Staff Profile
Professor Raj Ranjan
Chair Professor in Computing Science and Internet of Things
Prof. Ranjan is an Australian-British computer scientist, of Indian origin, known for his research in Distributed Systems (Cloud Computing, Big Data, and the Internet of Things). He is University Chair Professor for the Internet of Things research in the School of Computing of Newcastle University, United Kingdom. He is the director of Networked and Ubiquitous Systems Engineering (NUSE) Group, jointly with Dr. Graham Morgan, in the School of Computing. He is also the Academic Director of School of Computing and the Research Director of Newcastle Urban Observatory. He is an internationally established scientist in the area of Distributed Systems (having published over 250 scientific papers).
Prof. Ranjan is ranked by Microsoft Academic as one of the Top Authors in Cloud Computing, Big Data, Quality of Service, Resource Management, and Services Computing. According to recent (2020) bibliometric study by the Stanford University (, he is one of the highly cited authors in distributed computing field. He has secured more than $24 Million AUD (£12 Million GBP, with collaborators) in the form of competitive research grants from both public and private agencies. He is an innovator with strong and sustained academic and industrial impact and a globally recognized R&D leader with the proven track record. He serves on the editorial boards of top quality international journals including IEEE Transactions on Computers (2014-2016), IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, ACM Computing Surveys, ACM Transactions on the Internet of Things, The Computer (Oxford University), The Computing (Springer) and Future Generation Computer Systems (2012-2020).
The main goal of his current research is to advance the fundamental understanding and state of the art of provisioning and delivery of application services (web, big data analytics, content delivery networks, and scientific workflows) in large, heterogeneous, uncertain, and emerging distributed systems.
My full research profile can be found at: My Blog
- Duan H, Wang S, Ojha V, Wang S, Huang Y, Long Y, Ranjan R, Zheng Y. Wearable-based Behaviour Interpolation for Semi-supervised Human Activity Recognition. Information Sciences 2024, 665, 120393.
- Ma Y, Liu K, Chen M, Li Y, Sun R, Ranjan R. Rapid Crowd Evacuation for Passenger Ships using LPWAN. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2024, 25(2), 1720-1735.
- Liu Y, Guo Y, Ranjan R, Chen D. Optimization of mitigation deployment using deep reinforcement learning over an enhanced ATT &CK. Computing 2024, 106, 4015–4038.
- Alqattan D, Ojha V, Habiba F, Noord A, Morgana G, Ranjan R. Modular Neural Network for Edge-based Detection of Early-stage IoT Botnet. High-Confidence Computing 2025, 5(1), 100230.
- Li Z, Saldias-Vallejos N, Seco D, Rodriguez MA, Ranjan R. Long Live the Image: On Enabling Resilient Production Database Containers for Microservice Applications. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 2024, 50(9), 2363-2378.
- Wu N, Yan J, Liang D, Sun Z, Ranjan R, Li J. High-resolution mapping of GDP using multi-scale feature fusion by integrating remote sensing and POI data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 2024, 129, 103812.
- Jha DN, Li Y, Wen Z, Morgan G, Jayaraman PP, Koutny M, Rana OF, Ranjan R. GeoDeploy: Geo-distributed Application Deployment using Benchmarking. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 2024, 35(12), 2361-2374.
- Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S, Rana OF, Ranjan R. General data protection regulation: a study on attitude and emotional empowerment. Behaviour and Information Technology 2024, 43(14), 3561-3577.
- Qian B, Xuan Y, Wu D, Wen Z, Yang R, He S, Chen J, Ranjan R. Edge-Cloud Collaborative Streaming Video Analytics with Multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning. IEEE Network 2025, 39(1), 165-173.
- Wilson Stanly, Adu-Duodu Kwabena, Li Yinhao, Solaiman Ellis, Rana Omer, Dustdar Schahram, Ranjan Rajiv. Data Management Challenges in Blockchain-Based Applications. IEEE Internet Computing 2024, 28(1), 70-80.
- Wilson S, Adu-Duodu K, Li Y, Sham R, Almubarak M, Wang Y, Solaiman E, Perera C, Ranjan R, Rana O. Blockchain-Enabled Provenance Tracking for Sustainable Material Reuse in Construction Supply Chains. Future Internet 2024, 16(4), 135.
- Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S, Rana OF, Ranjan R. Working in a smart home environment: examining the impact on productivity, well-being and future use intention. Internet Research 2023, 34(2), 447-473.
- Wen Z, Yang R, Qian B, Xuan Y, Lu L, Wang Z, Peng H, Xu J, Zomaya A, Ranjan R. JANUS: Latency-Aware Traffic Scheduling for IoT Data Streaming in Edge Environments. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 2023, 16(6), 4302-4316.
- Lu L, Wen Z, Yuan Y, Dai B, Qian P, Lin C, He Q, Liu Z, Chen J, Ranjan R. iQuery: A Trustworthy and Scalable Blockchain Analytics Platform. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 2023, 20(6), 4578-4592.
- Fizza K, Jayaraman PP, Banerjee A, Auluck N, Ranjan R. IoT-QWatch: A Novel Framework to Support the Development of Quality Aware Autonomic IoT Applications. IEEE Internet of Things Journal 2023, 10(20), 17666-17679.
- Wang R, Sun D, Wong R, Ranjan R. Horn rule discovery with batched caching and rule identifier for proficient compressor of knowledge data. Software: Practice and Experience 2023, 53(3), 682-703.
- Dwivedi R, Dave D, Naik H, Singhal S, Rana O, Patel P, Qian B, Wen Z, Shah T, Morgan G, Ranjan R. Explainable AI (XAI): Core Ideas, Techniques and Solutions. ACM Computing Surveys 2023, 55(9), 1–33.
- Tang Y, Chen D, Zuo Y, Lu X, Ranjan R, Zomaya AY, Yao Q, Li X. Enhanced Bayesian Factorization With Variant Scale Partitioning for Multivariate Time Series Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 2023, 35(4), 3832-3845.
- Altarrazi S, Szydlo T, Dustdar S, Srirama SN, Ranjan R, Dustdar S. Addressing the Faults Landscape in the Internet of Things: Toward Datacentric and System Resilience. IEEE Internet Computing 2023, 27(6), 43-51.
- Fizza K, Banerjee A, Jayaraman PP, Auluck N, Ranjan R, Mitra K, Georgakopoulos D. A Survey on Evaluating the Quality of Autonomic Internet of Things Applications. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 2023, 25(1), 567-590.
- Jha DN, Chen Z, Liu S, Wu M, Zhang J, Morgan G, Ranjan R, Li X. A hybrid accuracy- and energy-aware human activity recognition model in IoT environment. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing 2023, 8(1), 1-14.
- Deng Z, Deng Z, Wang Y, Liu T, Dustdar S, Ranjan R, Zomaya A, Liu Y, Wang L. Spatial-Keyword Skyline Publish/Subscribe Query Processing over Distributed Sliding Window Streaming Data. IEEE Transactions on Computers 2022, 71(10), 2659 - 2674.
- Wang R, Sun D, Wong R, Ranjan R, Zomaya AY. SINC: Semantic approach and enhancement for relational data compression. Knowledge-Based Systems 2022, 258, 110001.
- James P, Jonczyk J, Smith L, Harris N, Komar T, Bell D, Ranjan R. Realizing Smart City Infrastructure at Scale, in the Wild: A Case Study. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities 2022, 4, 767942.
- Lu F, Li W, Lin S, Peng C, Wang Z, Qian B, Ranjan R, Jin H, Zomaya A. Multi-scale Features Fusion for the Detection of Tiny Bleeding in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images. ACM Transactions on Internet of Things 2022, 3(1), 2.
- Peng H, Yang R, Wang Z, Li J, He L, Yu P, Zomaya A, Ranjan R. Lime: Low-Cost and Incremental Learning for Dynamic Heterogeneous Information Networks. IEEE Transactions on Computers 2022, 71(3), 628-642.
- Szydlo T, Szabala A, Kordiumov N, Siuzdak K, Wolski L, Alwasel K, Habeeb F, Ranjan R. IoTSim-Osmosis-RES: Towards autonomic renewable energy-aware osmotic computing. Journal of Software: Practice and Experience 2022, 52(7), 1698-1716.
- Sun R, Li Y, Shah T, Sham RWH, Szydlo T, Qian B, Thakker D, Ranjan R. FedMSA: A Model Selection and Adaptation System for Federated Learning. Sensors 2022, 22(19), 7244.
- Habeeb F, Szydlo T, Kowalski L, Noor A, Thakker D, Morgan G, Ranjan R. Dynamic Data Streams for Time-Critical IoT Systems in Energy-Aware IoT Devices Using Reinforcement Learning. Sensors 2022, 22(6), 2375.
- Habeeb F, Alwasel K, Noor A, Jha DN, AlQattan D, Li Y, Aujla GS, Szydlo T, Ranjan R. Dynamic bandwidth slicing for time-critical IoT data streams in the edge-cloud continuum. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 2022, 18(11), 8017-8026.
- Forkan ARM, Kang Y-B, Jayaraman PP, Liao K, Kaul R, Morgan G, Ranjan R, Sinha S. CorrDetector: A framework for structural corrosion detection from drone images using ensemble deep learning. Expert Systems with Applications 2022, 193, 116461.
- Li Z, Pinacho-Davidson P, Martinez-Marin M, Cabrera-Vives G, Chen Y, Rodriguez MA, Zomaya AY, Ranjan R. Bonus computing: towards free-of-charge metacomputing in the public cloud. Computing 2022, 104, 123-147.
- Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S, Rana O, Ranjan R. Blockchain: A Business Model Innovation Analysis. Digital Business 2022, 2(2), 100033.
- Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S, Rana O, Ranjan R. Blockchain Adoption: A Study of Cognitive Factors Underpinning Decision Making. Computers in Human Behavior 2022, 131, 107207.
- Demirbaga U, Wen Z, Noor A, Mitra K, Alwasel K, Garg S, Zomaya A, Ranjan R. AutoDiagn: An Automated Real-time Diagnosis Framework for Big Data Systems. IEEE Transactions on Computers 2022, 71(5), 1035-1048.
- Phengsuwan J, Shah T, Sun R, James P, Thakker D, Ranjan R. An ontology-based system for discovering landslide-induced emergencies in electrical grid. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 2022, 33(3), e3899.
- Gao T, Chen D, Tang Y, Du B, Ranjan R, Zomaya AY, Dustdar S. Adaptive density peaks clustering: Towards exploratory EEG analysis. Knowledge-Based Systems 2022, 240, 108123.
- Liu P, Wang L, Ranjan R, He G, Zhao L. A Survey on Active Deep Learning: From Model-Driven to Data-Drive. ACM Computing Surveys 2022, 54(10s), 221.
- Almurshed O, Rana O, Li Y, Ranjan R, Jha DN, Patel P, Jayaraman PP, Dustdar S. A Fault-Tolerant Workflow Composition and Deployment Automation IoT Framework in a Multicloud Edge Environment. IEEE Internet Computing 2022, 26(4), 45-52.
- Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S, Rana O, Ranjan R, Morgan G. "Alexa, Let’s Talk About my Productivity": The Impact of Digital Assistants on Work Productivity. Journal of Business Research 2022, 142, 572-584.
- Phengsuwan J, Shah T, Thekkummal NB, Wen Z, Sun R, Pullarkatt D, Thirugnanam H, Ramesh MV, Morgan G, James P, Ranjan R. Use of social media data in disaster management: A survey. Future Internet 2021, 13(2), 46.
- Sudharsan B, Patel P, Breslin J, Ali MI, Mitra K, Dustdar S, Rana O, Jayaraman PP, Ranjan R. Toward Distributed, Global, Deep Learning Using IoT Devices. IEEE Internet Computing 2021, 25(3), 6-12.
- Peng H, Li J, Song Y, Yang R, Ranjan R, Yu PS, He L. Streaming Social Event Detection and Evolution Discovery in Heterogeneous Information Networks. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data 2021, 15(5), 1-33.
- Tsung C-K, Yang C-T, Ranjan R, Chen Y-L, Ou J-H. Performance Evaluation of the vSAN Application: A Case Study on the 3D and AI Virtual Application Cloud Service. Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences 2021, 11, 09.
- Barika M, Garg S, Zomaya A, Ranjan R. Online Scheduling Technique To Handle Data Velocity Changes in Stream Workflows. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 2021, 32(8), 2115-2130.
- Alwasel K, Jha DN, Habeeb F, Demirbaga U, Rana O, Baker T, Dustdar S, Villari M, James P, Solaiman E, Ranjan R. IoTSim-Osmosis: A Framework for Modelling and Simulating IoT Applications over an Edge-Cloud Continuum. Journal of Systems Architecture 2021, 116, 101956.
- Shih W-C, Yang C-T, Ranjan R, Chiang C-I. Implementation and evaluation of a container management platform on Docker: Hadoop deployment as an example. Cluster Computing 2021, 24, 3421-3430.
- Zeng X, Garg S, Barika M, Bista S, Puthal D, Zomaya A, Ranjan R. Detection of SLA Violation for Big Data Analytics Applications in Cloud. IEEE Transactions on Computers 2021, 70(5), 746-758.
- Luo S, Li H, Wen Z, Qian B, Morgan G, Longo A, Rana O, Ranjan R. Blockchain-Based Task Offloading in Drone-Aided Mobile Edge Computing. IEEE Network 2021, 35(1), 124-129.
- Guo R, Zhang F, Wang L, Zhang W, Lei X, Ranjan R, Zomaya A. BaPa: A Novel Approach of Improving Load Balance in Parallel Matrix Factorization for Recommender Systems. IEEE Transactions on Computers 2021, 70(5), 789-802.
- Jha DN, Garg S, Jayaraman PP, Buyya R, Li Z, Morgan G, Ranjan R. A study on the evaluation of HPC microservices in containerized environment. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 2021, 33(7), e5323.
- Yan J, Mu L, Wang L, Ranjan R, Zomaya AY. Temporal Convolutional Networks for the Advance Prediction of ENSO. Scientific Reports 2020, 10(1), 8055.
- Chen Y, Chen X, Liu W, Zhou Y, Zomaya AY, Ranjan R, Hu S. Stochastic scheduling for variation-aware virtual machine placement in a cloud computing CPS. Future Generation Computer Systems 2020, 105, 779-788.
- Zeng X, Garg S, Barika M, Zomaya AY, Wang L, Villari M, Chen D, Ranjan R. SLA Management for Big Data Analytical Applications in Clouds: A Taxonomy Study. ACM Computing Surveys 2020, 53(3), 46.
- Qian B, Jie S, Wen Z, Jha D, Li Y, Guan Y, Puthal D, James P, Yang R, Zomaya A, Rana O, Wang L, Koutny M, Ranjan R. Orchestrating the Development Lifecycle of Machine Learning-based IoT Applications: A Taxonomy and Survey. ACM Computing Surveys 2020, 53(4), 1-47.
- Phengsuwan J, Shah T, James P, Thakker D, Barr S, Ranjan R. Ontology-based discovery of time-series data sources for landslide early warning system. Computing 2020, 102, 745-763.
- Jha DN, Michalák P, Wen Z, Ranjan R, Watson P. Multiobjective Deployment of Data Analysis Operations in Heterogeneous IoT Infrastructure. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 2020, 16(11), 7014-7024.
- Alwasel K, Jha DN, Hernandez E, Puthal D, Barika M, Varghese B, Garg SK, James P, Zomaya A, Morgan G, Ranjan R. IoTSim-SDWAN: A simulation framework for interconnecting distributed datacenters over Software-Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN). Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 2020, 143, 17-35.
- Jha DN, Alwasel K, Alshoshan A, Huang X, Naha RK, Battula SK, Garg S, Puthal D, James P, Zomaya A, Dustdar S, Ranjan R. IoTSim-Edge: A simulation framework for modeling the behavior of Internet of Things and edge computing environments. Journal of Software: Practice and Experience 2020, 50(6), 844-867.
- Ranjan R, Hsu C-H, Chen LY, Georgakopoulos D. Holistic Technologies for Managing Internet of Things Services. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 2020, 13(4), 597-601.
- Wen Z, Lin T, Yang R, Ji S, Ranjan R, Romanovsky A, Lin C, Xu J. GA-Par: Dependable Microservice Orchestration Framework for Geo-Distributed Clouds. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 2020, 31(1), 29-143.
- Sahoo KS, Puthal D, Tiwary M, Usman M, Sahoo B, Wen Z, Sahoo BPS, Ranjan R. ESMLB: Efficient Switch Migration-Based Load Balancing for Multicontroller SDN in IoT. IEEE Internet of Things Journal 2020, 7(7), 5852-5860.
- Garg S, Kaur K, Batra S, Aujla GS, Morgan G, Kumar N, Zomaya AY, Ranjan R. En-ABC: An ensemble artificial bee colony based anomaly detection scheme for cloud environment. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 2020, 135, 219-233.
- Wen Z, Qasha R, Li Z, Ranjan R, Watson P, Romanovsky A. Dynamically Partitioning Workflow over Federated Clouds for Optimising the Monetary Cost and Handling Run-Time Failures. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 2020, 8(4), 1093-1107.
- Aujla GS, Barati M, Rana O, Dustdar S, Noor A, Llanos JT, Carr M, Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S, Ranjan R. COM-PACE: Compliance-Aware Cloud Application Engineering Using Blockchain. IEEE Internet Computing 2020, 24(5), 45-53.
- Al-khafajiy M, Baker T, Asim M, Guo Z, Ranjan R, Longo A, Puthal D, Taylor M. COMITMENT: A Fog Computing Trust Management Approach. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 2020, 137, 1-16.
- Puthal D, Yang LT, Dustdar S, Wen Z, Jun S, Moorsel AV, Ranjan R. A User-centric Security Solution for Internet of Things and Edge Convergence. ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems 2020, 4(3), 32.
- Shen Q, Sharp C, Davison R, Ushaw G, Ranjan R, Zomaya AY, Morgan G. A General Purpose Contention Manager for Software Transactions on the GPU. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 2020, 139, 1-17.
- Najmuddin S, Asim M, Munir K, Baker T, Guo Z, Ranjan R. A BBR-based congestion control for delay-sensitive real-time applications. Computing 2020, 102, 2541-2563.
- Dou C, Cui Y, Sun D, Wong R, Atif M, Li G, Ranjan R. Unsupervised blocking and probabilistic parallelisation for record matching of distributed big data. Journal of Supercomputing 2019, 75(2), 623-645.
- Chandra Shit R, Sharma S, Puthal D, James P, Pradhan B, van Moorsel A, Zomaya AY, Ranjan R. Ubiquitous Localization (UbiLoc): A Survey and Taxonomy on Device Free Localization for Smart World. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 2019, 21(4), 3532-3564.
- Alqahtani A, Solaiman E, Patel P, Dustdar S, Ranjan R. Service Level Agreement Specification for End to End IoT Application Ecosystems. Software: Practice and Experience 2019, 49(12), 1689-1711.
- Puthal D, Wu X, Nepal S, Ranjan R, Chen J. SEEN: A Selective Encryption Method to Ensure Confidentiality for Big Sensing Data Streams. IEEE Transactions on Big Data 2019, 5(3), 379-392.
- Puthal D, Ranjan R, Nanda A, Nanda P, Jayaraman PP, Zomaya AY. Secure authentication and load balancing of distributed edge datacenters. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 2019, 124, 60-69.
- Villari M, Fazio M, Dustdar S, Rana O, Jha DN, Ranjan R. Osmosis: The Osmotic Computing Platform for Microelements in the Cloud, Edge, and Internet of Things. Computer 2019, 52(8), 14-26.
- Barika M, Garg S, Zomaya AY, Wang L, Moorsel AVAN, Ranjan R. Orchestrating big data analysis workflows in the cloud: Research challenges, survey, and future directions. ACM Computing Surveys 2019, 52(5), 1-41.
- Barika M, Garg S, Chan A, Calheiros RN, Ranjan R. IoTSim-Stream: Modelling stream graph application in cloud simulation. Future Generation Computer Systems 2019, 99, 86-105.
- Li Y, Alqahtani A, Solaiman E, Perera C, Jayaraman P, Buyya R, Morgan G, Ranjan R. IoT-CANE: A unified knowledge management system for data-centric Internet of Things application systems. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 2019, 131, 161-172.
- Yang C-T, Chen S-T, Liu J-C, Yang Y-Y, Mitra K, Ranjan R. Implementation of a real-time network traffic monitoring service with network functions virtualization. Future Generation Computer Systems 2019, 93, 687-701.
- Yang Y, Zhang H, Yuan D, Sun D, Li G, Ranjan R, Sun M. Hierarchical extreme learning machine based image denoising network for visual Internet of Things. Applied Soft Computing 2019, 74, 747-759.
- Luo S, Wen Z, Zhang X, Xu W, Zomaya AY, Ranjan R. GoSharing: An intelligent incentive framework based on users’ association for cooperative content sharing in mobile edge networks. Future Generation Computer Systems 2019, 95, 601-614.
- Puthal D, Mohanty SP, Bhavake SA, Morgan G, Ranjan R. Fog Computing Security Challenges and Future Directions [Energy and Security]. IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine 2019, 8(3), 92-96.
- Noor A, Mitra K, Solaiman E, Souza A, Jha D, Demirbaga U, Jayaraman P, Cacho N, Ranjan R. Cyber-Physical Application Monitoring across Multiple Clouds. Computers and Electrical Engineering 2019, 77, 314-324.
- Alhamazani K, Ranjan R, Jayaraman P, Mitra K, Rabhi F, Georgakopulos D, Wang L. Cross-Layer Multi-Cloud Real-Time Application QoS Monitoring and Benchmarking As-a-Service Framework. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 2019, 7(1), 48-61.
- Kecskemeti G, Nemeth Z, Kertesz A, Ranjan R. Cloud workload prediction based on workflow execution time discrepancies. Cluster Computing 2019, 22(3), 737-755.
- Yang C-T, Chen S-T, Liu J-C, Su Y-W, Puthal D, Ranjan R. A predictive load balancing technique for software defined networked cloud services. Computing 2019, 101(3), 211-235.
- Garg S, Kaur K, Kumar N, Kaddoum G, Zomaya AY, Ranjan R. A Hybrid Deep Learning-Based Model for Anomaly Detection in Cloud Datacenter Networks. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 2019, 16(3), 924-935.
- Ke H, Chen D, Li X, Tang Y, Shah T, Ranjan R. Towards Brain Big Data Classification: Epileptic EEG Identification with a Lightweight VGGNet on Global MIC. IEEE Access 2018, 6, 14722-14733.
- Ranjan R, Rana O, Nepal S, Yousif M, James P, Wen Z, Barr S, Watson P, Prakash Jayaraman P, Georgakopoulos D, Villari M, Fazio M, Garg S, Buyya R, Wang L, Zomaya A, Dustdar S. The Next Grand Challenges: Integrating the Internet of Things and Data Science. IEEE Cloud Computing 2018, 5(3), 12-26.
- Kaur D, Aujla GS, Kumar N, Zomaya A, Perera C, Ranjan R. Tensor-based Big Data Management Scheme for Dimensionality Reduction Problem in Smart Grid Systems: SDN Perspective. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 2018, 30(10), 1985-1998.
- Varghese B, Villari M, Rana O, James P, Shah T, Fazio M, Ranjan R. Realizing Edge Marketplaces: Challenges and Opportunities. IEEE Cloud Computing 2018, 5(6), 9-20.
- Aujla GS, Kumar N, Zomaya AY, Ranjan R. Optimal decision making for big data processing at edge-cloud environment: An SDN perspective. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 2018, 14(2), 778-789.
- Perez JF, Chen LY, Villari M, Ranjan R. Holistic Workload Scaling: A New Approach to Compute Acceleration in the Cloud. IEEE Cloud Computing 2018, 5(1), 20-30.
- Deng Z, Wang L, Han W, Ranjan R, Zomaya A. G-ML-octree: An update-efficient index structure for simulating 3D moving objects across GPUs. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 2018, 29(5), 1075-1088.
- Naha RK, Garg S, Georgakopoulos D, Jayaraman PP, Gao L, Xiang Y, Ranjan R. Fog Computing: Survey of Trends, Architectures, Requirements, and Research Directions. IEEE Access 2018, 6, 47980-47981.
- Garraghan P, Yang R, Wen Z, Romanovsky A, Xu J, Buyya R, Ranjan R. Emergent Failures: Rethinking Cloud Reliability at Scale. IEEE Cloud Computing 2018, 5(5), 12-21.
- Zeng X, Garg SK, Wen Z, Strazdins P, Zomaya AY, Ranjan R. Cost efficient scheduling of MapReduce applications on public clouds. Journal of Computational Science 2018, 26, 375-388.
- Garg S, Aryal J, Wang H, Shah T, Kecskemeti G, Ranjan R. Cloud computing based bushfire prediction for cyber-physical emergency applications. Future Generation Computer Systems 2018, 79(1), 354-363.
- Wang M, Jayaraman P, Solaiman E, Chen L, Li Z, Jun S, Georgakopoulos D, Ranjan R. A Multi-layered Performance Analysis for Cloud-based Topic Detection and Tracking in Big Data Applications. Future Generation Computer Systems 2018, 87, 580-590.
- Villari M, Fazio M, Dustdar S, Rana O, Chen L, Ranjan R. Software Defined Membrane: Policy-Driven Edge and Internet of Things Security. IEEE Cloud Computing 2017, 4(4), 92-99.
- Sharma S, Puthal D, Jena SK, Zomaya AY, Ranjan R. Rendezvous based routing protocol for wireless sensor networks with mobile sink. Journal of Supercomputing 2017, 73(3), 1168-1188.
- Casas I, Taheri J, Ranjan R, Zomaya AY. PSO-DS: a scheduling engine for scientific workflow managers. Journal of Supercomputing 2017, 73(9), 3924-3947.
- Alwasel K, Li Y, Jayaraman PP, Garg S, Calheiros RN, Ranjan R. Programming SDN-Native Big Data Applications: Research Gap Analysis. IEEE Cloud Computing 2017, 4(5), 62-71.
- Nardelli M, Nastic S, Dustdar S, Villari M, Ranjan R. Osmotic Flow: Osmotic Computing + IoT Workflow. IEEE Cloud Computing 2017, 4(2), 68-75.
- Ranjan R, Garg S, Khoskbar A, Solaiman E, Philip J, Georgakopoulos D. Orchestrating BigData Analysis Workflows. IEEE Cloud Computing 2017, 4(3).
- Kecskemeti G, Casale G, Jha DN, Lyon J, Ranjan R. Modelling and simulation challenges in internet of things. IEEE Cloud Computing 2017, 4(1), 62-69.
- Zeng XZ, Garg SK, Strazdins P, Jayaraman PP, Georgakopoulos D, Ranjan R. IOTSim: A simulator for analysing IoT applications. Journal of Systems Architecture 2017, 72, 93-107.
- Liu Y, Hu S, Huang H, Ranjan R, Zomaya A, Wang L. Game Theoretic Market Driven Smart Home Scheduling Considering Energy Balancing. IEEE Systems Journal 2017, 11(2), 910-921.
- Khoshkbarforoushha A, Khosravian A, Ranjan R. Elasticity management of Streaming Data Analytics Flows on clouds. Journal of Computer and System Sciences 2017, 89, 24-40.
- Puthal D, Nepal S, Ranjan R, Chen J. DLSeF: A Dynamic Key-Length-based Efficient Real-Time Security Verification Model for Big Data Stream. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 2017, 16(2), 51.
- Khoshkbarforoushha A, Ranjan R, Gaire R, Abbasnejad E, Wang L, Zomaya AY. Distribution Based Workload Modelling of Continuous Queries in Clouds. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 2017, 5(1), 120-133.
- Morshed A, Jayaraman PP, Sellis T, Georgakopoulos D, Villari M, Ranjan R. Deep Osmosis: Holistic Distributed Deep Learning in Osmotic Computing. IEEE Cloud Computing 2017, 4(6), 22-32.
- Jayaraman P, Perera C, Georgakopoulos D, Dustdar S, Thakker D, Ranjan R. Analytics-as-a-service in a multi-cloud environment through semantically-enabled hierarchical data processing. Software: Practice and Experience 2017, 47(8), 1139-1156.
- Zhang m, Ranjan r, Menzel m, Nepal s, Strazdins p, Jie w, Wang l. An Infrastructure Service Recommendation System for Cloud Applications with Real-time QoS Requirement Constraints. IEEE Systems Journal 2017, 11(4), 2960-2970.
- Deng Z, Han W, Wang LZ, Ranjan R, Zomaya AY, Jie W. An efficient online direction-preserving compression approach for trajectory streaming data. Future Generation Computer Systems 2017, 68, 150-162.
- Wang Y, Jiang J, Zhang H, Dong X, Wang L, Ranjan R, Zomaya AY. A scalable parallel algorithm for atmospheric general circulation models on a multi-core cluster. Future Generation Computer Systems 2017, 72, 1-10.
- Puthal D, Nepal S, Ranjan R, Chen J. A Dynamic Prime Number Based Efficient Security Mechanism for Big Sensing Data Streams. Journal of Computer and System Sciences 2017, 83(1), 22-42.
- Chen X, Huang X, Xiang Y, Zhang D, Ranjan R, Liao C. A CPS framework based perturbation constrained buffer planning approach in VLSI design. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 2017, 103, 3-10.
- Lopez IC, Taheri J, Ranjan R, Wang L, Zomaya AY. A Balanced Scheduler with Data Reuse and Replication for Scientific Workflows in Cloud Computing Systems. Future Generation Computer Systems 2017, 74, 168-178.
- Puthal D, Nepal S, Ranjan R, Chen J. Threats to Networking Cloud and Edge Data Center in the IoT. IEEE Cloud Computing 2016, 3(3), 64-71.
- Wang L, Chen X, Ranjan R, Zomaya AY, Zhou Y, Hu S. Stochastic Workload Scheduling for Uncoordinated Datacenter Clouds with Multiple QoS Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 2016, 8(4), 1284-1295.
- Li Z, Zhang H, O'Brien L, Jiang S, Zhou Y, Kihl M, Ranjan R. Spot pricing in the Cloud ecosystem: A comparative investigation. Journal of Systems and Software 2016, 114, 1-19.
- Shah T, Yavari A, Saguna S, Mitra K, Jayaraman PP, Rabhi F, Ranjan R. Remote healthcare cyber-physical system:quality of service (QoS) challenges and opportunities. IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications 2016, 1(1), 40-48.
- Perera C, Liu C, Ranjan R, Wang L, Zomaya AY. Privacy Knowledge Modelling in Internet of Things: A Look Back. Computer 2016, 49(12), 60-68.
- Villari M, Fazio M, Dustdar S, Rana O, Ranjan R. Osmotic Computing: A New Paradigm for Edge/Cloud Integration. IEEE Cloud Computing 2016, 3(6), 76-83.
- Fazio M, Celesti A, Ranjan R, Liu C, Chen L, Villari M. Open Issues in Scheduling Microservices in the Cloud. IEEE Cloud Computing 2016, 3(5), 81-88.
- Solaiman E, Ranjan R, Jayaraman P, Mitra K. Monitoring Internet of Things Application Ecosystems for Failure. IT Professional 2016, 18(5), 8-11.
- Vogler M, Schleicher JM, Inzinger C, Dustdar S, Ranjan R. Migrating Smart City Applications to the Cloud. IEEE Cloud Computing 2016, 3(2), 72-79.
- Khoshkbarforoushha A, Jamshidi P, Fahmideh M, Wang L, Ranjan R. Metrics for BPEL Process Reusability Analysis in a Workflow System. IEEE Systems Journal 2016, 10(1), 36-45.
- Khan MUS, Khalid O, Huang Y, Zhang F, Ranjan R, Khan SU, Cao J, Li K, Veeravalli B, Zomaya A. MacroServ: A Route Recommendation Service for Large-Scale Evacuations. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 2016, (99), 1-1.
- Georgakopoulos D, Jayaraman PP, Fazia M, Villari M, Ranjan R. Internet of Things and Edge Cloud Computing Roadmap for Manufacturing. IEEE Cloud Computing 2016, 3(4), 66-73.
- Natu J, Ghosh RK, Shyamsundar RK, Ranjan R. Holistic Performance Monitoring of Hybrid Clouds: Complexities and Future Directions. IEEE Cloud Computing 2016, 3(1), 72-81.
- Dong M, Ranjan R, Zomaya AY, Lin M. Guest Editorial on Advances in Tools and Techniques for Enabling Cyber–Physical–Social Systems—Part II. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems 2016, 2(4), 124-126.
- Khoshkbarforoushha A, Wang MS, Ranjan R, Wang LZ, Alem L, Khan SU, Benatallah B. Dimensions for Evaluating Cloud Resource Orchestration Frameworks. Computer 2016, 49(2), 24-33.
- Ranjan R, Jayaraman P, Solaiman E, Georgakopulos D. Cyber-Physical-Social Clouds: Future Insights. IEEE Technical Committee on Cyber-Physical Systems 2016, 1(1), 11-14.
- Wang MC, Dai GM, Choo KKR, Jayaraman PP, Ranjan R. Constructing Pairing-Friendly Elliptic Curves under Embedding Degree 1 for Securing Critical Infrastructures. PLoS ONE 2016, 11(8), e0161857.
- Wang M, Perera C, Jayaraman PP, Zhang M, Strazdins P, Shyamsundar RK, Ranjan R. City data fusion: Sensor data fusion in the internet of things. International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies 2016, 7(1), 15-36.
- Chen X, Chen Y, Zomaya AY, Ranjan R, Hu S. CEVP: Cross Entropy based Virtual Machine Placement for Energy Optimisation in Clouds. Journal of Supercomputing 2016, 72(8), 3194-3209.
- Wu XH, Gu YG, Tao J, Li GQ, Jayaraman PP, Sun D, Ranjan R, Zomaya A, Han JT. An online greedy allocation of VMs with non-increasing reservations in clouds. Journal of Supercomputing 2016, 72(2), 371-390.
- Song J, Han CL, Wang KX, Zhao J, Ranjan RJ, Wang LZ. An integrated static detection and analysis framework for android. Pervasive and Mobile Computing 2016, 32, 15-25.
- Ranjan R, Wang L, Zomaya AY, Tao J, Jayarama P, Georgakopoulos D. Advances in Methods and Techniques for Processing Streaming Big Data in Datacentre Clouds. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 2016, 4(2), 262-265.
- Gu YG, Tao J, Li GQ, Sun DW, Wu XH, Jayaraman PP, Ranjan R. A preemptive truthful VMs allocation online mechanism in private cloud. Journal of Computational Science 2016, 17(Part 3), 647-653.
- Wang L, Hu S, Betis G, Ranjan R. A Computing Perspective on Smart City. IEEE Transactions on Computers 2016, 65(5), 1337-1338.
- Deng Z, Wu x, Wang l, Chen x, Ranjan r, Zomaya a, Chen d. Parallel Processing of Dynamic Continuous Queries over Streaming Data Flows. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 2015, 26(3), 834 - 846.
- Liu C, Ranjan R, Yang C, Zhang X, Wang L, Chen J. MuR-DPA: Top-down Levelled Multi-replica Merkle Hash Tree Based Secure Public Auditing for Dynamic Big Data Storage on Cloud. IEEE Transactions on Computers 2015, 64(9), 2609-2622.
- Dong M, Ranjan R, Zomaya AY, Lin M. Guest Editorial on Advances in Tools and Techniques for Enabling Cyber–Physical–Social Systems—Part I. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems 2015, 2(3), 38-40.
- Perera C, Ranjan R, Wang L. End-to-End Privacy for Open Big Data Markets. IEEE Cloud Computing 2015, 2(4), 44-53.
- Menzel m, Ranjan r, Wang l, Khan s, Chen j. CloudGenius: A Hybrid Decision Support Method for Automating the Migration of Web Application Clusters to Public Clouds. IEEE Transactions on Computers 2015, 64(5), 1336-1348.
- Bertina E, Nepal S, Ranjan R. Building Sensor-Based Big Data Cyberinfrastructures. IEEE Cloud Computing 2015, 2(5), 64-69.
- Wang l, Ma Y, Zomaya A, Ranjan R, Chen D. A Parallel File System with Application-Aware Data Layout Policies for Massive Remote Sensing Image Processing in Digital Earth. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 2015, 26(6), 1497-1508.
- Calheiros R, Masoumi E, Ranjan R, Buyya R. Workload Prediction Using ARIMA Model and Its Impact on Cloud Applications’ QoS. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 2014, 3(4), 449-458.
- Ma Y, Wang l, Zomaya A, Chen D, Ranjan R. Task-Tree based Large-Scale Mosaicking for Remote Sensed Imageries with Dynamic DAG Scheduling. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 2014, 25(8), 2126-2137.
Book Chapters
- Alqahtani A, Alwasel K, Noor A, Mitra K, Solaiman E, Ranjan R. The Integration of Scheduling, Monitoring, and SLA in Cyber Physical Systems. In: Ranjan R; Mitra K; Jayaraman PP; Wang L; Zomaya AY, ed. Handbook of Integration of Cloud Computing, Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things. Cham: Springer, 2020, pp.237-254.
- Puthal D, Nepal S, Ranjan R, Chen J. End-to-end security framework for big sensing data streams. In: Kuan-Ching Li, Hai Jiang, Albert Y. Zomaya, ed. Big Data Management and Processing. New York: CRC Press, 2017, pp.263-278.
- Wang M, Perera C, Jayaraman PP, Zhang M, Strazdins P, Shyamsundar RK, Ranjan R. City data fusion: Sensor data fusion in the internet of things. In: The Internet of Things: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice. IGI Global, 2017, pp.398-422.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Wilson S, Adu-Duodu K, Li Y, Sham R, Solaiman E, Rana O, Ranjan R. Verifiable Querying Framework for Multi-Blockchain Applications. In: IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC 2024). 2024, Dublin, Ireland: IEEE.
- Higgins T, Jha DN, Ranjan R. Swarm Storm: An Automated Chaos Tool for Docker Swarm Applications. In: 33rd International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC 2024). 2024, Pisa, Italy: ACM.
- Alsharidah A, Jha DN, Wei B, Solaiman E, Ranjan R. SecureFed: Blockchain-Based Defence for Data Poisoning Attack in Federated Learning. In: 17th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC). 2024, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE: IEEE / ACM. In Press.
- Liu Z, Duan H, Liang H, Long Y, Snasel V, Nicosia G, Ranjan R, Ojha V. Dynamic Label Adversarial Training for Deep Learning Robustness Against Adversarial Attacks. In: 38th International Conference on Neural Information Processing. 2024, Vancouver, Canada: ACM.
- Wilson S, Adu-Duodu K, Li Y, Sham R, Wang Y, Solaiman E, Perera C, Ranjan R, Rana O. Tracking Material Reuse across Construction Supply Chains. In: 2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science). 2023, Limassol, Cyprus: IEEE.
- Szydlo T, Jayaraman PP, Li Y, Morgan G, Ranjan R. Tinyrl: Towards reinforcement learning on tiny embedded devices. In: 31st ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management (CIKM '22). 2022, Atlanta, GA, USA: ACM.
- Al-Sharidah AA, Barati M, Bergami G, Ranjan R. Cloud Auto-scaling Auditing Approach using Blockchain. In: IEEE/ACM 15th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2022). 2022, Vancouver, WA, USA: IEEE.
- Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S, Rana O, Ranjan R. Blockchain adoption: Exploring innovation factors. In: UK Academy of Information Systems Conference (UKAIS). 2022, Virtual.
- Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S, Ranjan R, Rana O. Working in a Smart Home-office: Exploring the Impacts on Productivity and Wellbeing. In: 17th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST). 2021, Valletta, Malta.
- Marikyan D, Llanos J, Barati M, Aujla G, Li Y, Adu-Duodu K, Tahir S, Rana O, Papagiannidis S, Ranjan R, Carr M. Privacy & Cloud Services: Are We There Yet?. In: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE). 2021, Oxford, UK: IEEE.
- Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S, Ranjan R, Rana O. General Data Protection Regulation: An Individual’s Perspective. In: 14th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, 1st Blockchain for Smart Cyber-Physical Systems. 2021, Leicester, UK: ACM.
- Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S, Rana OF, Ranjan R. Blockchain in a Business Model: Exploring Benefits and Risks. In: 20th IFIP Conference e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society I3E2021. 2021, Galway, Ireland: Springer.
- Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S, Ranjan R, Rana O. An Application of Voice-based Digital Assistants in the Work Context. In: 5th International Conference of Marketing, Strategy & Policy 2021. 2021, Newcastle upon Tyne: MSP Research Center.
- Barr SL, Johnson S, Ming X, Peppa M, Dong N, Wen Z, Robson C, Smith L, James P, Wilkinson D, Heaps S, Laing Q, Xiao W, Dawson R, Ranjan R. FLOOD-PREPARED: A NOWCASTING SYSTEM for REAL-TIME IMPACT ADAPTION to SURFACE WATER FLOODING in CITIES. In: 5th International Conference on Smart Data and Smart Cities. 2020, Nice, France: Copernicus GmbH.
- Wen Z, Phengsuwan J, Thekkummal NB, Sun R, Jamathi-Chidananda P, Shah T, James P, Ranjan R. Active Hazard Observation via Human in the Loop Social Media Analytics System. In: CIKM '20: Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management. 2020, Ireland Virtual: ACM.
- Morshed A, Forkan ARM, Tsai P-W, Jayaraman PP, Sellis T, Georgakopoulos D, Moser I, Ranjan R. Viscrimepredict: A System for Crime Trajectory Prediction and Visualisation from Heterogeneous data sources. In: SAC '19 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing. 2019, Limassol, Cyprus: Association for Computing Machinery.
- Alqahtani A, Jha DN, Patel P, Solaiman E, Ranjan R. SLA-aware Approach for IoT Workflow Activities Placement based on Collaboration between Cloud and Edge. In: 1st Workshop on Cyber-Physical Social Systems (CPSS) 2019. 2019, Bilbao, Spain: ACM.
- Souza A, Cacho N, Jayaraman PP, Ranjan R, Romanovsky A, Noor A. Osmotic Monitoring of Microservices between the Edge and Cloud. In: 2018 IEEE 20th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 16th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 4th International Conference on Data Science and Systems (HPCC/SmartCity/DSS). 2019, Exeter: IEEE.
- Tregonning G, Barr S, Dawson R, Ranjan R. A multi-objective spatial optimization framework for sustainable urban development. In: 2nd International Conference on Natural Hazards and Infrastructure ICONHIC2019. 2019, Chania, Greece: National Technical University of Athens.
- Noor A, Jha DN, Mitra K, Jayaraman PP, Souza A, Ranjan R, Dustdar S. A Framework for Monitoring Microservice-Orientated Cloud Applications in Heterogeneous Virtualization Environments. In: 2019 IEEE 12th Internationa Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD). 2019, Milan, Italy: IEEE.
- Souza A, Wen Z, Cacho N, Romanovsky A, James P, Ranjan R. Using Osmotic Services Composition for Dynamic Load Balancing of Smart City Applications. In: 2018 IEEE 11th Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA). 2018, Paris, France: IEEE.
- Puthal D, Ranjan R, Nepal S, Chen J. IoT and big data: An architecture with data flow and security issues. In: Cloud Infrastructures, Services, and IoT Systems for Smart Cities: Second EAI International Conference (IISSC 2017 and CN4IoT 2017). 2018, Brindisi, Italy: Springer Verlag.
- Alqahtani A, Li Y, Patel P, Solaiman E, Ranjan R. End-to-End Service Level Agreement Specification for IoT Applications. In: 2018 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS). 2018, Orléans, France: IEEE.
- Alqahtani A, Patel P, Solaiman E, Ranjan R. A Toolkit for Specifying Service Level Agreements for IoT Applications. In: The 2018 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2018). 2018, Orléans, France: IEEE.
- Jha DN, Garg S, Jayaraman PP, Buyya R, Li Z, Ranjan R. A holistic evaluation of docker containers for interfering microservices. In: Proceedings - 2018 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, SCC 2018 - Part of the 2018 IEEE World Congress on Services. 2018, San Francisco, CA, USA: IEEE.
- Georgakopoulos D, Yavari A, Jayaraman PP, Ranjan R. Towards a RISC Framework for Efficient Contextualisation in the IoT. In: 2017 IEEE 37th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS). 2017, Atlanta, GA, USA: IEEE.
- Wang H, Zhang M, Yang R, Lin X, Wo T, Ranjan R, Xu J. SMTP: An Optimized Storage Method for Vehicle Trajectory Data Exploiting Trajectory Patterns. In: 18th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, 14th IEEE International Conference on Smart City and 2nd IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Systems, HPCC/SmartCity/DSS 2016. 2017, Sydney, Australia: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Zeng X, Garg S, Wen Z, Strazdins P, Wang L, Ranjan R. SLA-Aware Scheduling of Map-Reduce Applications on Public Clouds. In: 18th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, 14th IEEE International Conference on Smart City and 2nd IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Systems, HPCC/SmartCity/DSS 2016. 2017, Sydney, Australia: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Georgakopoulos D, Ranjan R. Message from the IoTCA 2017 Workshop Organizers. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 37th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCSW 2017). 2017, Atlanta, GA, USA: IEEE.
- Khoshkbarforoushha A, Ranjan R, Wang Q, Friedrich C. Flower: A data analytics flow elasticity manager. In: Proceedings of the 43rd International Conference on Very Large Databases. 2017, Munich, Germany: ACM.
- Mitra K, Saguna S, Ahlund C, Ranjan R. ALPINE: A Bayesian System for Cloud Performance Diagnosis and Prediction. In: IEEE 14th International Conference on Services Computing, SCC 2017. 2017, Honolulu, HI, USA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Puthal D, Nepal S, Ranjan R, Chen J. A Secure Big Data Stream Analytics Framework for Disaster Management on the Cloud. In: 18th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, 14th IEEE International Conference on Smart City and 2nd IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Systems, HPCC/SmartCity/DSS 2016. 2017, Sydney Australia: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Khoshkbarforoushha A, Ranjan R. Resource and Performance Distribution Prediction for Large Scale Analytics Queries. In: 7th ACM/SPEC on International Conference on Performance Engineering ICPE '16. 2016, Delft, The Netherlands: Association for Computing Machinery.
- Georgakopoulos D, Jayaraman PP, Zhang M, Ranjan R. Discovery-Driven Service Oriented IoT Architecture. In: 2015 IEEE Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing. 2016, Hangzhou, China: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
- Wang M, Ranjan R, Jayaraman PP, Strazdins P, Burnap P, Rana O, Georgakopulos D. A case for understanding end-to-end performance of topic detection and tracking based big data applications in the cloud. In: Second International Internet of Things Summit. 2016, Rome, Italy: Springer Verlag.
- Jayaraman PP, Mitra K, Saguna S, Shah T, Georgakopoulos D, Ranjan R. Orchestrating Quality of Service in the Cloud of Things Ecosystem. In: 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Nanoelectronic and Information Systems. 2015, Indore, India: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
- Ranjan R, Chen D, Jayaraman PP. Adaptive machine learning in the IoT-edge-cloud continuum. Computing 2023, 106, 1047.
- Ranjan R, Li Z, Villari M, Liu Y, Georgeakopoulos D. Software-driven big data analytics: Guest editors’ introduction. Computing 2020, 102(6), 1409-1417.
- Ranjan R, Chen LY, Jayaraman PP, Zomaya AY. A note on advances in scheduling algorithms for Cyber-Physical-Social workflows. Future Generation Computer Systems 2020, 108, 1027-1029.
- Ranjan R, Solaiman E, Villari M, Watson P. A note on tools and techniques for end-to-end QoS monitoring in Internet of Things. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 2019, 132, 160-163.
- Nepal S, Chhetri MB, Ranjan R, Kowalczyk R. A Note on Quality of Service Issues in Smart Cities. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 2019, 127, 116-117.
- Casale G, Diao Y, Mellia M, Ranjan R, Zincir-Heywood N. Guest Editorial: Special Section on Advances in Big Data Analytics for Management. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 2018, 15(1), 10-12.
- Ranjan R, Jayaraman PP, Villari M, Georgakopoulos D. A note on resource management techniques and systems for big data workflow processing. Computing 2018, 100(1), 1-2.
- Chen J, Sheng M, Rajan R, Sahni S, Wu X, Joe D. Message from DSS2016 Chairs. Proceedings - 18th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, 14th IEEE International Conference on Smart City and 2nd IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Systems, HPCC/SmartCity/DSS 2016 2017, xxvi-.
- Alwasel K, Noor A, Li Y, Solaiman E, Garg S, Jayaraman P, Ranjan R. Cloud Resource Scheduling, Monitoring, and Configuration Management in the Software Defined Networking Era. IEEE Technical Committee on Cybernetics for Cyber-Physical Systems 2017, 1(3), 4-8.
- Ranjan R, Thakker D, Haller A, Buyya R. A note on exploration of IoT generated big data using semantics. Future Generation Computer Systems 2017, 76, 495-498.
- Alqahtani A, Solaiman E, Buyya R, Ranjan R. End-to-End QoS Specification and Monitoring in the Internet of Things. IEEE Technical Committee on Cybernetics for Cyber-Physical Systems 2016, 1(2), 9-13.
- Ranjan R, Chen D, Jayaraman PP. Correction to: Adaptive machine learning in the IoT-edge-cloud continuum (Computing, (2023), 10.1007/s00607-023-01231-4). Computing 2024, 106, 1049-1049.
- Ranjan R, Jayaraman PP, Villari M, Georgakopoulos D. Advances in Orchestrating Sustainable Smart Cities (Part 2). IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing 2018, 3(1), 1-3.
- Sharma S, Puthal D, Jena SK, Zomaya AY, Ranjan R. Erratum to: Rendezvous based routing protocol for wireless sensor networks with mobile sink (The Journal of Supercomputing, (2017), 73, 3, (1168-1188), 10.1007/s11227-016-1801-0). Journal of Supercomputing 2017, 73(3), 1189-1191.
- Fizza K, Banerjee A, Mitra K, Jayaraman PP, Ranjan R, Patel P, Georgakopoulos D. QoE in IoT: a vision, survey and future directions. Discover Internet of Things 2021, 1, 4.
- Barra S, Choo K-KR, Nappi M, Castiglione A, Narducci F, Ranjan R. Biometrics-as-a-service: Cloud-based technology, systems, and applications. IEEE Cloud Computing 2018, 5(4), 33-37.
- Fazio M, Ranjan R, Girolami M, Taheri J, Dustdar S, Villari M. A Note on the Convergence of IoT, Edge, and Cloud Computing in Smart Cities. IEEE Cloud Computing 2018, 5(5), 22-24.
- Ranjan R, Phengsuwan J, James P, Barr S, Van Moorsel A. Urban Risk Analytics in the Cloud. IT Professional 2017, 19(2), 4-9.
- Weerasiri D, Barukh MC, Benatallah B, Sheng QZ, Ranjan R. A Taxonomy and Survey of Cloud Resource Orchestration Techniques. ACM Computing Surveys 2017, 50(2), 26.
- Zhao LJ, Chen LJ, Ranjan R, Choo KKR, He JJ. Geographical information system parallelization for spatial big data processing: a review. Cluster Computing 2016, 19(1), 139-152.