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Transition from Foundation to MBBS: A Seamless Journey to Medical Mastery

Transitioning from high school to medical school can be an arduous process. At Newcastle University Medicine Malaysia (NUMed), this transition is designed to be both smooth and enriching, equipping students with the necessary skills and knowledge for a successful medical career.

14 July 2024

Transitioning from high school to medical school can be an arduous process. At Newcastle University Medicine Malaysia (NUMed), this transition is designed to be both smooth and enriching, equipping students with the necessary skills and knowledge for a successful medical career.

The Foundation in Biological and Biomedical Sciences programme at NUMed serves as a critical stepping stone for students aiming to pursue an MBBS degree. This preparatory year focuses on developing a robust grounding in essential scientific principles, which are crucial for the study of medicine. The curriculum is meticulously crafted to include fundamental subjects such as biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics, along with an introduction to medical sciences.

According to Chan Wen Jun, a current Year 1 Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) student who previously completed her  Foundation in Biological and Biomedical Sciences at NUMed, the pre-undergraduate year served as an excellent preparation for transitioning to medical school. 

“In the Biology 2 module, we delved into human physiology, laying a solid foundation for understanding crucial concepts in MBBS Year 1. Moreover, the English language module proved invaluable as it equipped us with essential academic skills such as referencing, abstract writing, and presentation techniques, which are paramount in our assignments and future studies,” Chan added.

Besides academic learning, the Foundation year at NUMed focuses on honing essential skills such as scientific inquiry, problem-solving, and effective communication. “Completing the Foundation programme has proven to be an invaluable investment in my academic journey. It provided a smooth transition into the academic rigour of MBBS Year 1 by introducing me to key concepts, learning styles, and study techniques,” said Chan.

According to her, the medical studies module provided a glimpse into basic clinical skills and early exposure to MBBS content. She also discovered new learning styles during the year, which proved invaluable in managing the substantial content load of the MBBS programme.

Additionally, the friendships and support network Chan built during her Foundation year continues to be a valuable asset in her academic and personal journey.

One of the most memorable aspects of my Foundation year at NUMed was the vibrant array of extracurricular activities that enriched my experience. I participated in club activities and the Student Association as a Foundation representative. This position provided invaluable opportunities to collaborate with peers, contribute to event planning efforts, and develop effective time management skills,” Chan explained. 

She also provided her two cents to SPM/IGCSE students who are considering enrolling into the Foundation programme. “As someone who went through the process, here are some heartfelt tips for SPM/IGCSE students thinking about joining NUMed’s Foundation programme. Firstly, don't miss the chance to visit the campus during open days; it really gives you a feel for the place and helps you imagine yourself there. Talking to faculty members and seniors is a game-changer. They share insights that you won't find in brochures, giving you a real sense of what to expect.”

Thank you for sharing your experience and advice, Wen Jun! 

With a strong foundation in basic sciences, early clinical exposure, and continuous support, NUMed students are poised to become competent, compassionate, and globally-minded medical professionals. Get in touch with us to find out more.