Staff Profile
Dr Nigel Thomas
Reader in Performance Engineering
- Telephone: +44 191 208 8182
- Address: Room 3.038,
School of Computing,
Urban Sciences Building,
1 Science Square,
University of Newcastle upon Tyne,
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU
United Kingdom
I am Associate Dean for Postgraduate Research in the SAgE Faculty.
I joined the School of Computing Science in January 2004 from the University of Durham, where I had been a lecturer since 1998. I was promoted to reader in 2009. My research interests lie in scalable performance analysis for security using queueing theory, stochastic process algebra and simulation. See my Google Scholar Citations and ResearchGate pages.
I was awarded a PhD in 1997 and an MSc in 1991, both from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne. I have previously held a number of positions of responsibility within the School, including Deputy Head of School, Director of Teaching and Director of Postgraduate Studies.
I am always interested in further self-financed international research students. Some research topics of interest are listed below, please contact me for further information.
1: Performance analysis of secure systems.
Security measures impose a performance overhead, as more work needs to be done in order to perform operations such as authentication, encryption and recording transactions. Understanding this overhead is vital in order to make intelligent choices in the design of secure systems. Of particular novel interest is the performance effect of attacks against the system. Choosing the right management policy (e.g. encryption key management) and a good protocol enables the system to maintain an acceptable performance even when under attack.
2: Wireless network performance and security .
Wireless networks are used for a wide range of applications in a wide range of operating scenarios. Clearly it is infeasible to expect that a given network protocol will perform well in all situations, as protocol are typically designed to perform well in respect to a limited set of performance metrics under a limited set of operating conditions. It is therefore necessary to understand the limitations of such protocols in terms of factors such as fairness and energy, when the network topology is sub-optimal or where nodes are misbehaving, for example when compromised due to infection by a virus or a fault, or subject to a denial of service attack.
3: Reliability and security in VANETs
VANETs are a specific form of wireless network used for vehicle to vehicle communications. VANETs are used for numerous applications, including platooning (vehicle convoys) and safety (road traffic) information. Attacks against these applications have safety implications for the vehicles involved and so maintaining performance in the presence of attack and misbehaviour is of critical importance.
- Alzahrani A, Thomas N. Analysing the Performance of a Trust-Based AODV in the Presence of a Flooding Attack. Applied Sciences 2024, 14(7), 2874.
- Alharby M, Alssaiari A, Alateef A, Thomas N, van Moorsel A. A Quantitative Analysis of the Security of PoW-based Blockchains. Cluster Computing 2024, 27, 14113–14130.
- Alssaiari A, Thomas N. Energy Consumption of TAGS in a Heterogeneous Environment under Unknown Service Demand. Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 2021, 30, 100557.
- Alrajeh O, Forshaw M, Thomas N. Virtual Machine Live Migration in Trace-driven Energy-Aware Simulation of High-Throughput Computing Systems. Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 2020, 29(B), 100468.
- Almutairi O, Thomas N. Performance modelling of the impact of cyber attacks on a web-based sales system. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 2020, 353, 5-20.
- Alssaiari A, Thomas N. Energy Consumption by Servers under Unknown Service Demand. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 2020, 353, 21-38.
- Chen X, Thomas N, Zhan T, Ding J. A Hybrid Task Scheduling Scheme for Heterogeneous Vehicular Edge Systems. IEEE Access 2019, 7, 11708-11709.
- Kamil S, Thomas N. Investigating the Cost of Transfer Delay on the Performance of Security in Cloud Computing. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 2018, 337, 105-117.
- Chen X, Thomas N, Ding J. Performance modelling of patient flow scheduling through a formal method. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science) 2017, 22(1), 66-71.
- Chen X, Ding J, Thomas N. Dynamic Scheduling Policy for Patient Flow in a Smart Environment. Chinese Journal of Electronics 2017, 26(3), 530-536.
- Chen X, Wang LM, Ding J, Thomas N. Patient Flow Scheduling and Capacity Planning in a Smart Hospital Environment. IEEE Access 2016, 4, 135-148.
- Forshaw M, McGough AS, Thomas N. HTC-Sim: a trace-driven simulation framework for energy consumption in high-throughput computing systems. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 2016, 28(12), 3260-3290.
- Bradley J, Forshaw M, Stefanek A, Thomas N. Time-inhomogeneous Population Models of a Cycle-Stealing Distributed System. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 2015, 318, 5-17.
- Nguyen TH, Forshaw M, Thomas N. Operating policies for energy efficient dynamic server allocation. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 2015, 318, 159-177.
- Forshaw M, McGough AS, Thomas N. Energy-efficient Checkpointing in High-throughput Cycle-stealing Distributed Systems. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 2015, 310, 65-90.
- Kamil SNS, Thomas N. A case study in inspecting the cost of security in cloud computing. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 2015, 318, 179-196.
- Younes O, Thomas N. Modelling and performance analysis of multi-hop ad hoc networks. Simulation: Practice and Theory 2013, 38, 69-97.
- Bradley J, Thomas N, Hayden R, Stefanek A. Invited Response to Computer Journal Lecture by Prof. Jane Hillston. Computer Journal 2012, 55(7), 882-886.
- Gilly K, Juiz C, Thomas N, Puigjaner R. Adaptive admission control algorithm in a QoS-aware web system. Information Sciences 2012, 199, 58-77.
- Thomas N, Zhao Y. Mean value analysis for a class of PEPA models. The Computer Journal 2011, 54(5), 643-652.
- Younes O, Thomas N. Analysis of the Expected Number of Hops in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with Random Waypoint Mobility. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 2011, 275, 143-158.
- Younes O, Thomas N. An SRN Model of the IEEE 802.11 DCF MAC Protocol in Multi-Hop Ad Hoc Networks with Hidden Nodes. The Computer Journal 2011, 54(6), 875-893.
- Kim K, Thomas N. A fitting method with generalized Erlang distributions. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 2011, 19(7), 1507-1517.
- Zhao Y, Thomas N. Efficient solutions of a PEPA model of a key distribution centre. Performance Evaluation 2010, 67(8), 740-756.
- Slegers J, Mitrani I, Thomas N. Evaluating the optimal server allocation policy for clusters with on/off sources. Performance Evaluation 2009, 66(8), 453-467.
- Slegers J, Mitrani I, Thomas N. Static and dynamic server allocation in systems with on/off sources. Annals of Operations Research 2008, 170(1), 251-263.
- Thomas N. Comparing job allocation schemes where service demand is unknown. Journal of Computer and System Sciences 2008, 74(6), 1067-1081.
- Lamprecht C, van Moorsel A, Tomlinson P, Thomas N. Investigating the efficiency of cryptographic algorithms in online transactions. International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science & Technology 2006, 7(2), 63-75.
- Thomas N. Approximation in non-product form finite capacity queue systems. Future Generation Computer Systems 2006, 22(7), 820-827.
- Thomas N. Performability of a secure electronic voting algorithm. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 2005, 128(4), 45-58.
- Thomas N, Bradley JT, Knottenbelt WJ. Stochastic analysis of scheduling strategies in a Grid-based resource model. IEE Proceedings: Software 2004, 151(5), 232-239.
- Jarvis S, Thomas N, van Moorsel A. Open issues in grid performability. International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science and Technology 2004, 5(5), 3-12.
- Thomas N, Bradley J, Thornley D. An approximate solution of PEPA models using substitution. IEE Proceedings - Computers and Digital Techniques 2003, 150(2), 67-74.
- Hillston J, Thomas N. Product Form Solution for a class of PEPA Models. Performance Evaluation 1999, 35(3-4), 171-192.
- Clark G, Gilmore S, Hillston J, Thomas N. Experiences with the PEPA Performance Modelling Tools. IEE Proceedings: Software 1999, 146(1), 11-19.
Book Chapters
- Harrison P, Thomas N. Product-Form Solution in PEPA via the Reversed Process. In: Kouvatsos, D, ed. Network Performance Engineering: A Handbook on Convergent Multi-Service Networks and Next Generation Internet. Berlin; New York: Springer-Verlag, 2011, pp.343-356.
- Thomas N, Bradley J. Analysis of Non-product Form Parallel Queues Using Markovian Process Algebra. In: Kouvatsos, D, ed. Handbook on Convergent Multi-Service Networks and Next Generation Internet. Berlin; New York: Springer, 2011, pp.331-342.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Laghbi H, Thomas N. Performance Evaluation of Beaconing Schemes for Vehicular Platooning. In: 20th European Computer Performance Engineering Workshop (EPEW 2024). 2025, Venice, Italy: Springer.
- Laghbi H, Thomas N, Forshaw M. Slotted and Token-based Overlays for Vehicular Platooning. In: 40th Annual UK Performance Engineering Workshop (UKPEW 2024). 2024, University of Leeds.
- Moqri A, Thomas N. Analysing and Comparing the Performance of the MANET Routing Protocols: AODV, DSDV and ZRP. In: 40th Annual UK Performance Engineering Workshop (UKPEW 2024). 2024, University of Leeds.
- Alharby M, Alssaiari A, Alateef S, Thomas N, van Moorsel A. A PEPA model of PoW-based blockchains. In: 40th UK Performance Engineering Workshop (UKPEW 2024). 2024, University of Leeds.
- Laghbi H, Alateef S, Thomas N. The Impact of Resource DoS and Propagation Loss on VANET Routing. In: 39th Annual UK Performance Engineering Workshop (UKPEW 2023). 2023, University of Birmingham.
- Almutairi O, Thomas N. Performance Modelling of Attack Graphs. In: Practical Applications of Stochastic Modelling: 11th International Workshop (PASM 2022). 2023, Santa Pola, Spain: Springer.
- Jari H, Thomas N. Performance Evaluation of Global Trust Management in MANETs Routing Protocols. In: Computer Performance Engineering and Stochastic Modelling: 19th European Performance Engineering Workshop (EPEW 2023). 2023, Florence, Italy: Springer.
- Abdullah C, Thomas N. Modelling Performance and Fairness of Frame Bursting in IEEE 802.11n Using PEPA. In: Practical Applications of Stochastic Modelling: 11th International Workshop (PASM 2022). 2023, Santa Pola, Spain: Springer.
- Alateef S, Thomas N. Energy Consumption Estimation for Electric Vehicles Using Routing API Data. In: 18th European Workshop on Computer Performance Engineering (EPEW 2022). 2023, Santa Pola, Spain: Springer.
- Omoregbee P, Forshaw M, Thomas N. A State-Size Inclusive Approach to Optimizing Stream Processing Applications. In: Computer Performance Engineering and Stochastic Modelling: 19th European Performance Engineering Workshop (EPEW 2023). 2023, Florence, Italy: Springer.
- Kamil SNS, Thomas N, Elsanosi I. Performance Evaluation of ZooKeeper Atomic Broadcast Protocol. In: EAI International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools. 2021, Springer.
- Almutairi O, Thomas N. Modelling a Fair-Exchange Protocol in the Presence of Misbehaviour Using PEPA. In: EPEW 2021: European Performance Engineering Workshop. 2021, Milan, Italy: Springer.
- Alateef S, Thomas N. Energy consumption estimation for electric vehicles using routing API data. In: 37th Annual UK Performance Engineering Workshop. 2021, Online.
- Jari H, Alzahrani A, Thomas N. A Novel Indirect Trust Mechanism for Addressing Black hole Attacks in MANET. In: DIVANet '21: 11th ACM Symposium on Design and Analysis of Intelligent Vehicular Networks and Applications. 2021, Online: ACM.
- Alateef S, Thomas N. Trip driving cycle development and energy consumption estimation based on route API information for battery powered vehicles. In: 36th Annual UK Performance Engineering Workshop. 2020.
- Alzahrani A, Jari H, Thomas N. Performance Evaluation of MANET Trust-based AODV Protocol in the Presence of Blackhole Attacks. In: 36th Annual UK Performance Engineering Workshop. 2020.
- Alrowaithy M, Thomas N. Investigating the performance of lightweight cryptographic primitives in constrained devices. In: 36th Annual UK Performance Engineering Workshop. 2020.
- Alhawas A, Thomas N. Abandonment Attack on the LEACH Protocol. In: European Performance Engineering Workshop (EPEW 2019). 2020, Milan: Springer.
- Alrajeh O, Forshaw M, McGough AS, Thomas N. Simulation of Virtual Machine Live Migration in High Throughput Computing Environments. In: IEEE/ACM 22nd International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT). 2019, Madrid: IEEE.
- Almutairi O, Thomas N. Performance Modelling of an Anonymous and Failure Resilient Fair-Exchange E-Commerce Protocol. In: ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering. 2019, Mumbai, India: ACM.
- Alrowaithy M, Thomas N. Investigating the Performance of C and C++ Cryptographic Libraries. In: 12th EAI International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools. 2019, Palma de Mallorca, Spain: ACM.
- Alateef S, Thomas N. Battery Models Investigation and Evaluation Using a Power Demand Generated from Driving Cycles. In: 12th EAI International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools. 2019, Palma de Mallorca, Spain: ACM.
- Alotaibi M, Thomas N. Performance Impact of Misbehaving Voters. In: European Workshop on Performance Engineering EPEW 2018. 2018, Paris: Springer.
- Allen J, Forshaw M, Thomas N. Towards an accurate and scalable energy harvesting wireless sensor network simulator model framework. In: 3rd International Workshop on Energy-aware Simulation (ENERGY-SIM’17). 2017, L'Aquila, Italy: ACM.
- Mohamed S, Forshaw M, Thomas N, Dinn A. Performance and dependability evaluation of distributed event-based systems: a dynamic code-injection approach. In: ICPE '17: Proceedings of the 8th ACM/SPEC on International Conference on Performance Engineering. 2017, L'Aquila, Italy: ACM.
- Alssaiari A, JM Gining RA, Thomas N. Modelling Energy Efficient Server Management Policies in PEPA. In: 3rd International Workshop on Energy-aware Simulation (ENERGY-SIM’17). 2017, L'Aquila, Italy: ACM.
- Kamil SNS, Thomas N. Modelling and analysis of commit protocols with PEPA. In: Computer Performance Engineering: 14th European Workshop (EPEW 2017). 2017, Berlin: Springer.
- Alrajeh O, Forshaw M, Thomas N. Machine Learning Models for Predicting Timely Virtual Machine Live Migration. In: 14th European Workshop on Performance Engineering (EPEW). 2017, Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag.
- Alrajeh O, Forshaw M, Thomas N. Machine learning models for predicting timely virtual machine live migration. In: Computer Performance Engineering: 14th European Workshop (EPEW 2017). 2017, Berlin: Springer.
- Mohamed S, Forshaw M, Thomas N. Automatic Generation of Distributed Run-time Infrastructure for Internet of Things (IoT). In: International Workshop on Engineering IoT Systems: Architectures, Services, Applications and Platforms. 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden.
- Sokolowski M, Thomas N. The effect of mobility on connectivity in MANETs. In: 32nd UK Performance Engineering Workshop. 2016, University of Bradford.
- Forshaw M, McGough AS, Thomas N. The case for energy-aware simulation and modelling of internet of things (IoT). In: 2nd International Workshop on Energy-Aware Simulation. 2016, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada: ACM Digital Library.
- Llwaah F, Cala J, Thomas N. Simulation of Runtime Performance of Big Data Workflows on the Cloud. In: 13th European Performance Engineering Workshop (EPEW). 2016, Chios, Greece: Springer.
- Alrajeh O, Forshaw M, Thomas N. Performance of Virtual Machine Live Migration with Various Workloads. In: 32nd UK Performance Engineering Workshop. 2016, University of Bradford.
- Zhao Y, Thomas N. Performance Modelling of Optimistic Fair Exchange. In: 23rd International Conference on Analytical & Stochastic Modelling Techniques & Applications (ASMTA). 2016, Cardiff: Springer.
- Zhao Y, Thomas N. Performance Modelling of Optimistic Fair Exchange. In: 23rd International Conference, ASMTA 2016. 2016, Cardiff, UK: Springer.
- Abdullah C, Thomas N. Performance Modelling of IEEE 802.11 g Wireless LAN. In: 9th EAI International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools. 2016, Berlin, Germany: ICST.
- Alssaiari A, Thomas N. Performance Modelling of Dynamic Server Allocation for Energy Efficiency using PEPA. In: 32nd UK Performance Engineering Workshop. 2016, University of Bradford.
- Abdullah CO, Thomas N. Modelling Unfairness in IEEE 802.11 g Networks with Variable Frame Length. In: 23rd International Conference on Analytical & Stochastic Modelling Techniques & Applications (ASMTA). 2016, Cardiff: Springer.
- Abdullah CO, Thomas N. A PEPA Model of IEEE 802.11b/g with Hidden Nodes. In: 13th European Performance Engineering Workshop (EPEW). 2016, Chios, Greece: Springer.
- Alotaibi M, Thomas N. A Case Study in Formal Performance Evaluation of an E-Voting System Using PEPA. In: 32nd UK Performance Engineering Workshop. 2016, University of Bradford.
- Sheikh A, Thomas N. Resource Allocation in Cloud Computing Environments. In: UK Performance Engineering Workshop. 2015, Leeds, UK: University of Leeds.
- Kamil SNS, Thomas N. Performance analysis of the Trusted Cloud Computing Platform. In: UK Performance Engineering Workshop. 2015, University of Leeds, UK.
- Llwaah F, Thomas N, Cala J. Improving MCT scheduling algorithm to reduce the makespan and cost of workflow execution in the cloud. In: UK Performance Engineering Workshop. 2015, Leeds, UK: University of Leeds.
- Abdullah C, Thomas N. Formal Performance Modelling and Analysis of IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN Protocols. In: UK Performance Engineering Workshop. 2015, Leeds, UK: University of Leeds.
- Alrajeh O, Thomas N. Energy Consumption of Scheduling Policies for HTC jobs in the Cloud. In: SIMUTools '15 Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques. 2015, Athens, Greece: ACM.
- Kamil S, Thomas N. A performance model of the Trusted Cloud Computing Platform VM Launch Protocol. In: 9th EAI International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools. 2015, Berlin: ICST.
- Forshaw M, Thomas N, McGough AS. Trace-Driven Simulation for Energy Consumption in High Throughput Computing Systems. In: IEEE/ACM 18th International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications. 2014, Toulouse, France: IEEE.
- Nguyen T, Forshaw M, Thomas N. Operating policies for energy efficient dynamic server allocation. In: 30th Annual UK Performance Engineering Workshop (UKPEW 2014). 2014, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
- Forshaw M, McGough AS, Thomas N. On Energy-efficient Checkpointing in High-throughput Cycle-stealing Distributed Systems. In: 3rd International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems (SMARTGREENS) 2014. 2014, Barcelona.
- Forshaw M, McGough AS, Thomas N. On energy-efficient checkpointing in high-throughput cycle-stealing distributed systems. In: SMARTGREENS 2014 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems. 2014, Barcelona, Spain: SciTePress.
- Forshaw M, McGough AS, Thomas N. Energy-efficient checkpointing in high-throughput cycle-stealing distributed systems. In: Seventh International Workshop on Practical Applications of Stochastic Modelling (PASM). 2014, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Elsevier BV.
- Bradley JT, Forshaw M, Stefanek A, Thomas N. Time-inhomogeneous Population Models of a Cycle-Stealing Distributed System. In: UK Performance Engineering Workshop. 2013, Loughborough, UK.
- Thomas N, Harrison PG. Semi-Product-Form Solution for PEPA Models with Functional Rates. In: Analytical and Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Applications 20th International Conference. 2013, Ghent, Belgium: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Thomas N, Zhao Y. Performance modelling of security protocols. In: 7th International Working Conference on Performance and Security Modelling & Evaluation of Cooperative Heterogeneous Networks (HET-NETS 2013). 2013, Ilkley, UK: IFIP (International Federation of Information Processing).
- Thomas N. A product-form solution for on-off components in PEPA. In: 7th International Working Conference on Performance and Security Modelling & Evaluation of Cooperative Heterogeneous Networks (HET-NETS 2013). 2013, Ilkley, UK: IFIP (International Federation of Information Processing).
- Younes O, Thomas N. SRN Models for Analysis of Multihop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. In: Computer Performance Engineering: EPEW/UKPEW. 2012, Edinburgh, UK: Springer.
- Thomas N, Harrison M, Zhao Y, Chen X. From Protocols to People: Large Scale Analysis in Markovian Process Algebra. In: Computer Performance Engineering: EPEW/UKPEW 2012. 2012, Edinburgh, UK: Springer.
- Younes O, Thomas N. A Path Connection Availability Model for MANETs with Random Waypoint Mobility. In: Computer Performance Engineering: EPEW/UKPEW. 2012, Munich, Germany: Springer.
- Forshaw M, Thomas N. A Novel Approach to Energy Efficient Content Distribution with BitTorrent. In: Computer Performance Engineering: EPEW/UKPEW. 2012, Edinburgh, UK: Springer.
- Chen X, Thomas N, Harrison M. Performance Evaluation of Scheduling Policies in a Smart Hospital Environment. In: International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery, CyberC. 2011, Beijing, China: IEEE.
- Zhao Y, Thomas N. A Simplified Solution of a PEPA Model of Kerberos Protocol. In: 2011 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC). 2011, Beijing, China: IEEE Computer Society.
- Dong L, Di H, Tao L, Xu G, Olivier P. Visual Focus Of Attention Recognition in the Ambient Kitchen. In: The Ninth Asian Conference on Computer Vision. 2010, Xi'an, China: Springer.
- Harrison P, Thomas N. State dependent rates and semi-product form via the reversed process. In: Computer Performance Engineering: 7th European Performance Engineering Workshop. 2010, Bertinorio, Italy: Springer Verlag.
- Younes O, Thomas N. SRN model for IEEE 802.11 DCF MAC Protocol in Multi-hop Ad Hoc Networks with Hidden Nodes. In: 26th UK Performance Engineering Workshop. 2010, University of Warwick, UK.
- Thomas N, Marin A, Harrison P. Semi-product-form solution for models with state dependent rates. In: 9th Workshop on Process Algebra and Stochastically Timed Activities. 2010, London, UK.
- Chen X, Thomas N. Performance Evaluation of Scheduling in a Smart Environment. In: 26th UK Performance Engineering Workshop. 2010, University of Warwick, UK.
- Younes O, Elkilani W, Thomas N. SRN Model for Performance Evaluation of TCP Sessions Sharing Bottleneck Links in WAN. In: 23rd European Simulation Multiconference. 2009, Leicester, UK: Eurosis.
- Chen X, Thomas N. Performance of Novel Scheduling Strategies. In: 25th UK Performance Engineering Workshop. 2009, University of Leeds: School of Computing.
- Dotti F, Iliasov A, Ribeiro L, Romanovsky A. Modal systems: Specification, refinement and realisation. In: Formal Methods and Software Engineering: 11th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods (ICFEM). 2009, Springer.
- Thomas N, Zhao Y. Mean value analysis for a class of PEPA models. In: Computer Performance Engineering: 6th European Performance Engineering Workshop. 2009, London, UK: Springer.
- Zhao Y, Thomas N. Experience of using the PEPA performance Modelling Tool for a Non-repudiation Protocol. In: The European Simulation and Modelling Conference (ESM). 2009, Leicester, UK: EUROSIS-ETI.
- Zhao Y, Thomas N. Comparing Methods for the Efficient Analysis of PEPA Models of Non-repudiation Protocols. In: 15th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 2009, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China: IEEE Computer Society.
- Gilly K, Thomas N, Juiz C, Puigjaner R. Scalable QoS content-aware load balancing algorithm for a Web Switch based on classical policies. In: Proceedings: 22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, AINA. 2008, Okinawa: IEEE.
- Thomas N, Juiz C. Preface. In: Computer Performance Engineering: 5th European Performance Engineering Workshop (EPEW). 2008, Palma de Mallorca, Spain: Springer.
- Thomas N, Zhao Y. Fluid flow analysis of a model of a secure key distribution centre. In: 24th UK Performance Engineering Workshop. 2008, London, UK: UKPEW.
- Slegers J, Thomas N, Mitrani I. Dynamic Server Allocation for Power and Performance. In: Performance Evaluation: Metrics, Models and Benchmarks. SPEC International Performance Evaluation Workshop (SIPEW). 2008, Darmstadt, Germany: Springer-Verlag.
- Zhao Y, Thomas N. Approximate solution of a PEPA model of a key distribution centre. In: Performance Evaluation: Metrics, Models and Benchmarks. SPEC International Performance Evaluation Workshop (SIPEW). 2008, Darmstadt, Germany: Springer-Verlag.
- Zhao Y, Thomas N. A Cost Model Analysis of a Secure Key Distribution Centre. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference for Young Computer Scientists, November 18-21, 2008, Zhang Jia Jie, Hunan, China. 2008, IEEE Computer Society.
- Slegers J, Mitrani I, Thomas N. Optimal Dynamic Server Allocation in Systems with On/Off Sources. In: Formal Methods and Stochastic Models for Performance Evaluation. Fourth European Performance Engineering Workshop (EPEW). 2007, Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag.
- Zhao Y, Thomas N. Modelling secure secret key exchange using stochastic process algebra. In: 23rd UK Performance Engineering Workshop. 2007, Edge Hill University, Ormskirk, UK: Edge Hill University.
- Slegers J, Mitrani I, Thomas N. Server Allocation in Grid Systems with On/Off Sources. In: Frontiers of High Performance Computing and Networking - ISPA 2006 Workshops. 2006, Sorrento, Italy: Springer-Verlag.
- Bradley JT, Gilmore ST, Thomas N. Performance analysis of Stochastic Process Algebra models using Stochastic Simulation. In: 20th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS). 2006, Rhodes Island, Greece: IEEE.
- Dick S, Thomas N. Performance Analysis of PGP. In: 22nd UK Performance Engineering Workshop. 2006, Bournemouth University.
- Thomas N. Modelling job allocation where service duration is unknown. In: 20th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2006. 2006, Rhodes Island, Greece: IEEE.
- Thomas N, Bradley JT, Knottenbelt WJ. Semi-blind scheduling in a finite capacity system. In: UK Performance Engineering Workshop. 2004, University of Bradford.
- Bradley JT, Gilmore ST, Thomas N. How synchronisation strategy approximation in PEPA implementations affects passage time performance results. In: Applying Formal Methods: Testing, Performance, and M/E-Commerce. 2004, Toledo, Spain: Springer.
- Charters SM, Knight C, Thomas N, Munro M. Visualisation for Informed Decision Making: From Code to Components. In: Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering. 2002, Ischia, Italy: ACM Press.
- Thomas N. Behavioural independence and control in PEPA. In: First Workshop on Process Algebra with Stochastic Timed Activities (PASTA). 2002, University of Edinburgh.
- Thomas N, Mitrani I. Approximate Solution of a Pipeline with Server Vacations. In: 12th European Simulation Multiconference: Simulation Past, Present and Future (ESM). 1998, Manchester, UK: SCS Publishing House.
- Thomas N, Mitrani I. Routing Among Different Nodes Where Servers Break Down Without Losing Jobs. In: 1st IEEE International Computer Performance and Dependability Symposium (IPDS). 1995, Erlangen, Germany: IEEE Computer Society Press.
Edited Books
- Thomas N, Forshaw M, ed. Analytical and Stochastic Modelling Techniques and Applications. Springer, 2017.
- Thomas N, ed. Computer Performance Engineering - 8th European Performance Engineering Workshop, EPEW 2011, Borrowdale, UK, October 12-13, 2011. Proceedings. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 2011.
- Thomas N, Juiz C, ed. Computer Performance Engineering: 5th European Performance Engineering Workshop (EPEW). 24-25 Spetember 2008. Palma de Mallorca, Spain. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 2008.
- Haverkort B, Knottenbelt W, Remke A, Thomas N. Preface: The 8th International Workshop on Practical Application of Stochastic Modeling. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 2016, 327, 1-3.
- Bradley JT, Heljanko K, Knottenbelt WJ, Thomas N. Proceedings the Sixth International Workshop on the Practical Application of Stochastic Modelling (PASM) and the Eleventh International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Methods in Verification (PDMC). Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 2013, 296, 1-5.
- Thomas N, Bradley J, Knottenbelt W, Kounev S, Huber N, Brosig F. Fifth International Workshop on the Practical Application of Stochastic Modelling. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 2011, 275, 1-3.
- Bradley J, Dingle N, Harder U, Knottenbelt W, Thomas N. Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on the Practical Application of Stochastic Modelling (PASM 2009). Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 2010, 261, 1-4.
- Thomas N, Bradley J, Knottenbelt W. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on the Practical Application of Stochastic Modelling (PASM 2008). Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 2009, 232, 1-3.
- Thomas N. Preface. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 2006, 151(3), 1-3.
- Thomas N. Editorial: Grid performability. Computer Journal 2005, 48(3), 323-324.
- Forshaw M, Thomas N, McGough AS. Trace-driven simulation for energy consumption in High Throughput Computing systems. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2015. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1450.
- Kamil S, Thomas N. An Empirical Study Comparing the PEPA Eclipse Plug-in and GPA Tools. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2015. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1478.
- Zhao Y, Thomas N. Efficient Analysis of PEPA model of Non-repudiation Protocols. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2009. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1181.
- Thomas N. Using ODEs from PEPA models to derive asymptotic solutions for a class of closed queueing networks. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2008. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1129.
- Thomas N. Mean value analysis for a class of PEPA models. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2008. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1128.
- Zhao Y, Thomas N. Efficient solutions of a PEPA model of key distribution centre with a cost function. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2008. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1112.
- Zhao Y, Thomas N. Modelling secure secret key exchange using stochastic process algebra. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2007. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1041.
- Slegers J, Mitrani I, Thomas N. Server allocation in Grid systems with on/off sources. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2006. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 982.
- Thomas N. Challenges and Opportunities in Grid Performability. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2004. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 842.
- Thomas NA. [PhD Thesis] Performance and Reliability in Distributed Systems. Newcastle upon Tyne: Department of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1997.
- Thomas N, Mitrani I. Routing Among Servers with Breakdowns and Retained Queues. Newcastle upon Tyne: Department of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1995. Department of Computing Science Technical Report Series 527.