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Accommodation Overview

Find out information about our accommodation

A welcoming environment

NUMed Malaysia has its own managed student accommodation. It is multinational, multi-ethnic and multicultural.

Using free transport we provide, the accommodation is five minutes from the campus. We also provide transport between the accommodation and nearby facilities. Those facilities include eateries, shopping centres, entertainment outlets and other recreational attractions.

Please download our NUMed Accommodation Brochure 2025/26

Access to great facilities

We offer high-quality self-catering apartments. They comprise study-bedrooms sharing a central kitchen/living room and shower facilities. Each apartment houses four to six students. Students are responsible for taking care of their own unit.

Each apartment has its own fridge, cooker and washing machine. The air-conditioned apartments also have wireless internet access.

There is also a swimming pool and gymnasium on-site at our accommodation. All resident students have free access to both.

Safety and security services

The apartments are within a gated community, with 24-hour, non-intrusive security.

The accommodation team will provide services and facilities that enhance your experience. You will get their support and attention at all times.

Amenities and transport

The shuttle transport service operates from 08:00 - 18:00, seven days a week. There is a reduced service on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.