 313-323.
- Lee A, Archambault D, Nacenta MA. The effectiveness of interactive visualization techniques for time navigation of dynamic graphs on large displays. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 2021, 27(2), 528-538.
- Baumgartl T, Petzold M, Wunderlich M, Hohn M, Archambault D, Lieser M, Dalpke A, Scheithauer S, Marschollek M, Eichel VM, Mutters NT, Landesberger TV. In Search of Patient Zero: Visual Analytics of Pathogen Transmission Pathways in Hospitals. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 2021, 27(2), 711-721.
Book Chapter
- Gravenor M, Dawson M, Bennett E, Thorpe B, White C, Rahat A, Archambault D, Picco N, Powathil G, Lucini B. Real-time epidemiological modelling during the COVID-19 emergency in Wales. In: Aston, PJ, ed. More UK Success Stories in Industrial Mathematics. Springer Cham, 2024. In Press.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Huang Z, Archambault D, Borgo R, Kerren A. Matrix Snap&Go: Visualization of Paths on Matrices. In: Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis 2024) Short Papers. 2024, Odense, Denmark.
- Yan X, Rodgers P, Rottmann P, Archambault D, Haunert J-H, Wang B. EulerMerge: Simplifying Euler Diagrams Through Set Merges. In: International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams. 2024, Münster, Germany: Springer, Cham.
- Filipov V, Ceneda D, Archambault D, Arleo A. TimeLighting: Guidance-Enhanced Exploration of 2D Projections of Temporal Graphs. In: Graph Drawing and Network Visualization: 31st International Symposium (GD 2023). 2023, Isola delle Femmine (Palermo), Italy: Springer.
- Rahat A, White C, Picco N, Powathil G, Archambault D, Lucini B, Gravenor M. Optimisation and Visualisation for Medium Term Projections in Response to COVID-19. In: IEEE VIS Workshop on Visualization for Pandemic and Emergency Responses 2023 (Vis4PandEmRes). 2023, Melbourne, Australia: IEEE VIS.
- McNeill G, Sondag M, Powell S, Asplin P, Turkay C, Moller F, Archambault D. From Asymptomatics to Zombies: Visualization-Based Education of Disease Modeling for Children. In: CHI '23: Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2023, Hamburg, Germany: ACM.
- Sadler S, Walker DJ, Rahat A, Archambault D. Extrema Graphs: Fitness Landscape Analysis to the Extreme!. In: GECCO 2023 Companion: Proceedings of the 2023 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion. 2023, Lisbon, Portugal: ACM.
- Filipov V, Arleo A, von Landesberger T, Archambault D. Back to the Graphs: A Collection of Datasets and Quality Criteria for Temporal Networks Layout and Visualization. In: IEEE VIS Posters. 2023, Melbourne, Australia: IEEE VIS.
- Sadler S, Greene D, Archambault D. Selecting Informative Features for Post-hoc Community Explanation. In: Complex Networks and Their Applications X. 2021, Madrid, Spain: Springer.
- Gibson F, Fabbro R, Rahat A, Torsney-Weir T, Archambault D, Gravenor M, Lucini B. An interactive tool for enhancing hospital capacity predictions using an epidemiological model. In: GECCO '21: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion. 2021, Lille, France: ACM.
- Turkay C, Von Landesberger T, Archambault D, Liu S, Chang R. Special Issue on Interactive Visual Analytics for Making Explainable and Accountable Decisions. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems 2021, 11(3-4), 17.