There are many advantages to choosing university-managed accommodation.
As your landlord, the university takes its responsibility seriously. We try to provide a living environment suitable for both study and relaxation.
NUMed Malaysia-managed accommodation is safe and secure, with 24-hour, non-invasive security.
In our accommodation, you will meet people from diverse cultural and social backgrounds.
Our transparent pricing structure covers most fees, making it easier to budget. The cost includes internet charges.
The accommodation is close to major eateries, shopping centres and leisure activities.

All kitchens have a large-capacity fridge, a cooker, a stovetop burner and a microwave oven. Each apartment has a washing machine, so no more queuing!
All students living at the apartments have free access to the swimming pool and gym.
Our contracts cover the full academic year, including Christmas and Easter vacations. This means there is no need to empty your room when you go home for short visits.
As an undergraduate student, you have the option to extend your stay over the summer vacation.

Alternative accommodation
You may choose to stay at the student accommodation in EduCity, also known as the Student Village.
The Student Village only offers basic accommodation and is not managed by NUMed Malaysia. Your contract would be with Education@Iskandar.
For further information about this option, email EduCity Accommodation Team.