Undergraduate Resources
These resources provide information on teaching and learning activities and opportunities available to our undergraduate students.
Key dates
Term and semester dates for this academic year.
Presenting your work
Students are required to present their work carefully, and in accordance with an internationally-recognized academic style guide. For advice on careful presentation of material, including such things as quotation, paraphrase, and avoiding plagiarism, we advise using The Academic Skills Kit. As for style:
- Work submitted for literature modules should be presented in MLA 9 style.
- Generate citations in MLA 9 style using Cite Them Right (available free through the library).
- Work submitted for language and linguistics modules should be presented in Harvard style.
- Consult the Language and Linguistics Style Guide for further information.
- Additional support on referencing is available through the Teach Yourself Referencing Canvas course; and the Library Guide to Referencing.
Regulations and policies
The following regulations and policies relate to all undergraduate students in the School.
- Degree Regulations
- Student Terms and Conditions
- Student Procedures and Policy
- UG Moderation and Scaling Policy 24-25
- Work Placements
Marking criteria are listed on the Assessment and Feedback page.
Sensitive material
Undergraduate students in the School of English and in the Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty have raised the issue of sensitive topics covered in teaching.
Such topics might include the depiction/discussion of rape, suicide, graphic violence and other themes of this kind.
In humanities areas, such as the ones taught in our School (Literature, Language, Film, Linguistics and Creative Writing), the focus often tends to be the human subject and so it is inevitable that distressing life events and situations can and will be encountered in texts and assignments.
All module leaders provide information in advance about the content of modules.
Students with concerns about the content of any module are encouraged to use this information to consider how best they can prepare themselves to study challenging material in a way that is appropriate to them.
Module/seminar leaders, personal tutors and the Student Wellbeing Service can all provide support and guidance with this process.
If you feel that you would like to appeal against a decision made by the Final Board of Examiners, please follow the academic queries and appeals procedure.
All appeals should be directed to sels-appeals@newcastle.ac.uk.
Queries and complaints
We hope you never feel the need to raise a complaint. If the situation does ever arise, you should familiarise yourself with the University's complaints procedure.
If you would like to submit a complaint to the School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics under level 1 of the complaints procedure, you should email sels-complaints@newcastle.ac.uk.