EPSRC Doctoral Landscape Awards (DLA)
PhD Studentships in Computer Science
The School of Computing at Newcastle University expects to offer three full time PhD studentships on a subset of the following projects:
COMPDLA01 - Enhancing Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning with Incentives
Supervisor: Dr Aydin Abadi
COMPDLA02 - Building a Trusted Smart Home Ecosystem with Zero Trust Principles
Supervisor: Dr Devki Nandan Jha
COMPDLA03 - Analysing and Visualizing Brain-Heart Interactions in Health and Disease Using Visually Explainable AI
Supervisor: Dr Alaa Alahmadi
COMPDLA04 - Physics-Informed Data-Driven Techniques for Secure and Safe Autonomous Systems
Supervisor: Dr Amy Nejati
COMPDLA05 - Adaptive Trajectory Optimization of 6G-Endable Drones Integrating Multi-Access Edge Computing for Border Surveillance
Supervisor: Dr Husnain Sherazi
COMPDLA06 - Promoting AI Literacy through Interactive Visualisations
Supervisor: Dr Xinhuan Shu
COMPDLA07 - Disparity Correction in Machine Learning for Healthcare
Supervisor: Dr Vlad González-Zelaya
COMPDLA08 - Design and Implementation of Computation and Communication Efficient Distributed Machine Learning Frameworks for Edge AI
Supervisor: Dr Rehmat Ullah
Prospective Students are encouraged to contact potential supervisors for more information on each project. Applicants can apply for more than one project.
You will be expected to start in October of the academic year 2025/2026, the studentship will cover 100% fees and stipend at UKRI level for 4 years full time PhD studies. (2024-2025 UKRI rate £19,237)
The deadline for applications is 28 February 2025, applications recieved after this date may not be considered.
A minimum 2:1 Honours degree or international equivalent in a subject relevant to the proposed PhD project (such as mathematics or theoretical physics) is our standard entry, however we place value on prior experience, enthusiasm for research, and the ability to think and work independently. Excellent Analytical skills and strong verbal and written communication skills are also essential requirements. A Masters qualification is not required if you have a minimum 2:1 degree or can evidence alternative experience in a work or research-based project. If you have alternative qualifications or experience, please contact us to discuss.
For EPSRC DLA applications we are following the EDEPI competency-based framework.
Please read and complete this document as your Personal statement. You should upload a copy as part of your application, if we do not receive this completed document your application will not be considered. Further details can be found here.
Home and international applicants (inc. EU) are welcome to apply and if successful will receive a full studentship. Applicants whose first language is not English require an IELTS score of 6.5 overall with a minimum of 5.5 in all sub-skills.
International applicants may require an ATAS (Academic Technology Approval Scheme) clearance certificate prior to obtaining their visa and to study on this programme.
How to Apply
You should apply using the University’s Apply to Newcastle Portal
Once registered you should select ‘Create a Postgraduate Application’.
Use ‘Course Search’ to identify your programme of study:
- search for the ‘Course Title’ using the programme code 8050F
- research area: Computing Science
- select ‘PhD Computer Science’ as the programme of study
You will then need to provide the following information in the ‘Further Details’ section:
- a ‘Personal Statement’ (this is a mandatory field) – use this document.
- the studentship code: use relevant project code e.g. COMPDLA01 in the ‘Studentship/Partnership Reference’ field.
- when prompted for how you are providing your research proposal - select ‘Write Proposal’. You should then type in the title of the research project from this advert. You do not need to upload a research proposal.
If you are applying for multiple projects then you must submit one application per project, you cannot apply for multiple projects on one application.
If you have any other queries please contact us at computing.pgradmin@newcastle.ac.uk