Staff Profile
Professor John Fitzgerald
Dean (Strategic Projects), Faculty of Science, Agriculture & Engineering
- Telephone: +44 191 208 4825
- Personal Website:
- Address: Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom
John Fitzgerald is a full professor in Computing (40%) and serves as Dean of Strategic Projects in Science, Agriculture and Engineering (60%).
John is a specialist in rigorous model-based techniques for engineering cyber-physical systems and systems-of-systems. He studied formal proof in Computing (PhD, Manchester Univ.), before joining Newcastle University, where he worked on design techniques for avionic systems with British Aerospace in the 1990s. He went on to study the potential for industrial application of formal modelling as a SERC Fellow and later as a Lecturer at Newcastle. He established the design and validation team at Transitive, a successful SME in the embedded processor market, before returning to the University in 2003 as Reader and then Professor.
John was the School's academic lead on the design of the Urban Sciences Building - the first major university building at Newcastle Helix and the home for our research and teaching in computing since autumn 2017. Prior to that, he had served as the School's Director of Research (to 2015) and Deputy Head (to 2017) and at the same time as the move to the new building became Head of the School until 2022, when he moved to become Dean responsible for strategic projects across the Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Engineering. His role encompasses large-scale and cross-faculty projects in Natural and Environmental Sciences, Engineering, Mathematics, Statistics and Physics, and Newcastle University Singapore, as well as Computing.
John has several other roles, including service as a member of the Faculty Promotions Committee and chair of the university's Technology Portfolio Board, responsible for the governance of IT projects. As one of the University's Senior Public Orators, he has the happy job of presenting individuals to the University for recognition with honorary degrees and fellowships.
In my research, I develop model-based methods and tools to help in the design of particularly challenging types of product, especially systems that require collaboration between engineering teams of differing backgrounds and disciplines.
My group here in Newcastle undertakes groundbreaking research into co-modelling and co-simulation in the design of trustworthy embedded and cyber-physical systems (in the DESTECS project and in the EPSRC platform grants on Trustworthy Ambient Systems). Our work in the Deploy project concentrated on achieving and demonstrating dependability through the deployment of formal methods in four industry sectors. In 2011-2014 I led the international COMPASS project, developing technology for engineering complex "Systems-of-Systems" that are built from pre-existing systems that might never have been designed with collaboration in mind. These strands of work come together in the work that I now led on multi-modelling methods in the INTO-CPS project.
The impact of my group's research has been felt in the development of model-based engineering methods that have been successfully applied in areas as diverse as firmware design and options trading. We played a leading role in one of the first EU Horizon 2020 Innovation Actions, CPSELabs, and more recently HUBCAP, in which we provide funding and support to small and medium-sized businesses wanting to innovate with model-based design technology for cyber-physical systems.
Our team played a key role in two EU Horizon 2020 Support Actions in the area of Cyber-Physical Systems. In TAMS4CPS we developed a research agenda for Transatlantic cooperation on modelling and simulation for CPSs, while in Road2CPS developed roadmaps, constituencies of interest and mechanisms to multiply the impact of CPS research.
I have the pleasure of developing and teaching on CSC3094 - the newly revised Stage 3 undergraduate modules on the capstone project, taken by all our undergraduate computer scientists. I supervise individual student projects at undergraduate and MSc level.
Many of the most influential computing and IT projects and products today are not solely mechanical, physical, electrical or electronic, but are developed by multidisciplinary teams, with digital and computing skills adding much of the value. In spite of this, there's a shortage of graduates who are experts in depth in one dicipline but who also have the skills to work successfully in such teams in the future.
Some years ago, I founded the MSc programme in Computer Security & Resilience, which is now our MSc in Cybersecurity.
- Li B, Fitzgerald J, Schultz C. Modelling the impacts of crowds on occupants in the built environment—A static, rule-based approach to human perception and movement. Advanced Engineering Informatics 2022, 51, 101452.
- Nielsen CB, Larsen PG, Fitzgerald JS, Woodcock JCP, Peleska J. Systems of Systems Engineering: Basic Concepts, Model-Based Techniques, and Research Directions. ACM Computing Surveys 2015, 48(2), 18:1-18:41.
- McGough AS, Arief B, Gamble C, Wall D, Brennan J, Fitzgerald J, van Moorsel A, Alwis S, Theodoropoulos G, Ruck-Keene E. Detecting insider threats using ben-ware: Beneficial intelligent software for identifying anomalous human behaviour. Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications 2015, 6(4), 3-46.
- Fitzgerald JS, Larsen PG, Pierce KG, Verhoef MHG. A formal approach to collaborative modelling and co-simulation for embedded systems. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 2013, 23(4), 726-750.
- Larsen PG, Battle N, Ferreira M, Fitzgerald J, Lausdahl K, Verhoef M. The Overture Initiative Integrating Tools for VDM. Software Engineering Notes 2010, 35(1), 1-6.
- Larsen PG, Fitzgerald JS, Riddle S. Practice-oriented courses in formal methods using VDM++. Formal Aspects of Computing 2009, 21(3), 245-257.
- Larsen PG, Fitzgerald J, Wolff S. Methods for the Development of Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems using VDM. International Journal of Software and Informatics 2009, 3(2), 305-341.
- Woodcock J, Larsen PG, Bicarregui J, Fitzgerald J. Formal Methods: Practice and Experience. ACM Computing Surveys 2009, 41(4), 1-36.
- Fitzgerald JS, Larsen PG, Sahara S. VDMTools: advances in support for formal modeling in VDM. ACM SIGPLAN Notices 2008, 43(2), 3-11.
- Fitzgerald JS, Jones CB. The connection between two ways of reasoning about partial functions. Information Processing Letters 2008, 107(3-4), 128-132.
- Fitzgerald JS. Formal methods Europe update. Formal Aspects of Computing 2004, 16(1), 2-3.
- Fitzgerald JS. Formality in Specification and Modelling: Developments in Software Engineering Practice. Advances in Computers 1999, 49, 69-94.
- Larsen PG, Fitzgerald J, Brookes T. Applying formal specification in industry. IEEE Software 1996, 13(3), 48-56.
- Brookes TM, Green M, Fitzgerald JS, Larsen PG. A Comparison of the Conventional and Formal Design of a Secure System Component. FACS Europe Newsletter 1994, 1(2).
Authored Books
- Reimann M, Rückriegel C, Mortimer S, Bageritz S, Henshaw M, Siemieniuch C, Sinclair M, Palmer P, Fitzgerald J, Ingram C, Servat D, Stock D, Rauschecker U, Götz B, Ordóñez D, Butler T, Lama N, Rico J, Alonso J. Road2CPS Priorities and Recommendations for Research and Innovation in Cyber-Physical Systems. Karlsruhe, Germany: Steinbeis-Editions, 2017.
- Fitzgerald J, Larsen PG. Modelling Systems: Practical Tools and Techniques in Software Engineering. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
- Fitzgerald JS, Larsen PG, Mukherjee P, Plat N, Verhoef M. Validated Designs for Object-oriented Systems. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2005.
- Fitzgerald JS, Larsen PG. Modelling Systems: Practical Tools and Techniques in Software Engineering. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
- Bicarregui JC, Fitzgerald JS, Lindsay PA, Moore R, Ritchie B. Proof in VDM: A Practitioner's Guide. London: Springer, 1994.
Book Chapters
- Fitzgerald J, Larsen PG, Pierce K, Freitas L, Battle N. Verification Technology for VDM: Craft and Automation. In: Cavalcanti, A; Baxter, J, ed. The Practice of Formal Methods: Essays in Honour of Cliff Jones, Part 1. Cham: Springer, 2024, pp.109-130.
- Larsen PG, Talasila P, Fitzgerald J. Towards the Composition of Digital Twins. In: Foster, S; Sampaio, A, ed. The Application of Formal Methods: Essays Dedicated to Jim Woodcock on the Occasion of His Retirement. Cham: Springer, 2024, pp.103-122.
- Larsen PG, Esterle L, Fitzgerald J, Frasheri M. Fault Injection in Co-simulation and Digital Twins for Cyber-Physical Robotic Systems. In: Haxthausen, AE; Huang, W; Roggenbach M, ed. Applicable Formal Methods for Safe Industrial Products: Essays Dedicated to Jan Peleska on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday. Cham: Springer, 2023, pp.222-236.
- Fitzgerald J, Gamble C, Mansfield M, Ouy J, Palacin R, Pierce K, Larsen PG. Collaborative modelling and co-simulation for transportation cyber-physical systems. In: Transportation Cyber-Physical Systems. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2018, pp.51-79.
- Fitzgerald JS, Ingram C, Romanovksy A. Concepts of Dependable Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering: Model-Based Approaches. In: Romanovksy A; Ishikawa F, ed. Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering. London: CRC Press, 2016, pp.1-22.
- Fitzgerald J, Pierce K, Larsen PG. Collaborative Development of Dependable Cyber-Physical Systems by Co-Modeling and Co-Simulation. In: Bagnato, A; Indrusiak, LS; Quadri, IR; Rossi, M, ed. Handbook of Research on Embedded Systems Design. Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global, 2014, pp.1-28.
- Fitzgerald J, Bicarregui J, Larsen PG, Woodcock J. Industrial Deployment of Formal Methods: Trends and Challenges. In: Romanovsky, A.; Thomas, M, ed. Industrial Deployment of System Engineering Methods. Berlin: Springer, 2012, pp.123-143.
- Fitzgerald JS. The Typed Logic of Partial Functions and the Vienna Development Method. In: Bjorner, D; Henson, MC, ed. Logics of Specification Languages. Berlin: Springer, 2007, pp.453-487.
- Mukherjee P, Fitzgerald JS. The Ammunition Control System. In: Bicarregui, JC, ed. Proof in VDM: Case Studies. London: Springer-Verlag, 1998, pp.31-64.
- Fitzgerald JS, Jones CB. Proof in the analysis of a model of a tracking system. In: Bicarregui, J.C, ed. Proof in VDM: Case Studies. Berlin; New York: Springer Verlag, 1998, pp.10594.
- Fitzgerald JS, Jones CB. A tracking system. In: Bicarregui, J.C, ed. Proof in VDM: Case Studies. London: Springer-Verlag, 1998, pp.1-30.
- Coombes A, Barroca L, Fitzgerald JS, McDermid JA, Spencer L, Saeed A. Formal Specification of an Aerospace System: the Attitude Monitor. In: Hinchey MG and Bowen, JP, ed. Applications of Formal Methods. London: Prentice Hall, 1995, pp.307-332.
- Fitzgerald JS, Larsen PG, Brookes T, Green M. Developing a Security-critical System using Formal and Conventional Methods. In: Hinchey, MG and Bowen, JP, ed. Applications of Formal Methods. London: Prentice Hall, 1995, pp.333-356.
- Anderson T, de Lemos R, Fitzgerald JS, Saeed A. On Formal Support for Industrial-scale Requirements Analysis. In: Grossman, RL., Nerode, A., Ravn, A.P., Rischel, H, ed. Hybrid Systems. Berlin; New York: Springer-Verlag, 1993, pp.426-451.
- Fitzgerald JS. Unification: Specification and Development. In: Jones, C.B., Shaw, R.C.F, ed. Case Studies in Systematic Software Development. London, UK: Prentice Hall, 1990, pp.127-162.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Bogomolov S, Fitzgerald J, Soudjani S, Stankaitis P. Data-Driven Reachability Analysis of Digital Twin FMI Models. In: 11th International Symposium On Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. 2022, Rhodes, Greece: Springer Nature.
- Li B, Fitzgerald JS, Schultz C. Modelling Co-presence in the Built Environment - a Spatio-temporal Approach to Human Perception and Movement. In: 27th International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering. 2020, Online (Technical University of Berlin): Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin.
- Larsen PG, Macedo HD, Gomes CG, Esterle L, Thule C, Fitzgerald J, Pierce K. Collaborative Modelling and Co-simulation in Engineering and Computing Curricula. In: Frontiers in Software Engineering Education. FISEE 2019. 2020, Château de Villebrumier, France: Springer.
- Jackson M, Fitzgerald JS. Towards resilience-explicit modelling and co-simulation of cyber-physical systems. In: Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM 2017). 2018, Trento, Italy: Springer Verlag.
- Larsen PG, Fitzgerald J, Woodcock J, Gamble C, Payne R, Pierce K. Features of Integrated Model-Based Co-modelling and Co-simulation Technology. In: Software Engineering and Formal Methods. SEFM 2017. 2018, Trento, Italy: Springer, Cham.
- Mansfield M, Morisset C, Gamble C, Mace JC, Pierce K, Fitzgerald J. Design Space Exploration for Secure Building Control. In: 16th Overture Workshop. 2018, Oxford University, UK.
- Mace JC, Morisset C, Pierce K, Gamble C, Maple C, Fitzgerald J. A multi-modelling based approach to assessing the security of smart buildings. In: Living in the Internet of Things: Cybersecurity of the IoT. 2018, London, UK: Institution of Engineering and Technology.
- Faldik O, Payne R, Fitzgerald J, Buhnova B. Modelling Systems of Systems Interface Contract Behaviour. In: International Workshop on Formal Engineering approaches to Software Components and Architectures (FESCA 17). 2017, Uppsala, Sweden: Open Publishing Association.
- Larsen PG, Fitzgerald J, Woodcock J, Nilsson R, Gamble C, Foster S. Towards Semantically Integrated Models and Tools for Cyber-Physical Systems Design. In: Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation: Discussion, Dissemination and Applications. 2016, Corfu, Greece: Springer.
- Jackson M, Fitzgerald J. Resilience Profiling in the Model-Based Design of Cyber-Physical Systems. In: 14th Overture Workshop: Towards Analytical Tool Chains. 2016, Limassol, Cyprus: Aarhus University Department of Engineering.
- Larsen PG, Fitzgerald J, Woodcock J, Fritzson P, Brauer J, Kleijn C, Lecomte T, Pfeil M, Green O, Basagiannis S, Sadovykh A. Integrated Tool Chain for Model-Based Design of Cyber-Physical Systems: The INTO-CPS Project. In: 2016 2nd International Workshop on Modelling, Analysis, and Control of Complex CPS (CPS Data). 2016, Vienna, Austria: IEEE.
- Fitzgerald J, Gamble C, Payne R, Larsen PG, Basagiannis S, Mady AE-D. Collaborative Model-based Systems Engineering for Cyber-Physical Systems, with a Building Automation Case Study. In: INCOSE International Symposium (IS2016). 2016, Edinburgh, UK: Wiley Online Library.
- Payne R, Fitzgerald J, Bryans J, Winthorpe E. Applying Model-based SE Techniques for Dependable Land Systems. In: INCOSE International Symposium. 2016, Edinburgh, UK: Wiley Online Library.
- Ingram C, Payne R, Fitzgerald JS, Couto LD. Model-based Engineering of Emergence in a Collaborative SoS: Exploiting SysML & Formalism. In: 25th Annual INCOSE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (IS2015). 2015, Seattle, WA, USA: International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE).
- Ingram C, Fitzgerald JS, Holt J, Plat N. Integrating an Upgraded Constituent System in a System of Systems: a SysML Case Study. In: 25th Annual INCOSE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (IS2015). 2015, Seattle, WA, USA: International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE).
- Fitzgerald JS, Gamble C, Larsen PG, Pierce K, Woodcock JCP. Cyber-Physical Systems Design: FormalFoundations, Methods and Integrated Tool Chains. In: 2015 IEEE/ACM 37TH IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering. 2015, Florence, Italy: IEEE.
- Ingram C, Payne R, Fitzgerald JS. Architectural Modelling Patterns for Systems of Systems. In: 25th Annual INCOSE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (IS2015). 2015, Seattle, WA, USA: International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE).
- Bryans J, Fitzgerald J, Payne R, Miyazawa A, Kristensen K. SysML Contracts for Systems of Systems. In: IEEE 9th International Systems of Systems Engineering Conference (SoSE 2014). 2014, Stamford Grand, Glenelg, Australia: IEEE.
- Ingram C, Riddle S, Fitzgerald J, Al-Lawati AHJ, Alrbaiyan A. Sos Fault Modelling at the Architectural Level in an Emergency Response Case Study. In: Workshop on Engineering Dependable Systems of Systems (EDSoS). 2014, Newcastle, UK.
- Bryans J, Fitzgerald J, Payne R, Kristensen K. Maintaining Emergence in Systems of Systems Integration: a Contractual Approach using SysML. In: INCOSE International Symposium (IS2014). 2014, Las Vegas, Nevada: Wiley.
- Fitzgerald J, Larsen PG, Woodcock J. Foundations for Model-Based Engineering of Systems of Systems. In: Fourth International Conference on Complex Systems Design & Management (CSD&M) 2013. 2014, Paris, France: Springer.
- Woodcock J, Cavalcanti A, Fitzgerald J, Foster S, Larsen PG. Contracts in CML. In: Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. Specialized Techniques and Applications. 2014, Corfu, Greece: Springer-Verlag.
- Fitzgerald JS, Bryans JW, Larsen PG, Salim H. Collaborative Systems of Systems Need Collaborative Design. In: 15th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2014. 2014, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Springer-Verlag.
- Foster S, Miyazawa A, Woodcock J, Cavalcanti A, Fitzgerald J, Larsen PG. An Approach for Managing Semantic Heterogeneity in Systems of Systems Engineering. In: 9th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SOSE). 2014, Adelaide, SA, Australia: IEEE.
- Andrews Z, Fitzgerald J, Payne R, Romanovsky A. Fault Modelling for Systems of Systems. In: 11th International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems (ISADS 2013). 2013, Mexico City, Mexico: IEEE.
- Payne RJ, Bryans JW, Fitzgerald JS, Riddle S. Interface Specification for System-of-Systems Architectures. In: 7th International Conference on Systems of Systems Engineering (SoSE). 2012, Genoa, Italy: IEEE.
- Woodcock J, Cavalcanti A, Fitzgerald J, Larsen P, Miyazawa A, Perry S. Features of CML: A formal modelling language for Systems of Systems. In: 7th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SoSE), 2012. 2012, Genoa, Italy: IEEE.
- Fitzgerald JS, Bryans JW, Payne RJ. A Formal Model-based Approach to Engineering Systems-of-Systems. In: Collaborative Networks in the Internet of Services. 2012, Bournemouth, UK: Springer.
- Bryans JW, Fitzgerald JS, McCutcheon T. Refinement-Based Techniques in the Analysis of Information Flow Policies for Dynamic Virtual Organisations. In: 12th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises (PRO-VE): Adaptation and value creating collaborative networks. 2011, Sao Paulo, Brazil: Springer.
- Bryans J, Fitzgerald JS, McCutcheon T. Refinement-based Techniques in the Analysis of Information Flow Policies for Dynamic Virtual Organisations. In: 12th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises. 2011, Sao Paulo, Brazil: Springer.
- Pierce KG, Fitzgerald JS, Gamble C. Modelling Faults and Fault Tolerance Mechanisms in a Paper Pinch Co- model. In: ERCIM/EWICS/Cyber-physical Systems Workshop at SafeComp. 2011, Naples, Italy.
- Payne RJ, Fitzgerald JS. Interface Contracts for Architectural Specification and Assessment: a SysML Extension. In: Workshop on Dependable Systems of Systems. 2011, York, UK.
- Larsen PG, Fitzgerald JS, Wolff S. Are Formal Methods Ready for Agility? A Reality Check. In: FM + AM 2010: Second International Workshop on Formal Methods and Agile Methods. 2011, Pisa (Italy): Bonner Köllen Verlag.
- Bryans JW, Fitzgerald JS, Romanovsky A, Roth A. Patterns for Modelling Time and Consistency in Business Information Systems. In: 15th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS). 2010, Oxford, UK: IEEE.
- Di Marzo Serugendo G, Fitzgerald J, Romanovsky A. MetaSelf – An Architecture and a Development Method for Dependable Self-* Systems. In: 25th annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. 2010, Sierre, Switzerland: ACM.
- Fitzgerald J, Larsen P, Pierce K, Verhoef M, Wolff S. Collaborative modelling and co-simulation in the development of dependable embedded systems. In: Integrated Formal Methods: 8th International Conference (IFM 2010). 2010, Nancy, France: Springer.
- Bicarregui JC, Fitzgerald JS, Larsen PG, Woodcock JCP. Industrial Practice in Formal Methods: A Review. In: FM 2009: Formal Methods: Second World Congress. 2009, Eindhoven, The Netherlands: Springer-Verlag.
- Bryans J, Fitzgerald JS, Romanovsky A, Roth A. Formal Modelling and Analysis of Business Information Applications with Fault Tolerant Middleware. In: 14th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems. 2009, Potsdam, Germany: IEEE.
- Macedo HD, Larsen PG, Fitzgerald J. Incremental Development of a Distributed Real-Time Model of A Cardiac Pacing System using VDM. In: FM 2008: Formal Methods - 15th International Symposium on Formal Methods. 2008, Turku, Finland: Springer.
- Bhattacharyya A, Fitzgerald JS. Development of a formalism for modelling and analysis of dynamic reconfiguration of dependable real-time systems: a technical diary. In: SERENE '08: Proceedings of the 2008 RISE/EFTS Joint International Workshop on Software Engineering for Resilient Systems. 2008, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: ACM.
- Fitzgerald JS, Larsen PG, Tjell S, Verhoef M. Validation Support for Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems in VDM++. In: Proceedings of the 10th IEEE High Assurance Systems Engineering Symposium (HASE). 2007, Dallas, Texas, USA: IEEE Computer Society.
- Fitzgerald JS, Tjell S, Larsen PG, Verhoef M. Validation support for distributed real-time embedded systems in VDM++. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering. 2007, Dallas, Texas: IEEE.
- Anderson T, Andrews ZH, Fitzgerald JS, Randell B, Glaser H, Millard IC. The ReSIST Resilience Knowledge Base. In: 37th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN). 2007, Edinburgh, UK: IEEE Computer Society.
- Andrews Z, Fitzgerald J, Verhoef M. Resilience Modelling Through Discrete Event and Continuous Time Co-Simulation. In: 37th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks. 2007, Edinburgh, UK.
- Fitzgerald J, Larsen PG, Sahara S. Recent industrial Applications of VDM in Japan. In: BCS-FACS Christmas Workshop: Formal Methods in Industry. 2007, London, UK.
- Bryans J, Fitzgerald JS. Formal Engineering of XACML Access Control Policies in VDM++. In: Formal Methods and Software Engineering: 9th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods, ICFEM. 2007, Boca Raton, FL, USA: Springer.
- Fitzgerald JS, Larsen PG. Balancing Insight and Effort: the Industrial Uptake of Formal Methods. In: Formal Methods and Hybrid Real-Time Systems, Essays in Honour of Dines Bjørner and Chaochen Zhou on the Occasion of Their 70th Birthdays. 2007, Macau SAR, China: Springer.
- Fitzgerald JS, Bryans JW, Greathead D, Jones CB, Payne R. Animation-based Validation of a Formal Model of Dynamic Virtual Organisations. In: FACS 2007 Christmas Workshop: Formal Methods in Industry. 2007, London: British Computer Society.
- Di Marzo Serugendo G, Fitzgerald J, Romanovsky A, Guelfi N. A Metadata-Based Architectural Model for Dynamically Resilient Systems. In: 22nd ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. 2007, Seoul, Korea: ACM.
- Bryans JW, Fitzgerald JS, Periorellis P. A Formal Approach to Dependable Evolution of Access Control Policies in Dynamic Collaborations. In: 37th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks. 2007, Edinbugh, UK.
- Fitzgerald JS, Larsen PG. Triumphs and Challenges for Model-Oriented Formal Methods: The VDM++ Experience. In: 2nd International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (ISoLA). 2006, Paphos, Cyprus: IEEE.
- Bryans JW, Fitzgerald JS, Jones CB, Mozolevsky I. Formal Modelling of Dynamic Coalitions, with an Application in Chemical Engineering. In: Second International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (ISoLA 2006). 2006, Paphos, Cyprus: IEEE.
- Fitzgerald J. Dependability-explicit computing: Applications in e-science and virtual organisations. In: Scientific Engineering of Distributed Java Applications: 4th International Workshop (FIDJI 2004). 2005, Luxembourg-Kirchberg, Luxembourg: Springer-Verlag.
- Fitzgerald JS, Parastatidis S, Romanovsky A, Watson P. Dependability-explicit Computing in Service-oriented Architectures. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2004). 2004, Florence, Italy.
- Fitzgerald JS. Two Industrial Trials of Formal Specification. In: 5th International Conference on Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology (AMAST '96). 1996, Munich, Germany: Springer-Verlag.
- Barroca LM, Fitzgerald JS, Spencer L. The Architectural Specification of an Avionic Subsystem. In: Workshop on Industrial-Strength Formal Specification Techniques (WIFT'95). 1995, Boca Raton, Florida: IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Fitzgerald JS, Brookes TM, Green MA, Larsen PG. Formal and Informal Specifications of a Secure System Component: first results in a comparative study. In: FME'94: Industrial Benefits of Formal Methods - 2nd International Symposium of Formal Methods Europe. 1994, Barcelona, Spain: Springer-Verlag.
- Fitzgerald JS, Moore R. Experiences in Developing a Proof Theory for VDM Specifications. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Semantics of Specification Languages (SoSL). 1993, Utrecht, The Netherlands: Springer-Verlag.
- Fitzgerald JS. Reasoning about a Modular Model-oriented Formal Specification. In: Specifications of Database Systems: 1st International Workshop on Specifications of Database Systems. 1992, Glasgow, UK: Springer-Verlag.
- Fitzgerald JS, Jones CB. Modularizing the Formal Description of a Database System. In: 3rd International Symposium of VDM Europe: VDM and Z - Formal Methods in Software Development (VDM '90). 1990, Kiel, FRG: Springer-Verlag.
Edited Books
- Fitzgerald J, Gomes C, Larsen PG, ed. The Engineering of Digital Twins. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
- Fitzgerald JS, Larsen PG, Verhoef MHG, ed. Collaborative design for embedded systems: co-modelling and co-simulation. Berlin: Springer, 2014.
- Bryans J, Fitzgerald J, ed. Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Formal Aspects of Virtual Organisations. Eindhoven, The Netherlands. 3 November 2009. Australia: Open Publishing Association, 2009.
- Fitzgerald JS, Haxthausen AE, Yenigun H, ed. Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC). 5th International Colloquium. Istanbul, Turkey. 1-3 September 2008. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2008.
- Fitzgerald J, Hayes IJ, Tarlecki A, ed. FM 2005: Formal Methods. International Symposium of Formal Methods Europe, Newcastle, UK, July 18-22, 2005. Berlin; New York: Springer-Verlag, 2005.
- Fitzgerald JS, Jones CB, Lucas P, ed. FME '97: Industrial Applications and Strengthened Foundations of Formal Methods, proceedings of the 4th International Symposium of Formal Methods Europe, Graz, Austria, September 15-19, 1997. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1997.
- Fitzgerald JS, Gnesi S, Mandrioli D. The industrialization of formal methods. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 2006, 8(4-5), 301-302.
Online Publication
- Di Marzo Serugendo G, Fitzgerald JS. Designing and Controlling Trustworthy Self-Organising Systems. Edinburgh, UK: PerAda (Pervasive Adaptation), FET Proactive Project, 2009. Available at:
- Fitzgerald JS, Tran-Jørgensen PWV, Oda T, Editors. The 15th Overture Workshop: New Capabilities and Applications for Model-based Systems Engineering. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2017. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1513.
- Jackson M, Fitzgerald J. Resilience Profiling in the Model-Based Design of Cyber-Physical Systems. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2016. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1500.
- Battle N, Fitzgerald J. Proceedings of the 12th Overture Workshop, Newcastle University, 21 June, 2014. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2015. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1446.
- Ingram C, Payne R, Fitzgerald J, Diogo Couto L. Model-based Engineering of Emergence in a Collaborative SoS: Exploiting SysML & Formalism. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2015. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1449.
- Bhattacharyya A, Mokhov A, Pierce K. A Comparison of Formalisms for Modelling and Analysis of Dynamic Reconfiguration of Dependable Systems. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2015. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1462.
- Bryans J, Fitzgerald J, Payne R, Kristensen K. Maintaining Emergence in Systems of Systems Integration: a Contractual Approach using SysML. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2014. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1406.
- Bryans J, Payne R, Holt J, Perry S. Semi-Formal and Formal Interface Specification for System of Systems Architecture. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2013. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1371.
- Fitzgerald J, Mak T, Romanovsky A, Yakovlev A. Workshop Proceedings: Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2012. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1347.
- Payne R, Bryans J, Fitzgerald J, Riddle S. Interface Specification for System-of-Systems Architectures. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2012. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1335.
- Andrews Z, Fitzgerald J, Payne R, Romanovsky A. Fault Modelling for Systems of Systems. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2012. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1346.
- Fitzgerald J, Pierce K, Gamble C. A Rigorous Approach to the Design of Resilient Cyber-physical Systems through Co-Simulation. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2012. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1331.
- Fitzgerald J, Bryans J, Payne R. A Formal Model-based Approach to Engineering Systems-of-Systems. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2012. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1338.
- Andrews Z, Bryans J, Fitzgerald J, Hughes J, Payne R, Pierce K, Riddle S. Modelling and Refinement of the MONDEX Electronic Purse in VDM. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2011. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1308.
- Payne RJ, Fitzgerald JS. Contract-Based Interface Specification Language for Functional and Non-Functional Properties. Newcastle University: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2011. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1250.
- Fitzgerald JS, Larsen PG, Pierce KG, Verhoef MHG. A Formal Approach to Collaborative Modelling and Co-simulation for Embedded Systems. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2011. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1264.
- Abouzaid F, Bhattacharyya A, Dragoni N, Fitzgerald JS, Mazzara M, Zhou M. A Case Study of Workflow Reconfiguration: Design, Modelling, Analysis and Implementation. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2011. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1265.
- Payne RJ, Fitzgerald JS. Evaluation of Architectural Frameworks Supporting Contract-based Specification. Newcastle University: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2010. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1233.
- Fitzgerald J, Gorm Larsen P, Pierce KG, Verhoef M, Wolff S. Collaborative Modelling and Co-simulation in the Development of Dependable Embedded Systems. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2010. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1213.
- Larsen PG, Fitzgerald JS, Wolff S. Are Formal Methods Ready for Agility? A Reality Check. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2010. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1218.
- Bryans JW, Fitzgerald JS. Proceedings of Formal Aspects of Virtual Organisations 2009. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2009. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1176.
- Bryans J W, Fitzgerald J S, Romanovsky A, Roth A. Patterns for Modelling Time and Consistency in Business Information Systems. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2009. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1178.
- Wolf S, Fitzgerald J, Gorm Larsen P. Methods for the Development of Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems using VDM. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2009. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1164.
- Bryans J, Fitzgerald J. Proceedings of Formal Aspects of Virtual Organisations 2008. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2008. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1098.
- Fitzgerald JS, Larsen PG, Sahara S. Modelling and Analysis in VDM: Proceedings of the Fourth VDM/Overture Workshop. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2008. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1099.
- Di Marzo Serugendo G, Fitzgerald J, Romanovsky A, Guelfi N. MetaSelf - A Framework for Designing and Controlling Self-Adaptive and Self-Organising Systems. Birkbeck College, London, UK: School of Computer Science and Information Systems, 2008. BBKCS-08-08.
- Bryans J, Fitzgerald J, Romanovsky A, Roth A. Formal Modelling and Analysis of Business Information Applications with Fault Tolerant Middleware. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2008. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1131.
- Bhattacharyya A, Fitzgerald JS. Development of a Formalism for Modelling and Analysis of Dynamic Reconfiguration of Dependable Real-Time Systems: A Technical Diary. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2008. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1121.
- Glaser H, Millard I, Anderson T, Andrews Z, Fitzgerald J, Randell B. A Knowledge Base for Dependability and Security Research. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2008. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1132.
- Bryans JW, Fitzgerald JS, Greathead D, Jones CB, Payne RJ. A Dynamic Coalitions Workbench: Final Report. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2008. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1091.
- Fitzgerald JS, Larsen PG, Sahara S. VDMTools: advances in support for formal modeling in VDM. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2007. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1057.
- Fitzgerald JS, Larsen PG, Tjell S, Verhoef M. Validation Support for Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems in VDM++. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2007. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1017.
- Bryans J, Fitzgerald J. Validating Access Control Policies for Virtual Organisations. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2007. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1054.
- Fitzgerald JS, Larsen PG. Triumphs and Challenges for the Industrial Application of Model-Oriented Formal Methods. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2007. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 999.
- Anderson T, Andrews ZH, Fitzgerald JS, Randell B, Glaser H, Millard IC. The ReSIST Resilience Knowledge Base. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2007. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1021.
- Fitzgerald JS, Jones CB. The Connection between Two Ways of Reasoning about Partial Functions. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2007. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1044.
- Andrews Z, Fitzgerald J, Verhoef M. Resilience Modelling Through Discrete Event and Continuous Time Co-Simulation. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2007. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1020.
- Macedo HD, Larsen PG, Fitzgerald J. Incremental Development of a Distributed Real-Time Model of a Cardiac Pacing System using VDM. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2007. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1059.
- Di Marzo Serugendo G, Fitzgerald JS, Romanovsky A, Guelfi N. Generic Framework for the Engineering of Self-Adaptive and Self-Organising Systems. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2007. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1018.
- Bryans JW, Fitzgerald JS. Formal Engineering of XACML Access Control Policies in VDM++. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2007. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1028.
- Fitzgerald JS, Larsen PG. Balancing Insight and Effort: the Industrial Uptake of Formal Methods. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2007. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1031.
- Bryans JW, Fitzgerald JS, Periorellis P. A Formal Approach to Dependable Evolution of Access Control Policies in Dynamic Collaborations. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2007. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1027.
- Fitzgerald JS, Larsen PG, Plat N. Towards Next Generation Tools for VDM: Contributions to the First International Overture Workshop, Newcastle, July 2005. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2006. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 969.
- Fitzgerald JS. The Typed Logic of Partial Functions and the Vienna Development Method. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2006. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 984.
- Fitzgerald JS. Perspectives on Formal Methods in the Last 25 years. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2006. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 983.
- Bryans JW, Fitzgerald JS, Periorellis P. Model Based Analysis and Validation of Access Control Policies. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2006. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 976.
- Larsen PG, Fitzgerald JS, Riddle S. Learning by Doing: Practical Courses in Lightweight Formal Methods using VDM++. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2006. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 992.
- Bryans JW, Fitzgerald JS, Jones CB, Mozolevsky I. Formal Modelling of Dynamic Coalitions, with an Application in Chemical Engineering. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2006. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 981.
- Bryans JW, Fitzgerald JS, Jones CB, Mozolevsky I. Dimensions of Dynamic Coalitions. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2006. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 963.
- Di Marzo Serugendo G, Fitzgerald J, Romanovsky A, Guelfi N. Dependable Self-Organising Software Architectures - An Approach for Self-Managing Systems. London: School of Computer Science and Information Systems, Birkbeck College, 2006. BBKCS-06-05.
- Shrivastava SK, Ezhilchelvan PD, Speirs N, Fitzgerald JS. Safety Critical Distributed Systems: a State of Art Report. London: National Air Traffic Services, 2000.
- Fitzgerald JS, Jones CB. Proof in the Analysis of a Model of a Tracking System. Newcastle upon Tyne: Department of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1997. Department of Computing Science Technical Report Series 617.
- Fitzgerald JS. A Proof of Satisfiability in Mukherjee and Stavridou's Ammunition Control System. Newcastle upon Tyne: Department of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1997. Department of Computing Science Technical Report Series 616.
- Bicarregui JC, Fitzgerald JS, Moore R, Ritchie B. Proof in VDM: Reader's Notes. Newcastle upon Tyne: Department of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1994. Department of Computing Science Technical Report Series 489.
- Anderson T, de Lemos R, Fitzgerald JS, Saeed A. On Formal Support for Industrial Scale Requirements Analysis. Newcastle upon Tyne: Department of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1993. Department of Computing Science Technical Report Series 412.
- Fitzgerald JS, Moore R. Experiences in Developing a Proof Theory for VDM Specifications. Newcastle upon Tyne: Department of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1993. Department of Computing Science Technical Report Series 424.
- Fitzgerald JS, Lindsay PA, Moore R. On Making Formal Proof More Tractable. Newcastle upon Tyne: Department of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1992. Department of Computing Science Technical Report Series 404.
- Fitzgerald JS. Modularity in Model-oriented Formal Specifications and its Interaction with Formal Reasoning. Manchester, UK: Department of Computer Science, University of Manchester, 1991. UMCS 91-11-2.
- Fitzgerald JS. [PhD Thesis] Modularity in Model-oriented Formal Specifications and its Interaction with Formal Reasoning. Manchester, UK: Department of Computer Science, University of Manchester, 1991.
- Fitzgerald JS, Jones CB. Modularizing the Formal Description of a Database System. Manchester: University of Manchester, 1990. UMCS 90-1-1.