Staff Profile
Dr John Mace
Lecturer in Security, Undergraduate Degree Programme Director
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John is a lecturer in security. He is an associate with the PETRAS National Centre of Excellence for IoT Systems Cybersecurity. In September 2017, John joined the Cyber Security Centre, University of Warwick for a 6-month secondment with Newcastle to work on a PETRAS collaboration project NUSBIoT, assessing the security of Newcastle University's Urban Sciences Building.
John has previously undertaken a 12-month internship with the Cloud and Security Group, HP Research Lab, Bristol working on the EPSRC/TSB funded project Trust Domains; worked in partnership with The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign on the NSA funded project Science of Security (SoS); worked in partnership with the UK Criminal Justice Board on a UK Home Office funded project to produce a platform for secure data sharing; and in partnership with Italy’s Intelligence System for the Security of the Republic on the CIPS funded project CYCLOPS.
John holds both a BSc (1st Class) honours degree and PhD in Computing Science from Newcastle University. He has also published several papers on methodologies and tools using probabilistic modelling aspects and ontologies for designing information security policies and understanding their impact on workflow completion.
John is the Deputy UG Degree Programme Director for the School of Computing, a School Wellbeing Ambassador, Just Ask volunteer and Mental Health First Aider.
John currently leads and teaches the year 2 undergraduate module CSC2031 Security Programming
- Harper S, Mehrnezhad M, Mace J. User Privacy Concerns in Commercial Smart Buildings. Journal of Computer Security 2022, 30(3), 465-497.
Book Chapters
- Czekster RM, Morisset C, Moorsel A, Mace JC, Bassage WA, Clark JA. Cybersecurity Roadmap for Active Buildings. In: Vahidinasab V; Mohammadi-Ivatloo, B, ed. Active Building Energy Systems Operation and Control. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2022, pp.219-249.
- Mace JC, Morisset C, van Moorsel A. Resiliency Variance in Workflows with Choice. In: A Fantechi and P Patrizio, ed. Software Engineering for Resilient Systems. Springer International, 2015, pp.128-143.
- Mace JC, Morisset C, van Moorsel A. Impact of policy design on workflow resiliency computation time. In: J Campos and B.R Haverkort, ed. Quantitative Evaluation of Systems. Springer International, 2015, pp.244-259.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Harper S, Mehrnezhad M, Mace JC. User Privacy Concerns and Preferences in Smart Buildings. In: 10th International Workshop on Socio-Technical Aspects in Security (STAST 2020). 2020, Guildford, UK.
- Mace JC, Czekster RM, Morisset C, Maple C. Smart Building Risk Assessment Case Study: Challenges, Deficiencies and Recommendations. In: 16th European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC). 2020, Munich, Germany: IEEE.
- Matthews I, Mace J, Soudjani S, van Moorsel A. Cyclic Bayesian Attack Graphs: A Systematic Computational Approach. In: 19th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom 2020). 2020, Guangzhou, China: IEEE.
- Mace JC, Morisset C, Smith L. A Socio-Technical Ethical Process for Managing Access to Smart Building Data. In: Living in the Internet of Things: Realising the socioeconomic benefits of an interconnected world. 2019, London: IET.
- Mansfield M, Morisset C, Gamble C, Mace JC, Pierce K, Fitzgerald J. Design Space Exploration for Secure Building Control. In: 16th Overture Workshop. 2018, Oxford University, UK.
- Mace JC, Morisset C, Pierce K, Gamble C, Maple C, Fitzgerald J. A multi-modelling based approach to assessing the security of smart buildings. In: Living in the Internet of Things: Cybersecurity of the IoT. 2018, London, UK: Institution of Engineering and Technology.
- Alrajeh O, Forshaw M, Thomas N. Machine Learning Models for Predicting Timely Virtual Machine Live Migration. In: 14th European Workshop on Performance Engineering (EPEW). 2017, Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag.
- Mace JC, Thekkummal N, Morisset C, VanMoorsel A. ADaCS: A tool for Analysing Data Collection Strategies. In: 14th European Performance Engineering Workshop (EPEW 2017). 2017, Berlin, Germany: Springer.
- Mace JC, Morisset C, van Moorsel A. WRAD: Tool Support for Workflow Resiliency Analysis and Design. In: 8th international workshop on Software Engineering for Resilient Systems (SERENE 2016). 2016, Gothenburg, Sweden: Springer International Publishing.
- Mace JC, Morisset C, van Moorsel A. Modelling user availability in workflow resiliency analysis. In: HotSoS '15 Symposium and Bootcamp on the Science of Security. 2015, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA: ACM.
- Mace JC, Morisset C, van Moorsel A. Quantitative Workflow Resiliency. In: 19th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security: Computer Security - ESORICS 2014. 2014, Wroclaw, Poland: Springer.
- Mace JC, Moorsel AV, Watson P. The Case for Dynamic Security Solutions in Public Cloud Workflow Deployments. In: IEEE/IFIP 41st International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops (DSN-W). 2011, Hong Kong, China: IEEE.
- Mace JC, Parkin SE, Moorsel AV. Ontology Editing Tool for Information Security and Human Factors Experts. In: International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing. 2010, Valencia, Spain: SciTePress.
- Mace JC, Parkin S, Moorsel AV. A Collaborative Ontology Development Tool for Information Security Managers. In: Proceedings of the 4th symposium on computer human interaction for the management of information technology. 2010, San Jose, CA, USA: ACM.
- Mace JC. Printer Identification Techniques and Their Privacy Implications. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2010. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1211.