Staff Profile
Dr Tejal Shah
Director of Education
- Email:
- Address: School of Computing,
Urban Sciences Building,
Newcastle University,
Newcastle upon Tyne,
Tejal is the Director of Education in the School of Computing leading on the learning and teaching strategy and is responsible for the quality of education within the school. She is a Lecturer in Informatics and member of the Networked and Ubiquitous Systems Engineering (NUSE) group.
Previously, Tejal has led on the design and delivery of multi-disciplinary Continuing Professional Development programmes that focus on digital skills and knowledge development across various domains including the accredited Health Informatics CPD programme. She has also delivered a keynote talk, "Demystify SNOMED CT: Training Considerations" at the April 2021 Business Meetings, SNOMED International, which is a major international conference with participation from over 80 countries that have adopted SNOMED CT for health data management and analysis.
She was a core member of the interdisciplinary team that developed the first degree apprenticeship programmes in the school - level 7 Digital and Technology Solutions Specialist Integrated Degree Apprenticeship programmes (Cyber Security, Data Analytics, and Software Engineering specialisms) - and undertook the role of skills coach for the degree apprentices on the Cyber Security and Software Engineering specialisms as well as being the deputy DPD for the latter specialism.
Tejal joined Newcastle University in 2017, having just completed her PhD, as a Research Associate in the Institute of Health and Society, working on the Connected Health Cities (CHC) programme where she was involved in designing computational models for consent and application of Semantic Web Technologies for data harmonisation and integration for patient data analysis. Prior to joining Newcastle University, she was a Research Assistant in the School of Information Technologies at the University of Sydney where she worked on the implementation of SNOMED CT in the in-house health information system that was developed as part of a research project.
Tejal is a Fellow of the British Computing Society (FBCS) and Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA).
- R. Ranjan (PI), O. Rana, T. Shah, C. Maple, G. Morgan, T. Szydlo, E. Solaiman, V. Ojha et al. National Edge AI Hub for Real Data: Edge Intelligence for Cyber-disturbances and Data Quality, EPSRC, EP/Y028813/1, February 2024 - January 2029, £15,000,000 - FEC (incl. contributions from industry partners).
- M. Forshaw (PI), T. Shah, R. Valentine, S. Marsham, M. Devlin, Short Course Trial on Digital Healthcare (Health Informatics), Department for Education and Office for Students for Higher Education, 2021, £201,617.
- PhD in Computer Science - University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia (jointly funded by CSIRO and Australian Postgraduate Awards Scholarship)
- Master of Health Informatics - University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia (recipient of University of Sydney Dean's Scholar Award and NSW Health Department's Prize for Academic Excellence in Health Informatics)
- Bachelor of Dental Surgery - Government Dental College and Hospital, Mumbai, India.
Postgraduate teaching
Module Lead:
CSC8426 Emerging Technologies
CSC8415 Strategic Case Studies (Ethical, Legal, and Social considerations in digital innovation)
CSC8112 Internet of Things
Tejal's research interests include knowledge representation and reasoning in the context of Semantic Web. Her research focus is on the application of ontologies to domains with complex data modelling and analytics requirements such as IoT and healthcare. Specific use cases include smart urban planning such as hazard prediction, cybersecurity risk prediction in autonomous vehicle infrastructure, circular supply chain information standardisation, transfer learning for smart buildings, autonomous decision explainability, and digital health. She is currently supervising 4 and co-supervising 7 doctoral students on the following topics:
- Scalable and Continuous Federated Learning on Edge-Cloud Computing
- Automated Threat Prediction and Healing for Electrical Vehicle Charging Station
- Ontology-based Cyber Threat Intelligence Modelling and Reasoning for Autonomous Vehicles
- Facilitating interoperability in circular supply chains through standardisation
- Symbolic reasoning to improve AI trustworthiness in safety-critical systems
- Lifelong Learning and Data Imputation on Resource-Constrained Edge and TinyML Devices
- Integrating digital health into undergraduate pharmacy curricula
- Risk modelling and cyber threat analysis for Electric Vehicle charging ecosystem
- Log-based Analysis Frameworks on Big Data Systems
- Enhancing Intelligence with Internet of Things
- Data Management Frameworks on Blockchain for Auditability and Provenance
Publication list:
- Mashael Alowais M, Rudd G, Besa V, Nazar H, Shah T, Tolley C. Digital literacy in undergraduate pharmacy education: a scoping review. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2024, 31(3), 732-745.
- Dwivedi R, Dave D, Naik H, Singhal S, Rana O, Patel P, Qian B, Wen Z, Shah T, Morgan G, Ranjan R. Explainable AI (XAI): Core Ideas, Techniques and Solutions. ACM Computing Surveys 2023, 55(9), 1–33.
- Sun R, Li Y, Shah T, Sham RWH, Szydlo T, Qian B, Thakker D, Ranjan R. FedMSA: A Model Selection and Adaptation System for Federated Learning. Sensors 2022, 22(19), 7244.
- Phengsuwan J, Shah T, Sun R, James P, Thakker D, Ranjan R. An ontology-based system for discovering landslide-induced emergencies in electrical grid. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 2022, 33(3), e3899.
- Phengsuwan J, Shah T, Thekkummal NB, Wen Z, Sun R, Pullarkatt D, Thirugnanam H, Ramesh MV, Morgan G, James P, Ranjan R. Use of social media data in disaster management: A survey. Future Internet 2021, 13(2), 46.
- Thakker D, Patel P, Intizar Ali M, Shah T, Thuluva AS, Anicic D, Rudolph S, Adikari M. Semantic Node-RED for rapid development of interoperable industrial IoT applications. Semantic Web 2020, 11(6), 949-975.
- Thakker D, Patel P, Intizar Ali M, Shah T, De Roode M, Fernandez-Izquierdo A, Daniele L, Poveda-Villalon M, Garcia-Castro R. SAREF4INMA: A SAREF extension for the industry and manufacturing domain. Semantic Web 2020, 11(6), 911-926.
- Phengsuwan J, Shah T, James P, Thakker D, Barr S, Ranjan R. Ontology-based discovery of time-series data sources for landslide early warning system. Computing 2020, 102, 745-763.
- Thakker D, Patel P, Intizar Ali M, Shah T, Ramirez-Duran VJ, Berges I, Illarramendi A. ExtruOnt: An ontology for describing a type of manufacturing machine for Industry 4.0 systems. Semantic Web 2020, 11(6), 887-909.
- Thakker D, Patel P, Intizar Ali M, Shah T, Cao Q, Samet A, Zanni-Merk C, De Bertrand De Beuvron F, Reich C. Combining chronicle mining and semantics for predictive maintenance in manufacturing processes. Semantic Web 2020, 11(6), 927-948.
- Shah T, Wilson L, Booth N, Butters O, McDonald J, Common K, Martin M, Minion J, Burton P, Murtagh M. Information-sharing in health and social care: Lessons from a socio-technical initiative. Public Money and Management 2019, 39(5), 359-363.
- Ke H, Chen D, Li X, Tang Y, Shah T, Ranjan R. Towards Brain Big Data Classification: Epileptic EEG Identification with a Lightweight VGGNet on Global MIC. IEEE Access 2018, 6, 14722-14733.
- Varghese B, Villari M, Rana O, James P, Shah T, Fazio M, Ranjan R. Realizing Edge Marketplaces: Challenges and Opportunities. IEEE Cloud Computing 2018, 5(6), 9-20.
- Ke H, Chen D, Shah T, Liu X, Zhang X, Zhang L, Li X. Cloud-aided online EEG classification system for brain healthcare: A case study of depression evaluation with a lightweight CNN. Software - Practice and Experience 2018, Epub ahead of print.
- Garg S, Aryal J, Wang H, Shah T, Kecskemeti G, Ranjan R. Cloud computing based bushfire prediction for cyber-physical emergency applications. Future Generation Computer Systems 2018, 79(1), 354-363.
- Han W, Deng Z, Chu J, Zhu J, Gao P, Shah T. A parallel online trajectory compression approach for supporting big data workflow. Computing 2018, 100(1), 3-20.
- Shah T, Yavari A, Saguna S, Mitra K, Jayaraman PP, Rabhi F, Ranjan R. Remote healthcare cyber-physical system:quality of service (QoS) challenges and opportunities. IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications 2016, 1(1), 40-48.
- Sun S, Song W, Zomaya AY, Xiang Y, Choo KKR, Shah T, Wang L. Associative retrieval in spatial big data based on spreading activation with semantic technology. Future Generation Computer Systems 2016, 76, 499-509.
- Shah T, Rabhi F, Ray T. Investigating an ontology-based approach for Big Data analysis of inter-dependent medical and oral health conditions. Cluster Computing 2015, 18(1), 351-367.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Al-Ameen S, Sudharsan B, Al-Taie R, Shah T, Ranjan R. LEAP: Lifelong Learning Edge-Cloud Adaptive Fused Framework for Mobility Prediction. In: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2024). 2025, Washington DC, USA: IEEE.
- Zhang Y, Duan H, Sun R, Cheng Y, Shah T, Ranjan R, Wei B. LAGD: Local topological-Alignment and Global semantic-Deconstruction for Incremental 3D Semantic Segmentation. In: The 39th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-25). 2025, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
- Adu-Duodu Kwabena, Wilson Stanly, Li Yinhao, Oladimeji A, Huraysi Talea, Barati Masoud, Perera Charith, Solaiman Ellis, Rana Omer, Ranjan Rajiv, Shah Tejal. A Circular Construction Product Ontology for End-of-Life Decision-Making. In: The 40th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC). 2025, Sicily, Italy: ACM. In Press.
- Al-Ameen S, Sudharsan B, Vijaykumar T, Szydlo T, Shah T, Ranjan R. Poly Instance Recurrent Neural Network for Real-time Lifelong Learning at the low-power Edge. In: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2024). 2024, Washington DC, USA: IEEE.
- Duan H, Rui S, Ojha V, Shah T, Huang Z, Ouyang Z, Huang Y, Long Y, Ranjan R. Dual Variational Knowledge Attention for Class Incremental Vision Transformer. In: International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2024). 2024, Yokohama, Japan: IEEE.
- Al-Ameen S, Sudharsan B, Szydlo T, Al-Taie R, Shah T, Ranjan R. Tiny-Impute: A Framework for On-device Data Quality Validation, Hybrid Anomaly Detection, and Data Imputation at the Edge. In: IEEE/ACM 16th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC ’23). 2023, Taormina (Messina), Italy: Association for Computing Machinery.
- Xie X, Herrera M, Shah T, Kassem M, James P. Learning partial correlation graph for multivariate sensor data and detecting sensor communities in smart buildings. In: Proceedings LDAC2023 - 11th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction. 2023, Matera, Italy: CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Wen Z, Phengsuwan J, Thekkummal NB, Sun R, Jamathi-Chidananda P, Shah T, James P, Ranjan R. Active Hazard Observation via Human in the Loop Social Media Analytics System. In: CIKM '20: Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management. 2020, Ireland Virtual: ACM.
- Jayaraman PP, Mitra K, Saguna S, Shah T, Georgakopoulos D, Ranjan R. Orchestrating Quality of Service in the Cloud of Things Ecosystem. In: 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Nanoelectronic and Information Systems. 2015, Indore, India: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
- Shah T, Rabhi F, Ray P, Taylor K. A guiding framework for ontology reuse in the biomedical domain. In: 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 2014, Waikoloa, HI, USA: IEEE.
- Shah T, Rabhi F, Ray P. OSHCO: A cross-domain ontology for semantic interoperability across medical and oral health. In: 15th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications & Services (Healthcom). 2013, Lisbon, Portugal: IEEE.
- Shah T, Rabhi F, Ray P, Taylor K. Enhancing automated decision support across Medical and Oral Health domains with semantic web technologies. In: 24th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS). 2013, Melbourne, Australia: RMIT University.
- Thakker D, Patel P, Ali MI, Shah T. Semantic Web of Things for Industry 4.0. Semantic Web 2020, 11(6), 885-886.